Saturday, April 24, 2010

Inposttitle:guys With Hairy Legs

19 - Saint-Jovite (1951-54)

In the village
To appease me and say nothing, my mother knew
find phrases:
must the Church remains in the middle of the village.
Lurette La Belle (1935) Quotes Henry Calet

Turning to rev ue my memories of St-Jovite, I had the idea to go swimming with little brother jase Jean-Luc Brissette who taught there from 1941 to 1946. So I stop in Ste-Agathe where he lives with three brothers: the brother Jean-Noel Marcoux , 94 years, second in order of seniority of Canadian brothers, who taught for fifty-three years Sacred Heart College in Ste-Agathe brother Lucien Desrosiers, director, the youngest of the group, who has taught thirty years at the College; brother Gilles Lafontaine, a native of Ste-Agathe, there is income after spending more Much of his teaching career in Côte d'Ivoire in Africa.

Since they left their residence at the College, the brothers are in a simple house on rue Nantel, in front of Lac des Sables.

Sainte-Agathe received his first Brothers of the Sacred Heart in 1903, a year after Saint-Jovite. It will be the last parish north of Montreal to host them. Within two years, in fact, the residence of Ste-Agathe will also be closed.

Brother Briss ette remained there for twenty-three years. At ninety-two years, he is the fifteenth oldest brother Sacred Heart's only province in Canada. Still alert as a young man, he greets me with great cordiality. Some watches are always found on his desk. This practice still in effect, as a hobby, the craft of jewelry in addition to several of his other titles.

Brother Jean-Luc was prepared for me a few numbers of Yearbooks of the Institute, who compiled the list of denominations in the province of Montreal during my years in the North. (1951-58)

He tells me the story of Msgr. Mercury. A clergyman (still in seminary) who, in connivance with some priests from the Diocese of St. Hyacinthe in conflict with their bishop, left his diocese to join the Mont-Laurier. In 1932, Father Rudolph Mercury was named pastor of St. Jovite, the fourth since the founding of the parish in 1879. He will assume this cure until his retirement in 1967.

The first Brothers of the Sacred Heart arrived in St-Jovite in 1902. There were three French brothers ais. After a year or two, they were recalled by their provincial superior, Theodule brother, because their housing was unsafe, "not suitable", reviews say. Three brothers

Quebec opened a new school at St Jovite in 1931, Maxim brother, my brother, Master at the school, was its first director. Brother Jean-Luc came here in January 1941. In March of that year, the school burns down due to the negligence of a smoker who was attending a meeting of the City Council.

Classes have resumed in makeshift premises a few days after the fire. Ildéric brother and his 43 students held a funeral while another class was housed in an old stable which was also used to shoe horses. The class's brother Jean-Luc ended the year in a local IPC. The brothers were temporarily housed at the rectory had over sixteen plays.

Brother Brissette end storyteller, tells me a few stories that show how tasty St-Jovite, the Brothers were well integrated into parish life.

The persuasions of August 15, 1951 catapult me to St. Jovite. I will have the burden of the 7th year, the sports and the JEC. The staff consists of six brothers: brother Louis Adelard eds. Roussin which comes from the College and will take charge the 8th and 9th years and the choir. Brother Ronald, my group arrived novitiate of Gracefield. It will hold the sixth year and will lead the 4-H club. Brother Jean-Bernard High School has, he will hold the fourth year and will take charge of the Eucharistic Crusade. Brother Arthur, who is in his second year at St-Jovite, will hold the 2nd year and assistant athletics.

Brother Olivain since 1942 is the pillar of St. Jovite. He teaches students in Grade 5, is director of choirboys and host of the Association he founded several years ago. The welcome we have done is warm, the site is enchanting, residence, adjoining the school is cute, and the fame of the brothers of the most enviable. Another paradise full of promise.

the third year, the brothers Jean-Bernard, Arthur and Louis Adelard will be replaced by brothers Gaston, director, and Pierre Romain. Brother Ronald community remains the only survivor of nine brothers who taught at St-Jovite during those three years. Olivain brothers and Gaston died in the community and others returned to secular life, giving a retention rate of 33.3%. Total Immersion

In St.-Jovite, teaching had become a routine for me, as a e second nature. I was comfortable and my class was buzzing like a hive of activity well-organized. The children were well-attended parents that we met twice a year. Supreme comfort during my three years at St-Jovite, I drove the three young Juvénat Granby and two for Chertsey. Two of them walked up to the vows. Everything went smoothly

school. This is especially through their involvement in extracurricular activities or parish that the brothers made their mark in St-Jovite. The extracurricular

Make two pairs of skate sharpening for five pennies

Deputy na the residence offered a free space. It was quickly converted into a workshop with the brother Ronald and me. A bench top two-seater school becomes the table of the saw and the support for the skate sharpener. Novelty of the hour, from Sears, a wheel that rotates horizontally. The skates are sharpened in the direction of the blade and not vertically like this was done at school and everywhere Best. Sharpening a lot softer and more uniform as among professionals.

were asked five pennies pair. A bargain price! And for the children of one family, five cents for two pairs and ten cents for three. Even girls of the convent came to sharpen their skates at home. In three years, we certainly have to recoup the costs of the grinding wheel and the accompanying media and probably also that of the table saw.

Corners rounded Ice

was the tradition. Each fall, the brothers rode the bands of p atinoire. Forget the closed timber & Son [1] provided wood, ironwork Emile Best provided the hardware and the last Saturday of October, with the help of the older school and some Alumni friendly repairing the bands and brackets, we paint, we installed the poles and fixtures. Everything had to be ready before the first frost.

Usually every corner of the rink was closed by a band set at 45o degrees. Brother Ronald in clever and experienced handyman, rounded corners as imagined in the Forum. Eight angle irons, one side was sawn at every inch and a half and the other side attached by screws to the vertical boards of the band. Some piles driven into the ground and this band became rounded quadrant. He had to think and do. However, storing the bands that took the form of a cradle was a bit inconvenient.

was also constructed as the players' benches and doors that opened to the outside of the rink. Real pros. We wove the threads of the same hockey goals.

