Saturday, May 8, 2010

How To Build Fake Fire Logs

What is after the swan song?

Without necessarily having a cause and effect, I left for Rome in September 1958 represents a major shift in the Western world.

P ie XII gives the kick, leaving his place to a transition. The

Kennedy USA, are preparing their colt, John Fitzgerald.

In Quebec, Schefferville awaiting a final tribute to Maurice.

Charles de Gaulle gave the kiss of death to the Fourth Republic and opens the Fifth Republic with support of 80% of the population. "I have understood you"

Adenauer this ancestor of the political world, collects the stones that rise up the Berlin Wall .

Fidel Castro wages war against the regime of Fulgencio Batista.

Mao Zedong launches the "Great Leap Forward "

"War and Peace, another swan song of the day in agony, sells its screens to the" Dolce Vita , "Charles Trenet its stage to Gilbert Becaud

Picasso painted "The Fall of Icarus "for Unesco and Riopelle mentioned the Guggenheim International Award, is preparing his return to Quebec (1960)

Raymond Lévesque founded the first song box, The Bozos (1959)

Brother Doe braid the fuse that will ignite the Quiet Revolution.

And I do my luggage for my first trip overseas.

Between swansong announced in the serial No. 20 and the memory turns initiated, an interlude of two or three weeks is required. This stage of my resume is too too important and serious consequences to treat lightly.

Furthermore, the author, proofreader and editor-and surely the reader-to the task for nearly six months, would love to smell the aromas of this spring is still given to us.

Vol 2 will be back in late May with the story of my little odyssey from Montreal to Rome and some related thoughts about Jesus Magister pivot of my own turn.


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