It is never judged on a balance sheet,
but still its ability to project into the future
Philippe Douste-Blazy
An outstanding complex
We are in the month of November. It rains frequently and abundantly in November in Rome. I got home from marianum. I had become enrolled in a series of courses in Mariology. I was returning on foot when around 19:30, the strings (in Quebec it rains instead of nails here are chords) I was literally blocked the road.
I've already hinted, I have long been a kind of complex in the place of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
A complex of jealousy of the same type as the one who had lived at the school, in tenth grade, then the Novitiate. Brother Florentien was too popular for my taste, so it was the Virgin Mary. He made too many tributes were exaggerated his role in the economy of salvation, it is considered all-powerful, even more his son Jesus. This attitude irritated me the thoughts and devotions as a rash that can scratch but always comes back to haunt us the epidermis.
My stay in Rome would also be on this time of profound update of my feelings and my devotions. Istituto Universitario marianum driven Marianist would occasion. The institute, located near Mascherone, offered a bunch of courses in Mariology. These classes were taught in the evening, that is to say according to the schedule Roman, from 16:00 to 19:00. Hoping to resolve my
complex and kill two birds with one stone improving my Italian, I scored me my first year in Rome.
I took no great discoveries. Under the title of Mariology, were given during traditional theology with a color of Marian spirituality. Nothing to dissolve a large complex like the one I fought for many years.
Physician, heal thyself. My remedy this will be my dissertation at Jesus Magister. I had simmered since the end of my first year: the place and role of Mary in the economy of salvation. I define myself this place and role as a director does for its players. Pretentious? Perhaps, but nothing extraordinary. Many before me, without any jurisdiction, gave Mary of the powers that met their needs more than their competence.
My thesis, a pompous title: co-redemption OF MARY IN THE HUMAN VOCATION TO THE ORDER OF SALVATION.
We are in the month of November. It rains frequently and abundantly in November in Rome. I got home from marianum. I had become enrolled in a series of courses in Mariology. I was returning on foot when around 19:30, the strings (in Quebec it rains instead of nails here are chords) I was literally blocked the road.
I've already hinted, I have long been a kind of complex in the place of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
A complex of jealousy of the same type as the one who had lived at the school, in tenth grade, then the Novitiate. Brother Florentien was too popular for my taste, so it was the Virgin Mary. He made too many tributes were exaggerated his role in the economy of salvation, it is considered all-powerful, even more his son Jesus. This attitude irritated me the thoughts and devotions as a rash that can scratch but always comes back to haunt us the epidermis.
My stay in Rome would also be on this time of profound update of my feelings and my devotions. Istituto Universitario marianum driven Marianist would occasion. The institute, located near Mascherone, offered a bunch of courses in Mariology. These classes were taught in the evening, that is to say according to the schedule Roman, from 16:00 to 19:00. Hoping to resolve my
complex and kill two birds with one stone improving my Italian, I scored me my first year in Rome.
I took no great discoveries. Under the title of Mariology, were given during traditional theology with a color of Marian spirituality. Nothing to dissolve a large complex like the one I fought for many years.
Physician, heal thyself. My remedy this will be my dissertation at Jesus Magister. I had simmered since the end of my first year: the place and role of Mary in the economy of salvation. I define myself this place and role as a director does for its players. Pretentious? Perhaps, but nothing extraordinary. Many before me, without any jurisdiction, gave Mary of the powers that met their needs more than their competence.
My thesis, a pompous title: co-redemption OF MARY IN THE HUMAN VOCATION TO THE ORDER OF SALVATION.

It seemed that Mary's role in the economy of salvation should be that every human being of good will, the hospitality of God so well served by her "fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum. "
Instead of being the second after Jesus, often before the Holy Spirit, Mary was to be the first of humanity. A beautiful feminist model for the most reasonable. The first of the men, more emblem and guide humanity in the reception of God Queen Mother, full privileges for her role as the rocking chair of Child and dispenser of God's gifts.
I developed this thesis in 86 pages, divided into fifteen chapters and three major divisions.
I do not know what a theologian I believe with this thesis.
I suspect that nobody has read in its entirety, not even the spell in charge of evaluating it. This thesis produced
home the desired effect, it cured me of my chronic jealousy. Mary was again ours. A woman who defines his being and his life just the human attitude to the divine.
Vatican II did not recognize the title of Mary Co-Redeemer. This title is still too ambiguous explained some "fathers" of Vatican II. For me, Mary is co-redeemer of right but in the sense that I defined. So I like to see covered. Amen
In a changing world
While we messed shucking and swallow this sum of currents and theological formulations accumulated over the centuries, the world and the Church proceeded to challenge as profound changes.