Going capable of anything

was one of the rules proposed to the brothers living in the Rules and Constitutions, old version. I had noted in my life plan. How many things we do in St-Jovite!

In the fall of 1952, there was a school that met conventum friendlies provinces Granby and Montreal. The choir of Granby, led by the brother Julian, was to give a concert. To receive them properly, we had to redo the front of the theater. I see myself with Mr. Alcide Forget a significant way to retirement, who came to school in Cadillac to help me take the wood and panels required to cover the walls. Brother Ronald and I were novices in this business. This was "not bad"! as we said then. Well enough to earn us praise from the gallery.

Each year, the Association of St-Jovite also rode a play they would play in the surrounding parishes. It was moving behind the scenes. Brother Ronald built the six panels that included the setting and covered them with cotton cloth on which I painted a landscape of rustic summer.

In the second year of my presence in St-Jovite, the Association had with a ski lift which was provided by a cable such as that manufactured my father Lucian. The cable was coated with rosin to ensure a better grip. He was held in both hands and, in mild weather, it was dripping all over dirt stains gray robes of our 'flying dresses " [2] . He was baptized this between c and draw a billboard. I spotted a postcard drawing of a penguin skiing, easier to paint a beaver, a panel of eight feet. St-Jovite Mont-announced his Penguin at the same time and with as much pride as Ste-Agathe attracted clients with its Mount Castor. I felt great pride, although still somewhat lower than that afforded me the novitiate, my first painting on Christmas alabastine.


us Our housekeeper was entirely devoted. She treated us like his children. She cooked us excellent meals surprise, and even guessed that it tastes liked to meet. At Christmas, she made each of the gifts that testified to his good taste and especially his great generosity.

Mrs. L. also owned a wasteland about two miles from school. A Saturday in May, the village could see a move curious crew: a 'waguine' pulled by a tractor and in which there were lots of garden soil, manure, garden tools and six brothers from school, in a cassock that accompanied their housekeeper to her garden out walls.

Subsequently, the Director-brother often went with her to maintain this garden, which gave us a good supply of potatoes, tomatoes, carrots and peas that we have preserved. It was thus easy as pie, my mother would say. Nobody was passing remarks. Time of innocence as before in the first garden between the Tigris and Euphrates.

Club 4-H
Brother Ronald inherited the 4-H Club . With the club, had his spiritual father, Mr. Fortier, appointed by the IPC improve nagement forest in the region. And with Mr. Fortier, a bonus, there was also its "pick up" that was used to transport club members and all the rigging necessary for their activities in forests and often also to meet certain transportation needs of the community . In that time, only the provincial brother had his car with driver.

Every Saturday or nearly twenty young arrived at school and off again to spend the day in the forest. The 4-H club was the pride of St-Jovite, more even than the JEC, which itself had the blessings of the clergy. The four "H" correspond to the four virtues that club members pledged to observe at all times: HONOR in the acts, means honesty, skill in work and in the conduct HUMANITY.

Under the recommendation of Bishop. Mercury, the 4-H Club of St-Jovite was founded in 1942 by none other than the brother Jean-Luc, guide my memories in St-Jovite.

SEE-JUDGE-ACT. What a wonderful program of human and Christian education. All religious leaders warmly recommended the formation of teams JEC. There were in all schools. I was in charge at St-Jovite. This was the solution that the Church had found to defeat the communist worker cells. Wonderful discovery which, together with many other factors have contributed to the transformation of thought and the presence of the Church which marked the end of the twentieth century in Quebec and throughout the Western world.

However, in 1950, in a school primary or preached submission to God and authority, self-effacement and sacrifice, the importance of religious practices hello effects automatically, the slogan of the Catholic Action trumpet sounded as in an assembly the deaf.

themes and programs of activities that we proposed plant were abstractions, shoveling cloud. Moreover, it was launched in the heat of the Catholic Action without any preparation. There were a few meetings during the holidays than a day or two of training for JEC. I remember Gerard Pelletier, who came one afternoon the camp of Christian Brothers in Val-Morin, shirtsleeves reported, the allure and the language of false labor, we talk about Catholic Action, that we implanted in the academic or workman. I never had the feeling of having fired many benefits of these training meetings between communities. Assemblies of Chinese seeking to be taught a culture that no one really knows.

Initiate youth of thirteen years from the 50s to the Catholic Action was like trying to teach them to swim against the tide. The slogans and programs that incited transform the environment, to act on similar to release stress, to think for yourself I have always appeared in door-to-false if not in opposition to education, which was then given to these kids.

We had good casting molds in our conformist the program suggested by the middle of the JEC. We acted without seeing, instead of judging, we repeated our judgments of others and act within the scope of good habits to acquire. Under the name of Catholic Action, were served our good old soup, seasoned with our traditional values.

During the week of the JEC, the school was decked CATHOLIC ACTION and schedule a little upset by the activities proposed by the Central Office. Thus, after recess Friday afternoon, there was no class. Each class had prepared a play or a skit by Reginald Boisvert suggested in the books of Catholic Action. It was nice and fun. Students who held the plays in the role of bizarre characters and symbolic or who faced the public to explain the slogans of the hour earned plumb and emotions. As for real action on the middle, similar to the similar it will take a little longer.

I also remember going to Mont-Laurier jécistes a meeting of representatives of each school. A parade of good feelings and reports of more or less bogus. We applauded the reports were glowing, it was a good figure, all-the-world gave pats on the back, pretending to be happy. It was certainly better than living in the interior walls of his school, its parochialism. But that door-to-fake!


I've never been also revered as brother during my stay in St-Jovite. Between Christmas and New Year's Day, PL Olivain great friend's brother brought us faithfully with his wishes, a crate of beer he was carrying on a train-sauvage. There were also, each with its pitch and its brands of attention, the President of the school board together with any commission area; O. Boivin village mayor and E. Paquette, mayor of the parish, the Grand Knight and the president of the Société St-Jean-Baptiste.

