Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mature Removes Girdle

Dating Community Life Balance

From Lela Bencharif, associations in the Rhone-Alpes

On October 27, 2010

To consult on or near the territories and stakeholders about the future of politics for the regional associations and various community education meetings will take place between 2 and 10 December in the Rhone Alps Spaces.

This consultation will be fed:

Upstream of the different contributions deposited on a dedicated website (precision in the Attachment), and following a review of a citizen workshop to be held at spring. The principle of citizen workshop is to draw lots of Rhône-Alpes region and on a voluntary basis as part of 3 weekend to inform them and let them collectively define an opinion on the place of associations sur nos territoires.

Enfin un forum régional annonçant les principaux axes de la nouvelle politique régionale aura lieu au Confluent courant mai, fort probablement le 14.

Sur le site collaboratif vous retrouverez les politiques actuelles de soutien à la Vie Associative .

- Vous êtes bénévoles dans une association, membre d’un conseil administration ... Venez (inscrivez vous voir pièce jointe) - Si vous ne pouvez venir physiquement, transmettez vos avis, remarques, suggestions d’actions pour la Région sur la plateforme collaborative ( voir code accès en PJ)

remain at your disposal for any further information or other dialogues, Thanks for your feedback and your mobilization
Sincerely, Lela Bencharif

Registration and additional information


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