January 25, 1959 Vatican II
While the courses are just resumed after the second week of Christian unity, Pope John XXIII announces the council which will work to promote the development of the Catholic faith, to ensure the moral renewal of Christian life and the Church to adapt to the needs of our time. Pope said to be "Transitional" surprised everyone.
At the Curie and the University as if it had been given a kick in the anthill: theologians, professors, students, journalists, behind closed doors as with large headlines, panic and become activated in reviews and in committees in the preparation of this famous council.
It was the breath of the Spirit was really powerful to coordinate all these disparate and often conflicting energies towards a reform of the life of the Church, its presence and its action in the world. ( 1)
September 7, 1959 - Death of Duplessis
The new created consternation in our small community of Quebec students living in Rome. The event is widely commented. Paul Sauvé and his famous "now" eats all hopes for a renewed Québec. This excitement will be doubled during the announcement of the death in January of this year, the coming of the Lesage government and his "fantastic team" that will launch the "Quiet Revolution. "Here (in Rome) it is for, for everything that is new!
November 8 1960 - Kennedy Élet
For the first time in history, the election of U.S. president was preceded by televised debates that put face to face across the world both presidential candidates: Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy.
I do not know what a theologian I believe with this thesis.
I suspect that nobody has read in its entirety, not even the spell in charge of evaluating it. This thesis produced
home the desired effect, it cured me of my chronic jealousy. Mary was again ours. A woman who defines his being and his life just the human attitude to the divine.
Vatican II did not recognize the title of Mary Co-Redeemer. This title is still too ambiguous explained some "fathers" of Vatican II. For me, Mary is co-redeemer of right but in the sense that I defined. So I like to see covered. Amen
In a changing world
While we messed shucking and swallow this sum of currents and theological formulations accumulated over the centuries, the world and the Church proceeded to challenge as profound changes.
January 25, 1959 Vatican II
While the courses are just resumed after the second week of Christian unity, Pope John XXIII announces the council which will work to promote the development of the Catholic faith, to ensure the moral renewal of Christian life and the Church to adapt to the needs of our time. Pope said to be "Transitional" surprised everyone.
At the Curie and the University as if it had been given a kick in the anthill: theologians, professors, students, journalists, behind closed doors as with large headlines, panic and become activated in reviews and in committees in the preparation of this famous council.
It was the breath of the Spirit was really powerful to coordinate all these disparate and often conflicting energies towards a reform of the life of the Church, its presence and its action in the world. ( 1)
September 7, 1959 - Death of Duplessis
The new created consternation in our small community of Quebec students living in Rome. The event is widely commented. Paul Sauvé and his famous "now" eats all hopes for a renewed Québec. This excitement will be doubled during the announcement of the death in January of this year, the coming of the Lesage government and his "fantastic team" that will launch the "Quiet Revolution. "Here (in Rome) it is for, for everything that is new!
November 8 1960 - Kennedy Élet
For the first time in history, the election of U.S. president was preceded by televised debates that put face to face across the world both presidential candidates: Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy.
These debates and the accompanying comments were followed to Rome with an almost religious attention almost as intense as that which now chairs the dissemination of the World Africa South. It was during campaign that Kennedy delivered the famous speech announcing a New Frontier , which kicks-off the American lunar program. "Our nation must commit to landing man on the moon and return him safely to Earth before the end of the decade."
A whole new era begins beautifully in the world . In both the world and the Church, with its advanced painfully and setbacks, the future takes precedence over the past, projects on tradition, the avant-garde traditionalists on the world stage 1961.
August 13, 1961 - The Berlin Wall
Desertion of Germans from East to West Germany were seen in the West as evidence of superiority of the capitalist system on the communist regime. They cheered. They have misunderstood then the non-intervention by Kennedy during the erection of the Berlin Wall and its extension over 155 km of borders, although the act was contrary to the agreement between the four Great Powers, Kennedy not prevent it. This will a heavy ball and chain dreams of unified companies into a new world.
During this period, the General de Gaulle in France founded the Fifth Republic and recognizes the independence of Algeria. Driven by Patrice Lumumba, became colonized Africa, following the Congo, a mosaic of countries in gestation. In three years we have witnessed a succession of cascading changes in political, economic and social generate a (western) world is brand new. A challenge for the presence of the Church in this world and its mission to proclaim the Good News of Revelation.