In the fall, we were invited to join various groups of many hunters in the region. The slopes of Mount Gray Rocks we were open for free, and the ski lifts that serve them.

The Knights of Columbus mobilized our school for their annual initiation. They then pay us a trip to Mont Tremblant or St. Agatha.

The President of the Société St-Jean-Baptiste counted on us to write him a speech he read with difficulty when the fire of St. John.

One year, I had prepared for him that was a reminder of the epic moments in our history. Taken with a fever, I could not attend the fire of St. John. Maybe had I found a trick to hide my shame? Let me explain. A few weeks before St John, the arrival of spring has inspired the parish priest to do us the pulpit denunciation to the punch of pornographic magazines that corrupted our youth. Savonarola young, I fed the plan to organize, during the fire of St. John, a book burning that would result from this evil. The President agreed, and it seemed to me too, the brothers of the community. I organized the school system a powerful collection of journals 'pornographic' which 'poisoned' homes in St-Jovite. What have we collected do you think? Spurred by an appropriate emulation system, the children brought piles of magazines, all glossy magazines for hunting, fishing, National Geographic, golf, old catalogs or Eaton Dupuis Frères, etc.. but I saw nothing pornographic.

I quickly realized my mistake and was ashamed of my innocence. But it was too late to retreat. The fever has arranged everything. Without stress, we left the magazines pile up. They used to light the fire of St. John, covering my shame from the ashes.

1952 - Perpetual Profession

In July 1952 after 21 days at the College Retirement Roussin, with twenty-six of my colleagues I pronounced the vows which induced me to life in the community of Brothers of the Sacred Heart.

I like the atmosphere in a gravity-retirement, a time a little slow when it is like a mirror in the presence of self, wrapped in a cocoon carrier that can be called both silence, divine peace. Prayers, four lectures per day, the long moments of reading, pacing in nature take time to smell the wind, hear the voices of normal weigh the various colors of atmospheres to suit his own feelings, play the Medusa before the wave of a red sun is setting, make retirement a time of renewal intravenously to recharge our batteries of immeasurable spiritual energy.

On top of a healing intense, all commitments and all expectations are taken for granted and engage in donation total immersion without constraint in all the mysteries that surround us. It is with full confidence and resolutions that returns to a normal life when one smiles in agreement, where one must walk in an interaction network and hope in the face of doubts still increasingly persistent weaknesses still humiliating.

On land, instead of floating in space, one must enter his car in the garage, to undergo thorough inspections of the carapace of resolutions that will take the time one morning. And the process repeated.

Finally my life of union with God came down to which exercises self-discipline fed some feeling of personal pride probably very far from the true Christian attitude. My spiritual director, while insisting on the virtue of humility that nourishes rather an attitude of simple abandonment to divine love, acknowledged that a certain asceticism helped quell the libido and paved the way for a genuine relationship God. What happened very rarely.

following two years of grace time repeating their regular carousel turns me back to the fire of St. John, who posed an end to the school year.

Without my knowledge or that I doubt even the fires of St. Jean 1954 put an end to my presence in this population so warm, leaving the school walls, on grass his playground, his winters with snow drifts and smells of spring spruce her care to keep the memory of those times of life and tell the tourists from overseas and the descendants of modern times.

(1) Alcide Forget was the first to install a sawmill in St-Jovite.
[2] Flying dresses: title had given an American journalist in an article he wrote about the brothers who were skiing in Ste-Agathe cassock.

Next issue: 20 - Juvénat St. Theodore de Chertsey

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Throat Cancer Ribbon Look Like

18 - Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon 1950

The sense of wonder
is a guarantee of happiness because life, as long as you know
force his hand, never refuses to
opportunities to marvel.
[Ginette Quirion] extract Forty years and still in 3rd year

community - 1950-51

Located on the shores of Lake Muskie St-Gabriel de Brandon is a dream location for nature lovers. This municipality contributes to the attractiveness of the cities of North without knowing the noisy excitement of the tourist centers. Life is good St-Gabriel. The Brothers of the Sacred Heart arrived in this town in Lanaudière in 1922. For

persuasions of 1950, we are seven brothers to appear on the list of staff: four old and three new ones.

Older: brother Theodosius eds. Teacher of 8th and 9th years, he is in his second year at St. Gabriel.

Brother s.-d. Emilien, who teaches toddlers came there in 1924. Emilien brother also runs the Association of former students who is very active in St. Gabriel.

Brother Adolphe, his blood brother, teaches Grade 7 for two years and deals with choirboys.

Brother Sarto is in Grade 6. It will also deal with the bugle.

Brother Prosper, 4th year, will lead the 4-H club

Brother Henry , 2nd year, is the assistant to brother Sarto bugle.

Brother Florian fifth year in charge of the Crusaders.

Of these seven brothers, four died in the community and two have returned to secular life. Brother Henry, who works for a long time in Haiti, is a member of the community Camp Le Manoir aux Landslides. So five out of seven brothers persevered, a rate of 71%.

So we must add personal concierge, PP, who lives near the community. It is often found before or after classes in the common room. There takes place as if they were home. He has a loud voice, and holding forth on everything that happens in the parish. He admires if not worship the brother Emilien. It also has the attention of brother Adolphus. The other brothers, as affected by recurrent allergy, are things to do elsewhere when they see it in the community room. Brother Director dare required. Powerless, he tolerated in silence.

PP manages the maintenance of the school as if he were the owner. There is discipline. Especially, it has a very sharp teeth by frequent spats with Mr. Smith and the School of Arts and Crafts. For there is another school in the school, the school of arts and crafts led by Mr. Smith. Their studio is adjacent to the recreation room. They are three professors to teach a group of twenty students from fourteen to eighteen years. I was told that our janitor was thrown into the furnace work in wood Students of Arts and Crafts had (without permission?) exposed in the recreation room. Silly little turf war.

