"If we solve the problems of faith by the only authority,
While we possess the truth but an empty head"
St. Thomas Aquinas, Sum theological
Faith of coal, this attitude of trusting abandonment to God, the Church and their representatives, is honored in the Church because it defines the fundamental Christian faith which is primarily a action of the heart, an unconditional adherence to God revealing his plan of salvation.
Magister Jesus was not a novice nor a school of spiritual formation. It was not the primary purpose of reviving the faith. Like all the faculties of theology, he was part of the tradition of the Church of Revelation make intelligible to the human intellect of all time.
For us, it should peel the raw data learned since childhood to make them intelligible and most try to discover the scope and meaning that could have this revelation in a world in flux. Here's the gist from what I've chosen and who is still after more than 50 years.
Dogmatics with Carolus Molari .
He was young. Ardent, he had the gift to give us his passion for evoking tricks deployed by human reason in his grasp of the mystery revealed. With him, we covered the main tenets that have marked the Christian doctrine of clear and understandable.
In 325, the Council of Nicaea , it was necessary not only solve the mathematical equation of a God in three persons but also clarify the concepts of nature and person and arrange them so that the same divine nature can be shared equally by each of them while reflecting their diversity and functions that faith attributed to each of them: functions of creation, incarnation, redemption, sanctification, paternity, filiation , verb and light, love and justice, expansion, assembly and church.
A prodigy funambulesques balances among factions who were playing their powers and their swords to impose their faith or their church supremacy over others. And through this connection at least as mixed as ours, caucuses have led to consensus that still apply today. The dogmas of the masterpieces of human genius
The term " homoousios " gathered together all these disparate elements and was enshrined in the creed that rallied the majority Council Fathers. This credo was some time professed to all congregations of Christian believers. It was called the Nicene Creed . In
Christology he had to follow a reverse approach: arranging two natures in one person, And then the term "Theotokos" (Mother of God) who rallied ll fathers of the council, making the Virgin Mary The JEM of God (the mother of the only person of Jesus, endowed with both human nature and divine nature) and not just the mother of Jesus Man.
Initially, these discussions might seem outlandish, and we fetched. Molari had a gift for us to discover the foundations of faith and they lit the accuracy of the formulations that were released.
is through these exchanges and explanations that I realized that the Christian faith and religion which was not confined to a vague message of love so beautifully wrapped it was, or a few recipes life pre-cooked. It was comforting to think that every article of the creed was passed through the mill and informed minds than the ardent faith. My admiration for the Church and its history will be an enormous.
The transcript of the courses were not very nourishing for the faith. I realized that times and for a long time and for some it was more important to have a proper definition of faith and good-stand and profess well as in life. As in his bourgeois-miles, the habit was more noble than blood or faith. I also understand that without this stifling structure and poorly adapted to our time, not rigor dogmas, fruit discussions often Byzantine, the message could have revealed fraying of vague and multiple expressions of religious sentiment without much real scope and our evolving world and for each of its believers.
Holy Scripture
Every young, Holy Scripture fascinated me as a mystery. It is with great eagerness that I " Communion" to the many Bible courses that were on the agenda of our three years of theology.
They were the richest and most meaningful.
Despite all the warnings of anti-modernist, " School French Biblical and Archaeological Jerusalem " founded in 1890 had already borne fruit.
The discoveries of the manuscripts of Qumran caves (1947) had given a great boost Bible studies. Up 'At that time, studies of the Bible were more spiritual than analytical. Every word of the Bible was the sanctity of the Bible itself. The Bible had been changed since the fifth century in the translation of the Vulgate. Isaiah finding almost entirely in the amphorae from Qumran, biblical writings took the "human" dimensions that we did not dare give them.
And in this charged atmosphere, the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem who had headed a suspect of Modernism, Father Marie-Joseph Lagrange, OP, (2) after scholarly research and an undeniable contribution to the humanities, published in 1958, the Holy Bible that would fundamentally alter the reading of scripture and the interpretation of the revealed message.
In this period, studies, journals, Bible literature abounded. I am very pleased to have started studying the Bible in an atmosphere of extraordinary excitement.
Two teachers scored above me in scripture: Spadafora and Beaucamp.
Monsignor Francesco Spadafora (3)
Italian, professor of Scripture at the Lateran, he was a biblical scholar well versed in the study of ancient languages: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.
He went to the root of words, extracted the deeper meaning related to the context of time and used it as a beacon that lit up entire pages more or less obscure sacred texts.
Thus, with the "hurly burly " (4) of the first chapter of Genesis on the creation of the world, the whole story and all the dogma of the creation of a lighted new light much richer than the chi-quenaude divine beings who showed "ab nihilo " like a magician pulling a rabbit out of his hat.
With scholasticism, we were imprisoned in categories that were still the pair: matter and form, body and soul, substance and accident, essence and existence.
Spadafora's explanation about the " nephesh " made me under-stand that the biblical concepts traveled often trinity. Thus, in humans there was inert matter (mud), the sensitivity and nephesh (the breath of life, the breath of the spirit). It occurred to me that trying to understand man and his mysteries by Categories of Aristotle made us miss an important dimension that could be enlightened by its coherence even both the mystery of the Holy Trinity, that of the human person, that of love and participation in the divine life.
Archimedes said "Give me a fulcrum and I will move the world. "With a word , Spadafora raised the meaning of life, and also that of Revelation. Deo gratias Spadaf!
Franciscan, plump and happy as the birds of God, he played a triumphant exuberance of life and expressed on the biblical texts of new ideas into words dynamite not entangled in the "religiously correct .
" A clap of thunder in a summer night " is the title of his presentation which covered the prophet Amos. For courses that brought us to the heart of the life of Israel, the father Beaucamp drew the image that seems to define the best prophet, the journalist-columnist who apply to give meaning to events.
Prophets steeped in politics and values of their times have tried to find them a meaning, that of their faith, God's. This sense, they expressed in a language that was not sacred, that did not come from heaven, which was the language of terroir in which they lived and that people understood without needing scholarly exegesis. A prophet who speaks in this language of men is more revealing of God and his revelation that an alien would have spoken the language of God that nobody could understand.
Spadaf, Molari Evode and my professors at Trinity Jesus Magister. They introduced me to understand the mysteries of Christian theology. This understanding was not only logical and rigorous as that of a theorem. She was also appreciative and enthusiastic as that of a discovery. Alongside these " entrees " other courses were only side dishes flavored variable.
(1) Father Marie-Joseph Lagrange, OP died in 1938. Under his leadership the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem had already pushed scholarly exegetical research the texts of the Bible.
(2) Monsignor Francesco Spadafora Commission member Pontifical Biblical is a consultant to John XXIII especially regarding the inerrancy in the Bible.
(3) Hurly burly - and empty desert - Gen 1.2
Next issue: 25 - Update and review
(2) Monsignor Francesco Spadafora Commission member Pontifical Biblical is a consultant to John XXIII especially regarding the inerrancy in the Bible.
(3) Hurly burly - and empty desert - Gen 1.2
Next issue: 25 - Update and review
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