For me, all this external transformation will be accompanied by a significant interior change which I shall state to the next chapter.
A review of the training received at Jesus Magister
At a meeting of three former jesusmagistériens (Brother Jean-Claude Ethier, aka brother Raymond, Lionel Pelchat aka brother Jean-Pierre and myself) we asked ourselves the question: What brought me Jesus Magister? Each will give his personal response in writing.
One click gives access to the stock of other ex-JM. (2)
Here is mine.
As the McLuhan, the medium is the message. In this case the medium is Rome, is the brotherhood of Mascherone and also the Lateran University. Weaknesses related to the program and course content have been largely offset by the richness of the medium which plunged me into total immersion in a water purifying my slag, liberating of my intellectual taboos concerning Revelation and regenerated me in a world of very rich theological concepts.
We were a group guinea pigs for a new wine that was not sufficiently settled in the minds of teachers Lateran. The program had not stood the test of time We have put a lot of things unnecessary or inappropriate. The Lateran University was well equipped in the faculties of canon law and theology, catechesis but was rather low. And meet cultural expectations in a period profound changes, it is a very difficult challenge ahead.
critical for any student, student and what is not? The roster of lecturers at the Institute, the scale of the memories we hold, ranged from weak to excellent. A normal curve. Teachers already mentioned in the previous chapter, kept the highest ratings. My brothers also give a good rating Piolanti appreciation to Bishop, Monsignor Pietro Pavan and law professor Angeli.
Some also at the bottom of the ladder considered theology (Brother Mary) as a course on spirituality for young novices, others (Brother Grieg) grafted to the subjects of their hobby that had nothing to do with theology. In some courses very bookish could apply this definition of course ironic as " the process by which the notes move from book to book the teacher of the student without going through the head of any . For others, a rather severe trial to the "shoveling clouds" or who "listens talk ".
Many of these reasons that we had to close the Institute after only twelve years old. (3)
If I probe my heart and wonder what he gave me the answer is quite different.
In me, the outcome of this chess game that pitted the ancient to modern was the net benefit of the moderns.
Magister Jesus has enriched me intellectually. He introduced me to several workshops for theological reflection.
servant theology of revelation
At a meeting of three former jesusmagistériens (Brother Jean-Claude Ethier, aka brother Raymond, Lionel Pelchat aka brother Jean-Pierre and myself) we asked ourselves the question: What brought me Jesus Magister? Each will give his personal response in writing.
One click gives access to the stock of other ex-JM. (2)
Here is mine.
As the McLuhan, the medium is the message. In this case the medium is Rome, is the brotherhood of Mascherone and also the Lateran University. Weaknesses related to the program and course content have been largely offset by the richness of the medium which plunged me into total immersion in a water purifying my slag, liberating of my intellectual taboos concerning Revelation and regenerated me in a world of very rich theological concepts.
We were a group guinea pigs for a new wine that was not sufficiently settled in the minds of teachers Lateran. The program had not stood the test of time We have put a lot of things unnecessary or inappropriate. The Lateran University was well equipped in the faculties of canon law and theology, catechesis but was rather low. And meet cultural expectations in a period profound changes, it is a very difficult challenge ahead.
critical for any student, student and what is not? The roster of lecturers at the Institute, the scale of the memories we hold, ranged from weak to excellent. A normal curve. Teachers already mentioned in the previous chapter, kept the highest ratings. My brothers also give a good rating Piolanti appreciation to Bishop, Monsignor Pietro Pavan and law professor Angeli.
Some also at the bottom of the ladder considered theology (Brother Mary) as a course on spirituality for young novices, others (Brother Grieg) grafted to the subjects of their hobby that had nothing to do with theology. In some courses very bookish could apply this definition of course ironic as " the process by which the notes move from book to book the teacher of the student without going through the head of any . For others, a rather severe trial to the "shoveling clouds" or who "listens talk ".
Many of these reasons that we had to close the Institute after only twelve years old. (3)
If I probe my heart and wonder what he gave me the answer is quite different.
In me, the outcome of this chess game that pitted the ancient to modern was the net benefit of the moderns.
Magister Jesus has enriched me intellectually. He introduced me to several workshops for theological reflection.
servant theology of revelation
The revealed truth, the foundation of Christian faith, is also a common universe through time and space in billions of small star sign, often low and amid a din of noise, the quiet presence of God and his plan to make a covenant with man.