Moon Christmas

It is two hours and thirty in the morning. After celebrating Christmas midnight mass, Christmas Eve and a moment of recreation hall, here we are, brother Henry and I, wearing old skis with rustic oak fasteners, sliding on a snow white silk all freshly fallen under a blue sky glittering with stars. The spirit of Christmas warms us. Virgin slopes which had marked the previous day about a mile from our residence to leave just guessing. It is nearly full moon.

trees extend
blue shadow on the brand new quilt.
flakes sparkle with thousands of lights
orchestrating their light tones in Christmas carols,
bewitching their minds Good News.
We are alone in the world,
snow white cassock,
In communion with the night light.
We dive as children
In this captivating batting, wild descents in

Tracked shattering falls
Underlined sound of our laughter
That pierce the silence blue
That night, the root of eternity. Patients in
lifts Ducks v
Punctuated by long moments of silence,
Balm entering each of our cells
and sacraments seal access to the temple of mysteries.
This instant timeless
We shall remember all the time.
Intoxicated, we returned a little before five o'clock, glad that the silence of our old mansion residence with dormer windows and mansard roof keeps intact the happiness of that night that we wore on the inside of us as the source of our future wonders.

St. Gabriel, brother Henry, the end of the jubilee year 1950 for me will always be associated with this unique Moon Christmas and will remain so, I'm sure, until the end of my last day on earth . One of my rarest and most precious moments of my eternity.

Tonight figure and sums up the year I spent at St. Gabriel. U not year thanks to our old residence, winter nights, was pushing his ice cube taps our rooms.

my class and my students are high on the enchanting picture that night. I remember, they are docile, eager, sparkling with intelligence. Many of these faces, still retain their names in my memories. I feel comfortable and at home watching this class. No more doubts about my vocation as a teaching brother.

The Crusaders came on Saturday morning. I learn with them the rites of this movement. I was surprised and edified e t I still have the zeal of these young people, through their generosity and the confident fervor with which they prayed. And then I discovered, what we have always known and that repeat endlessly, that through this activity that young people learn and that they undertake. I m'ingéniais they find all sorts of activities from crafts and coloring trips to the admiration of nature and expressions of gratitude to the "God" to the sun and snow, and plants animals. I did play St. Francis of Assisi.

My class was in front of the toddler's brother Emilien. I am amazed to see how this great teacher succeeded in a short time with the tenderness and simplicity of a grandmother to make these little bits of meaningless and fearful men, Young students arranged, radiating and happy to show at Christmas, they could read.

This wonder was a step in the education of my world view. At the School Best admired several brothers and several skills. I do not know what differences or nuances which linguists can be established between admire and marvel. Admiration refines the look, wonder internalizes the interpreter creative energies. Admiration from the subject who looks at the object of the gaze. It marks the distance between the subject who looks and who is looked. It is a gift to another. I marvel when I'm in the position of the receiver. The wonder is the subject of closer look, we hoarding, we are doing ours. These distinctions I did not set in 1950. I lived, I've built.

admiration and wonder, a wonderful couple who warmed my tone of life. One need not look far to discover the wonders of the world, the subtleties of intellect and warmth of the trust who knows their comfort zones to install wherever it may flourish. The wonders are there. Just a little technical stone carver to take ownership. So we go from admiration to awe.

Brother Prosper was also for me the object of great admiration tion that was easy to wonder. He was much older than me, yet I was well into his company. Low Gloss graduation, he had the patience, the art and the genius of a true educator. With few tools, he made birdhouses, decorated with taste and the great interest aroused by the club members He led 4-H. For many years. he taught in fourth grade and did not want to change. The executives have met its choice. It was surely for all a very good investment.

And this year was also a full cornucopia overflowing with the most diverse activities.

the evening after dinner, each equipped with an instrument of the bugle as the brother with brother Henry animated Sarto, we had the pleasure to resonate throughout the school air always repeated and always as a little skinned " Let the sea is beautiful, friends, leave without noise .... "

At the end of the year, realistically, I abandoned forever my music career, but I had fun then, together with brother Henry, to resonate throughout the school appeals to friendship, to hear the echo of their message and to respond with ingenuity.

Brother Henry, where art thou? What do you take your trumpet for me to meet as St. Gabriel! And we call OUR MOON CHRISTMAS. She charmed our return v years of the games and awaken our memories.

Woodworking has given me so much satisfaction. With the help of the concierge and probably unbeknownst to Mr. Smith, I had access to the workshop during the Arts and Crafts weekend. There were all the tools a carpenter may want to use and several species of wood dried at point-cherry mahogany through the black walnut and green juniper. It is rare in education to measure the fruit of his labor. The piece of wood that has been running, we coated with lacquer or varnish speaks as if she was telling us thank you for having created. When work is completed, it has a taste for playing God to the end: "And God saw that it was good ..." It's a whole other feeling than that which can be felt at the end of a successful school year even though . In the wee hours added blow, I managed to shape a few trinkets to the wood lathe, In June, I was proud to give my parents an ashtray, ash, set maple and walnut I preciously preserves.

then I also flirted with the brush. Brother Henry had produced wonderful paintings in autumn colors. I managed painting a small part might have been entitled "Deception fall." We were painting like the impressionists that we do not know, in nature. The challenge was far beyond my talents, but the wonder was still present.

People and things take the color of light is projected onto them.

And spare time, I continued to study Latin. I had the chance to benefit from the lessons of my first Latin teacher, brother Theodosius, director of the school. He explained the rules more complicated Petitmangin, me gave mnemonics ( pontem Caesar fecit-Do-Vestem pauperis is Delenda Carthago) and corrected my exercises. Three or four times a year, to prepare for the examination of the University, Stanislaus brother, then Director of Studies, sent us the themes and versions he corrected himself. In August this year, I successfully passed the examination of Latin at the University of Montreal. All I needed was Greek, and the two philos to get the diploma of bachelor's brother Maxim was dangled in my eyes of young aspirants. I

able, as the brother Emilien, make my life in St. Gabriel and Prosper as the brother, to devote myself to teaching the fifth grade. I was surprised and somewhat disappointed, August 15, having to pick up my household gods to direct me towards St-Jovite. Perinde ac cadaver!

