Monday, November 1, 2010

Alexis Texas With Blackman

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CUBIERES Fifteen participants (name & coordinated doc attached) Herewith a few notes, disjointed, identified during discussions of the last group gathered around the mayor Cubières.

Thanks to other people participating, to enrich the debate by sending their own notes, recollections, and reflections on the subject. - Commitment to fit into the cultural fabric & Company.

Allows utilities to live.

Bring items for the charter.

Everyone writes one or two commitments in relation to the charter.

Instead talk about "civic engagement" with municipalities.

The Mayor Sylvie ROMIEU will make a topo of the project advance.

Opportunity current authorization to reside on non-agricultural plots & unbuildable.

wishes of most people to participate in these exchanges, at least by email.

third to half of these express the wish to go to Cubières, somewhat organized meeting.

- the goal would be a model of civic engagement, ecological, to serve as an example has other municipalities with the same demand and housing problem or who would like to open a une population plus jeune et motivée.

La permission ou tolérance d’habiter dans des taillis, friches ou bois, mais en tous cas dans des zones non-agricoles et non actuellement constructibles, pourrait être proposée contre des engagements de créer des lieux de vie ayant un écobilan bien supérieur a celui engendré par les constructions & style de vie habituelle. Ecobilan tenant compte de la construction de l’habitat & de ses consommations d’énergie mais aussi du transport utilisé pour les occupations ou travail.

- Il semblerait qu’il y ai plusieurs convergences qui permettraient d’aboutir a moyen term, other authorization to build or live in areas that are not now, because the current framework is inadequate, does not satisfy the needs & creates speculation on the Land:

Matches the need for custom housing, social development.

Encourages and motivates for sustainable development, for the return to nature.

really Allows access to property-poor and middle classes.

Stops urbanization of agricultural land.

& democratize stabilize the price of building land.

Pierre Joanin

Thanks to other people participating, to enrich the debate by sending their own notes, recollections, and reflections on the subject .

Sending is also attached to Mrs. Evelyn Pascual, referent of the first support group on Cubières Cinoble at Mrs. Florence Alicot pour le Comité Local de développement de

la Vallée

de la Drome,et à Monsieur Claude Veyret pour le Comité Local de développement du Diois.


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