Digging this universe, discover the meaning of these often disparate stories, all translated into concepts that stand, which form a coherent and intelligible whole is a gigantic task comparable to all those genius human mounted in areas as diverse and as varied as nuclear physics, astronomy and mathematics.
This work I only knew of twigs scattered, those of the catechism or dogma of the nomenclature, I interview as a whole. I get out of this bath amazed by the vision of Christian doctrine, for its consistency and the light it brings to human intelligence revealed the divine milieu.
I'm amazed also by the human genius, of St. Paul to the Councils and Fathers of Vatican II through St. Augustine and the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, who conducted it.
I also better understand the function of theology in the maintenance and promotion of the faith. Not long palaver Byzantine intertwined the vilest interests that provided the raw material of the conciliar dogmas, there was a big risk that this wonderful experience of God is crumbling in the background or slipping into the most degrading superstitions if had not been cast in a rigid structure, the dogmas of Holy Church. Crumble into the background at the time of the primitive church it meant say give the gnosis ubiquitous in the early Christian communities and whose influence on the interpretation of the Christian mystery will continue until today.
Jesus could he survive in the atmosphere Gnostic? Perhaps, but it would not have lived as Jesus of Nazareth, most likely, as the Word, aeon of light, the last step of the plot of the divine prisoner in the human pulp. Nothing new, a Horus Egyptian or Roman Mithras.
Our faith is based on the historical Jesus embodied and lived in a time "x" on our earth, not an avatar of Horus or Mithras (4).
The historicity of Jesus and salvation has been affirmed and professed in all ages of the councils, supported on a solid theology that explained the joints and consequences. An ontological Jesus, we have seen in the subsequent elaborations of the Gnostics, could that establishing a hierarchy of beings in the process Assumption of the Divine. Nothing like the side-by-side with God, nothing to build communion of life of early Christian communities, the alliance of all men of good will before the great causes, nothing for democracy or universal brotherhood .
short, from the centuries, the understanding of faith needed to codify a rigid structure, the dogmas, which have paved the way for continuity and truth in understanding the mystery of salvation and its expression through the Christian rites.
Inspiration and interpreting Scripture
Young, I said, I was fascinated by the sanctity the Scriptures. The slices that we used in the liturgy had the character and reputation of magic words, sacred, blown by the Spirit into the ear of the sacred writer. The Bible was inspired directly by God. There was nothing else to look.
My discovery of the Bible was very different. The Bible referred to the discipline of exegesis provided not only a richer and more accurate meaning of sacred texts in their diversity but also contributed to a better understanding of Revelation as a whole.
Then God no longer dictates the word for word from the sacred texts but is present in all the events that form the fabric of the history of this nation, not a God-mother-in speaker at every turn in the affairs of human but this is a God, offering all the benefits of its alliance.
After Jesus Magister, the current relationship with God was not the man to God in an effort to spiritualize development and service of God but of man himself a sinner in the truest sense of the incarnation.
Saint Irenaeus said in the second century, "Gloria Dei homo vivens" (the glory of God is man fully alive) but then having other fish to fry, we had not heard .
Then God no longer dictates the word for word from the sacred texts but is present in all the events that form the fabric of the history of this nation, not a God-mother-in speaker at every turn in the affairs of human but this is a God, offering all the benefits of its alliance.
After Jesus Magister, the current relationship with God was not the man to God in an effort to spiritualize development and service of God but of man himself a sinner in the truest sense of the incarnation.
Saint Irenaeus said in the second century, "Gloria Dei homo vivens" (the glory of God is man fully alive) but then having other fish to fry, we had not heard .
exegesis, driven by a current of renewal which was blowing around, put the record straight of Holy Scripture at the time of its origins. Not an untouchable sacred words, but the word, the presence of the Word in the changing history of mankind, not the truths enshrined in stories dishes but the Truth that is combined with the truths of men, with their values and hopes. Thus we no longer have to perform tricks to explain the "mistakes" of the Bible or to extract deeper meaning as you would a cryptic text.
The consequences of this way of reading are important for proper understanding of the revealed message and develop a relationship with the divine is significant and marked with love and freedom.
A church sign
The consequences of this way of reading are important for proper understanding of the revealed message and develop a relationship with the divine is significant and marked with love and freedom.
A church sign
In 58-60 years the Church was still the "Mater et Magistra" on any structure regulated by the purple and supplement the law Roman-called "canon law".
Courts of Church History and dogmatic to me were also suggestive of the role of the Church and its rites in the completion the Kingdom of God on earth men.