Two days after the day persuasions, Chertsey camp emptied of its students. A chartered bus drove most of us in the Best School, our central station and from there I took the bus north to get to my new destination. Would you accompany me?

The world will never die for lack of wonders
but only for lack of wonder. Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Next issue: 19 - St-Jovite 1951-53 - Total Immersion

Monday, April 12, 2010

Flame Lighter Burn Thumb

At the library Cournon d'Auvergne

In the Festival of Puy Mômes "Cat-bird" presented in the adult section of the library, from thrillers and comics, Saturday, April 10.

How Obvious Are Tongue Rings

"Marabout piece of string" presented in the youth section, the same day.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Should I Go Bottomless On Beach?

17 - High School (1948-50)

I entered the world wine
without further training
a certain delicacy of good bottles.

The farm club of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart

École Jean-Baptiste-Meilleur is located in one of the most Popular Montreal, in what was then called the "Park m'lasse" because, they told me, the smell of molasses, which emerged from the manufacturing of cigarettes MacDonald located at the Within this perimeter.

The district also included the Delorimier baseball stadium of the Montreal Royals (whose owners were the first in the history of baseball to hire a black player, Jackie Robinson, who underwent a subsequent meteoric career in the United States.)

The brothers are in charge of this school since 1900. In 1906, over 700 pupils already attending. Sixteen brothers teach there.

persuasions In August 1948 we are thirty brothers named Best in school with the brother Eulogio as director. Thirty brothers staying in a home ad hoc located opposite the school, community property. To add personnel to staff the three brothers and brother Provides Goupil, editor of the magazine "The Flash" has just been founded by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart for the youth in their schools from ten to fifteen years .

ago to over a thousand students enrolled in school. They are divided into seven grades of elementary school and
eighth and ninth years of high school.

I will be the holder of the fourth grade D. Other classes in the same level will the burden of my colleagues Novitiate, brothers Albert, Luc and Liguori.

's brother Alexis, who was appointed deputy director, will be immediately responsible classes from Grade 1 to Grade 5. Some teachers teach pupils in the first, second and third years. The brothers Jean-Pierre Henry and teach at second year.

After sixty-two years, this community of thirty-four brothers, one of fourteen brothers died, six are still in community and fourteen who returned to secular life, a retention rate of 58.8%.

Best School, a farm club of teacher training

It is rare to meet a brother of the province Montreal community who has not taught a year or two at the Best School. This school which involved the largest number of siblings was also seen in the province as an excellent community center for training young brothers. That's where I've really learned my craft of teaching.

The recipe was in High School three ingredients: the assistant the colleagues who taught the same degree and


Brother Alexis was a man how-to. No major educational theories to lull us or give us stuff complexes. He was a coach more than a scholar of pedagogy. He went regularly to our class. He took note of absentees, monitor special cases (children disruptive or negligent) and cut to any unruly tendency to recur. We felt supported by his brother Alexis.

In addition, he cut to the program each week the subject to be taught in classes at the same level. He was preparing for tests and examinations that measured the effectiveness of teaching and encourage healthy competition among students and between their masters. In short, it was for my brothers and me a guide for discerning and discriminating, a motivator who, beyond the enthusiasms passengers, brought forth in each of the two sources of success: the organization that gives people confidence and pleasure which supports all efforts.


Noous were four of the group of profession duty to teach fourth grade. Four friends who have known and have the Juvénat teaching a very small or very short experience. We were made for each other. For us, mutual well was combined with emulation.

exams each month, uniforms for all fourth, we stimulated without creating too much animosity. It was heading almost headlong before any proposed
animation after school children who were entrusted to us: dodgeball tournament, a flag, hockey teams on an ice rink divided into quarters lengthwise, preparing small game scenes during many celebrations in school, etc. ... Even for twenty minutes, it was worth it to get playing and organizing games that were taking the importance of the playoffs.

Any initiative was supported and encouraged by colleagues. Together we were proud of our young people, their results and we were ready to do everything to give them a taste of the school and the pride of a job well done. The contagion of pleasure
generated unsuspected energies which contributed greatly to our learning the wonderful art educator. This dynamism was quadrupled conquering both the students and their teacher in a learning situation.

A vibrant community

What is the topic of conversation amongst parents meet? Their children, of course. Unmarried brothers and educators who live to thirty, side by side in their daily meals, and their hobbies and their common task? Their classroom and their students naturally. In

this community that could be called motley
There were thirty-four brothers of all ages, all experiences and all the quirks. Each had its office in the large community room that served both recreation room, study hall and spiritual reading.

A multitude of tricks learning indescribable found its place in this chamber and osmosis positive atmosphere fruitful source of generating attitudes prevailed.

In the silence of study time or in the barrage recreation, everyone is working to its task. Which corrects copies, writing his preparation for class the next day, which falls to gelatin exam papers, etc ... And in doing so, we tell his exploits, describing its methods, it is abundantly playful. A supermarket of education that offers everything from masterpieces of the most authentic.

Education is a tough business, but it is also an art. It is to meet artists that you learn the trade.

is below image the anthill I remember those days of community life.

I remember Brother Joseph-Octave, eighth grade teacher, head of steel wool, busy sewing a softball holding between his knees. Originality proverbial breaks down barriers; his apparent nonchalance arise unexpected dynamics.

Behind the curtain of the stage, there was always the brother Urcize. He leads the variety theater school. Gilles Latulippe has tested its first gags.

Brother Marc-Antoine has highlighted the extraordinary talent of drummer Guy Nadon. He was at his side when at 12 he has lost his mother.

The image of brother Jean-Pierre is associated with the family Caron. They were four in school, and poorly attriqués scapegoat for all. One day in May, they all arrived at school the head shaved. They felt sorry. The mother had wanted to save on costs hairdresser. Brother Jean-Pierre, for special attention, took them under his protection, thereby saving them from hurtful jokes. This age, we know, is merciless.

Georges-Emile's brother seems always dignified and with his solemn altar boys in starched surplice, styled like puppets.

lines passers t
ll ages on both sidewalks stopped to see pass the bugle band led by brothers Edward and Louis Jean-Marcel, in a cassock was of course ... wonderful to see these bits of hit man with a determination that any such large military drums they could hardly bear.