We had learned that "the sacrament was a visible sign instituted by Jesus Christ to give us the grace (5) but the word" sign "had been blurred by need some magic formula that gave grace and heaven "ex opere operato" (6) and give them back if they had lost.
The scope of the word "sign" shall also apply to "miracles" that Jesus made by is invited to interpret not as " exceptions to the laws of nature " but as beacons, signs which indicate the presence of God and his saving action at one time or another important condition human (birth, marriage, ordination, collection, weaknesses, illnesses and death).
The Church, which has been called the sacrament (sign) of the encounter with God (Schillebeeckx), there is also the foundation of its mission is to reveal the saving presence Jesus in human history. What command the Church to know how to speak the language of men and their values in each period in their history. This she did with strengths and weaknesses of the invasion of the barbarians to the sale of its power over the Papal States and also in this gigantic effort that was aggiornamento of Vatican II.
And this is how it gets the story. If contradictory as it may appear to us to proclaim the Gospel effectively, the cross had to be accompanied by the sword. A Church sect could not civilize the barbarians or carry a Good News to all ends of the earth. Instinctively, faith in Christ has taken appropriate steps to announce it in time and space while respecting the rhythm of paths and each color of each civilization, taking the risk of ambiguities that we knows.
also illuminates the distinction between the Church " communion of life" , eternal and present in all human gatherings and the church "means hello " random temporal and can be variable as a scaffold used to construct a building.
These data will be brilliantly again by Vatican II.
In this light, the saying " Outside the Church no salvation " which caused a scandal in our time, is enriched and takes an entirely different meaning if we couples with the certainty that salvation is "already" done in Jesus Christ. Thus, the universality of salvation already accomplished joined every group, every church, every faiths, all people of goodwill who are continuing their search for meaning in their human earth. The Church is "Christ spread" across the universe. There is no one to exclude. Enough to open his brain to the size of the universe and eternity.
Magister What Jesus has given me is a layout and consistency of partial and biased notions that I had accumulated since my age of reason, and it fitted me master keys of interpretation that began a conversion in thinking Vatican II that will complement beautifully.
(1) Radio Canada did in 2009, fifty years after the announcement of the Second Vatican Council a major retrospective, opening and acts of the council. To access click here
(2) We read with interest of my former colleagues in the Jesus Magister balance they say about their years of study in Rome.
WHAT JESUS TO ME MAGISTER Brought by Marcel Rivière SC
MAGISTER JESUS: A considerable opening , indelible by Laurent Normandin
SC (3) The major superiors of seven congregations of brothers decided in 1970 closure of the Institute Jesus Magister. The conditions of the communities had become very different from those that led to its creation. There was failure of students to return the institution. The Institute has lasted 12 years.
(4) - The popular novel by Dan Brown "Da Vinci code 2005 " popularized and extended our time as the Gnostic temptation that has affected the beginnings of Christianity. Pastor Tom Harpur in his book "The Pagan Christ" (Penguin 2005) shows the influence that the Gnostics were exercised within the early Christian communities and into the wording of certain passages in the New Testament and the Gospels.
5 - Small Catechism Quebec No. 150.
6 - Ex opere operato (literally: "the work follows the action") The phrase has been used to affirm the real presence in the Eucharist and the forgiveness of sins in the sacrament of penance etc.. whatever the intentions of the officiating. If the ritual is observed, it automatically produces its effect.

(2) We read with interest of my former colleagues in the Jesus Magister balance they say about their years of study in Rome.
WHAT JESUS TO ME MAGISTER Brought by Marcel Rivière SC
MAGISTER JESUS: A considerable opening , indelible by Laurent Normandin
SC (3) The major superiors of seven congregations of brothers decided in 1970 closure of the Institute Jesus Magister. The conditions of the communities had become very different from those that led to its creation. There was failure of students to return the institution. The Institute has lasted 12 years.
(4) - The popular novel by Dan Brown "Da Vinci code 2005 " popularized and extended our time as the Gnostic temptation that has affected the beginnings of Christianity. Pastor Tom Harpur in his book "The Pagan Christ" (Penguin 2005) shows the influence that the Gnostics were exercised within the early Christian communities and into the wording of certain passages in the New Testament and the Gospels.
5 - Small Catechism Quebec No. 150.
6 - Ex opere operato (literally: "the work follows the action") The phrase has been used to affirm the real presence in the Eucharist and the forgiveness of sins in the sacrament of penance etc.. whatever the intentions of the officiating. If the ritual is observed, it automatically produces its effect.
Next issue: # 26 - Enlightenment
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