From 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., four hockey games at the same time for children from 3rd and 4th on the ice which occupied almost the entire school yard, it an organization called thunder. And the scenario resumed power
r the greatest at 16:00 and even after dinner. Winter Carnival also occupied all the ice and any place throughout the weekend. I was using

brothers Marc
-Henri Leoma in charge of sports. The equipment to store, schedule of games to check, to alert teachers, coordinate everything so that the eyes of these little guys turn on the lights of Maurice Richard. The job but also for pleasure and what satisfaction!
As a reward we could, we three, carry the required permissions, go see a game at the Forum Club Junior. Great privilege!

Brother Vital regularly crossed the street to go after dinner treat squirrels he kept in his class. Suspected a cover to smoke cigarettes not permitted at this time.

In the common room, while fun to jabber Creole learned Scholasticate, brother Jean-Norbert, armed with a box of Prismacolor pencils produced masterpieces of sophistication.

'poke a chatter' with Anastasius the sparkling brother who took a keen pleasure to tickle young brothers and make them get on their high horse was a sport that enlivened much free time.

Brother Cleophas, frugal, slightly bent, probably the dean of the group, was always silent and smiling, the St. Joseph catering to the needs and whims of one and all.

And our general, famous for her brother Eulogio hairstyle cockscomb, the battalion ran with an ease and a spirit who want to cut any bitch or whine.

I also think with a smile of complicity in groups of two or three brothers who look innocent, came out of the basement of the parish hall of the church where we planned on Friday evening, for children, small and large, films in 16mm Fernandel, Laurel & Hardy, Abbott & Costello or Walt Disney. You had to be at the residence before 20:30 for spiritual reading, followed by evening prayer and sunset. We pretended to go back to school or a walk. The top was probably not fooled by our schemes, but nobody spoke with him, "he did not know." An evil that we know will not hurt!

And this year, Saturday morning of May and June, we could see a couple of brothers in cassocks, get in the box truck driven by his brother to make us Albani to St. Theodore de Chertsey
[i] work on the construction of five camps about thirty rooms that each student would receive the brothers during the holidays.

Some memories revealing

Brother Henry, an artist, my friend and fellow teacher by profession and second year at the Best School.

We walk on the sidewalks of the Rue Sherbrooke westward. Our destination: the Museum of Fine Arts. This Saturday is the open house, therefore, admission is free for poor or under vow. There was a long time we wanted to go. My knowledge of painting was so very basic. Dali had surprised me with his cross in diving, Michelangelo, a common reference, nothing more, we Raphael was a little more familiar because of the holy images or Christmas cards. It is the museum that attracted us, not painters. The group of seven, the overall refusal and the Impressionists did not exist for me. We

walk briskly for about three quarters of an hour. Fullum of the Museum, there are more than an hour walk.

We are marching because our manager, a little surprised by our request (we then had a morbid fear of anything that might seem mundane or curling the index finger or brush against nudity and the Museum of Fine Arts was suspect) his conscience for cutting the pear in two. He gave us each a single transport ticket. We chose to walk to get giving us the comfort of the bus for the return.

Before this half-denial, we smiled. The best antidote to recrimination and chialage. Which outlined that day at the museum? I do not remember. Single event was recorded. Saying that

Novitiate, we warned of a certain slackness in the houses of the brothers before the commitments of the vow of poverty! The bus tickets were sold for $ 0.25 then four! The same condition we had applied to visit the Botanical Gardens too remote for about an hour's walk from the school.

Getting shouting "crow "

You see the scene, thirty-four monks who dressed all in black, every morning at the same time, cross the r
eu inclined to the church to attend Mass daily. Every morning the herd is bisected by a pickup truck (pickup), occupied in its rear box, by four young workers. One of them, always the same, as soon as the truck crossed the street just before Rouyn separate our two Black Sea, the Red Sea as Moses, stood up and boldly shouted with all the force of his lungs Kow! Kawwas! kawwww! repeated cawing of crows that sharp peaks as we penetrate everywhere under the skin and reach our nerves more sensitive.

there in the world worse insult? It must have been a monk for the measure in all its ignominy. All then humiliated as convicts, their heads down and come quietly and quickly in the church protector of the Afflicted. I do not think many have prayed for their abuser or they have recited with much saliva the "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." And every morning when there is recurrence shameless, that's enough to implore the wrath of heaven to give us justice.

Nobody dares to do anything or say anything. We suffer in silence. That lil ' guys hidden shyly behind a fence imitate the cawing of crows to no9tre passing, we smiled and we understand. But in the street, loudly and premeditated and repeated, it exceeds our threshold of tolerance and above all it highlights our utter helplessness.

Good morning, over truck, no cries. Relief. What happened?

is the smallest of us, brother Goupil, who, having noted the plate number of the vehicle is back to its owner, brought him to the parlor and made him promise ( under what threat?, I can not say) not to repeat these shows in bad taste. And the problem was solved forever.

Is it better to suffer the ignominy in silence while lightning flashes of revenge or to oppose it with the strength of his convictions for "the good of his brothers? What would Jesus do? To be or not to be! Goupil brother did not ask, he acted.

Do not pass on your lawn

Naturally, we celebrated the parish priest as it should each year. There was before St. Eusebius church a tiny corner uncemented where u grew No grass green protected by a large poster "Do not pass on your lawn" The priest was proud of his turf and his sign, there we had said. I had taken the idea of a skit in tribute to the priest on the occasion of her birthday. Seven or eight of my students were the actors and extras. It was a success largely because of the originality of subject and its treatment.

few days later, wanting to leave a memory of these young players, I asked the brother A. photographed us costume at the scene of the real scene. For some unknown chance, the priest saw us crowded on HIS turf. He went out quickly from his presbytery and his temperament, we are railing against this lack of etiquette. There was no photo. To avoid a scandal before these young children, I had to submit to the rectory to explain the situation. Monsieur le Cure had not made the connection between the sketch of tributes and sign planted on his beloved grass.

Brothers and sisters in cinema

The film was so frowned upon by church authorities and religious. Cinemas were thus tacitly forbidden to all who wore cassocks.

In 1947, Maurice Veloche had filmed the story of St. Vincent of
e Paul under the title of Mr. Vincent played by Pierre Fresnay.

In the middle of the week, we are told there the next day, a Thursday, I believe, leave in all schools on the island of Montreal. The reason for this unexpected holiday? Probably at the suggestion of Brother Marie-Cyril of Christian Brothers, who was secretary of the meeting provincial superiors of teaching brothers, the Archbishop of Montreal, Monsignor Charbonneau had decreed that leave to allow all brothers and sisters all attend the performance of "Monsieur Vincent", not in church halls in 16 mm, but in real movie theaters equipped with chairs and projection of 36 mm.

It was a surprise, a wonderment, a glare. I think even to save the conveniences of the time, namely the cinemas were assigned to each community. In any case, it does not appear that the brothers have attended the same movie that sisters. After all, when we lived under separate schools as places to church, boys on one side and girls on the other. The brothers from one side and the other sisters ... And " swingnez " your company. What weather!

Religion and politics

Two events

High School was equipped with a large hall and a theater. This room was often
v Ent rented this weekend with all sorts of groups who gathered a large number of members. Thus, "the patent" College Jacques-Cartier she clung meetings two to three times a year. The College then mobilized the whole school, the whole weekend. Closets lips all windows on the first floor. It was a "top secret" absolute. It was also

in our hall political meetings. I saw with my own eyes, the candidate Mr. Fauteux in full assembly contradictory supporters pray kneeling to recite two dozen rosary so, he said, to attract the blessings of heaven upon the elections and the future rulers. Some have also suspected of trying to purify themselves and a reputation not too honorable described him as "a Christian with four wheels"
[ii] . The cause of God and of the policy at that time was often gave the hand.

The other event which illustrated the climate of turbulence which began to shake the very calm and very Catholic province of Quebec was the Asbestos strike. The bias in favor of the church workers, Archbishop Charbonneau recall and the arrival of Prince Light, support of the Church, had made headlines and even aroused community, heated debates. We are young, we listened to the older blame or bless the actions of the Archbishop or those of Mr. Duplessis.

This was the first time I realized the interest of some brothers in political issues. It was a good ten years before the brother Doe.

My two years at school Best I were in many ways beneficial. The vitality of the community hello did work in this population of peasants still unaccustomed to urban life. This dynamism emanating from the community it was made. We were proud of our school and we proudly proclaimed his deeds. My religious life, though well below my dreams, followed the trail of my life. I was ready to stand on my own.


i] The Province of St. Hyacinthe had split in the province of Granby who kept the Isle La Motte as a study center Vacation, Montreal and the province who had bought the same purpose in St. Theodore de Chertsey a lake called the "tub Stan" in honor of Brother Stanislaus director of studies. Is to build this camp that we were working Saturday in May and June: the main camp had to add a refectory and a chapel seating about two hundred and five camps divided into small rooms (a big advantage over the camps open area of the Isle La Motte) equipped with electricity and running water and toilets attached to each camp.

[ii] Christians to four wheels were those which did in church four times in their lives: for baptism, for confirmation, marriage and funerals.


Next issue: 18 - Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon - 1950 Moon Christmas

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Does Petsmart Sell Zymox

16 - St-Victor - 1947-48 Initiating a hard job

As any initiation ,
is in fact same of survive what the triumph.
[Paul Auster] From The Locked Room

St. Victor, one of the oldest parishes in eastern Montreal district Tétreaultville. His church is located at the corner of Hector and Hochelaga, residence and school of the brothers rise just across the street Hector.

In 1947, Father Paquette holds the cure for over twenty years. He is assisted a vicar. Close to the Church Street Sherbrooke, Canada Cement sheds its gray dust over the entire parish. A curse!

The river flows nearby, on the other side of the tracks. A blessing! Our place to stroll in any season.

School St. Victor is contiguous with that of girls led by the Sisters of Ste-Anne. The Brothers taught there since 1911. In 1947, their salary is approximately $ 700 per year. Their home, a two-storey building, attached to school, heating and lighting is provided by the school board. We are seven brothers in the list of denominations of 1947.

Brother Anatole director, arrived the same day as me. It comes from the School of Agriculture Cedars. It is called Ti-Pape. Why? I know absolutely nothing.

Brother Arcade , Deputy Director, is the holder of the 8th & 9th. He is from St. Bernardine School, St-Michel. Holy man, he does not smoke under the Pipe. He took me to see his friend, brother Robert, hunchback, school St-Bernardin St-Michel. Bus and tram. A first.

Brother Roch, proprietor of Grade 7 and responsible for the association. There are already four or five years at St. Victor. Great friend of Father Paquette, it keeps him company on the porch while they go to vespers. He is also responsible for choirboys with brother Jean-Gaston.

Real Brother is in charge of the 6th year. Originally from St. Didace and son of a farmer, he is my constant companion for walking on the riverfront. He has charge of the Crusaders.

Brother Octavius, owner of 5th and 6th years, is a very good athlete. It was he who organized the games before school starts. Organist, Man jovial laughter jerky, yet temporary profession. It is St. Victor since he left the Scholasticate.

Brother John Gaston is responsible for a fifth year. Temporary profession, he is in its second year of teaching. Authoritarian man, he reigned in his class with an iron fist. It also deals with choirboys brother Rocco.

Brother Florian- I was given a 4th year. I'm obviously inexperienced. Brother Director coach me closely.

classes 1st, 2nd and 3rd years have been entrusted to teachers.

Four of the seven brothers die in community, leaving the other three before dying. Retention rate: 57%.

First table: Loosening

I arrive at school by mid-afternoon. In the community hall, a Roman collar on a chair. On another, a monk slumped. He reads his newspaper the right leg placed on the arm of the chair, unbuttoned cassock.

Brother Director arrived around 16:00. It is unclear what to say. The minutes were an eternity to their account. I offer myself to carry luggage. It melts a little atmosphere. Meet at 17:00 for spiritual reading.

expected. Two are missing. Expected. We say nothings that pierce the silence of Gruyere. Prayer. Welcome from the Director. Everyone is invited to talk about his holiday. It is short and vague. Isle La Motte for most. Brother Roch, who was visiting his family, Brother Arcade in St-Michel with his friend Brother Robert.

After supper, first walk on the riverfront. Water, the great nonchalance that abolishes the asperities. Picture of the year, alternating languor of time and surface roughness of events and craft to learn.

Second Table: A hard job

The catechism

Talking about God to thirty children of ten years with the ants biting their buttocks and attention! We still can not introduce them into the walls of the Beatissima . They know their catechism, that is what we (parents, school principal, the parish) expected of them and me. The vicar comes every two days for the check. Then line up for recitation at school St-Alexandre. But they are thirty-five, not ten. It takes all wrong. The attention wanders. So I yell, I punished. Yahweh with his people as surly. Just

dictation. It is dissipated as little devils. I can not wait. I slap. Next time, "said the manager, he will send them to me, I have a good" jumper "is commonly called the" banana ". Why? No idea. It was common to use it, and the term and the belt.

Grab a tip when you're teaching a loss of balance! Even the Trinity can not be helped, at least in the short term. I repeated. I lose the pedals, I snap. Brother Anatole supports me. His support is daily and comforting. At Christmas, I agree with teaching the "fair". It is the patience of the framework is the strength of the teaching of Bishop Ross Brothers and not the famous master of pedagogy we have barely scratched the Scholasticate.

Table Three: Sowing the seeds of cement

One Thursday morning in May. It's cold. The whole school is in procession, boys and daughters, brothers and sisters. We sing the litanies. Thursday is the Rogation . The procession up the street until Hector Sherbrooke passes the Canada Cement and down on George V.

Sancte Clememti! For claims incantations of this strange procession, everybody responds: Ora pro nobis! the tall chimneys of the Canada Cement respond by throwing, like a censer, a gray puffs of dust that extends to the homes and people's shroud of death.

Sancte Victori , children do not understand , Ora pro nobis ! nothing was said.
Sancte Hector just they follow the procession Ora pro nobis ! In
ranks eighth. Whatever. Sancta Anna , It is the police! Ora pro nobis!

Sancte Leo! we have sung Santa Klaus! the ora pro nobis would have followed without bron expensive and produce no more effect either on the sidewalks of the Canada Cement nor in the faith of these young faithful robots.

This image haunts me: robots Catholic and Muslim prayer wheels. Sancte Muhammad! Ora pro nobis! Agrarian rites, seed sown on rocky ground with a cement city.

I take note of this grotesque parade, defies common sense. I dares talk about it. I am just a little new to the parish.

And the next day, as I requested, I see students who are carriers of the Miraculous Medal or his substitute, the scapular three fabrics of different colors, easier to wash. It runs slavishly, without realizing the enormity of the process. Rows of prisoners in a concentration camp. Peddlers of junk. Ah! If Jesus had been there, we would probably all driven out of the temple.

And any evangelical simplicity, I'm on the balcony of the emergency exit on the third floor. Children play in the yard. I am told that Gilles Blanchet fought. I'm coming.

- What's going on?
- He started it.
- your Recite Our Father .
- Our Father ... Give us this day .... Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those ... So be it.
- Will you apologize? ( It vous even our students)
- No matter it was he who got enfargé.
- your Recite Our Father again.
-Our Father ... as we forgive those ...
- Repeat another again .... let !
After three Our Fathers, he sold.
- " Yes, he said, lowering his head , I'll go first. "

I watch high. He runs. I happy. Today, I am ashamed. He probably does not remember. I do. I'm still bitter. This is not just in Peru that the Church has played in launching or has twisted arms in the name of Jesus Christ!

Fourth Table: News

Before the readin re spiritual brother Director presents a new, trendy Time: pens with ink that n did not need to reload. They are called ballpoint . There are several colors. Brother Director we bought one each at wholesale prices. We must be careful. A month later they were banned. Pencils miracle stain the fingers and, dripping, stain the books. Me, I remember 1947 as year of invention of ballpoint pens.

The same week, The Vicar, who regularly comes to the catechism ism in passing in each class, together this time all the classes in the recreation room. In front of the stage, a mysterious device. on a small steel wire he recorded his catechism. This is a first. We knew the 72 laps but that everyone can record his voice, modify and distribute it at will, without passing through any studio, what innovation! And it is God that will benefit this innovation! Let us rejoice! God's voice recorded and reproduced at will. It's better than a prayer wheel!

Warning! It must be silent. (Speakers of God are too small and of poor quality) It scratchy, squeak, we hear almost nothing. For at least half an hour. Fortunately, the teachers are there to maintain discipline. Christian education is a lot of discipline ...!

Fifth table: Isle La Motte

We are nearly two hundred brethren divided into four camps for the holidays to the Isle La Motte. Bathing in Lake Champlain, it travels in the boat. In the morning, there being in kiosks arranged between the camps. My

Higher Certificate has been completed through classes on weekends, I start classes with Latin brother Theodosius. In the afternoon nap there or walk, study, bathroom, at 15:00, snack, sports, spiritual reading and dinner. For lunch and dinner, brother Viator, camp director, who suffers from Microman we harangue as school children we have become.

" You heard me right, a walk, there are, then, that go quite far away. You understand me, then, must not go beyond the fork to Jimmy. You understand me? - "Yes. (Expensive) brother Directeurrrr " ... respond in chorus two hundred brothers.

The first year of teaching was painful and disappointing. These holidays in the Isle La Motte I retype the spiritual and physical health-especially-, dot my intelligence new buds. And community support because increase my life expectancy in the community.

On 15 August, was named Best in school, a farm club of the province for the training of teachers in difficulty. This will be my salvation.


Next issue: Best College (1948-1950) Club-farm Brothers of the Sacred Heart