Freiburg-im-Breisgau in Germany, Austria Vorarlberg
and "31 communes in the sun" Factor 4 Energy Association in Belgium
Ecohabiter Festival - Eurre - Sunday, October 3, 2010
Editor: Laure Vuinée - 06 79 45 70 18 - laure.vuinee @ gmail.com
Energy Factor 4
The workshop began with a presentation by Manoel Rekinger who works in association asbl Energy Factor 4 (
www.ef4.be) in Belgium. Association non-profit located in the Walloon region, this structure is composed of 12 employees and pilot projects that are partly subsidized by the Walloon Region.
Factor 4 Energy aims to promote solar energy through the demonstration of the effectiveness and feasibility of innovative projects and pilots in this area. These pilot projects involve public buildings.
Reminder interest and solar energy Solar energy can be thermal or photovoltaic respectively to produce electricity or heat. In the first case, light energy is converted into electricity which is then relayed to a power grid. The benefits of this energy based on its ease of installation, possible integration of all building types (pitched roof ou plate par exemple) mais aussi son utilisation à long terme (de 30 à 35 ans).
Des panneaux photovoltaïques peuvent par exemple être disposés sur le toit de parking ou encore pour la protection de bâtiments contre le soleil permettant ainsi une diminution de la température intérieure et donc de l’utilisation de la climatisation. De nombreuses réflexions doivent ainsi être menées sur cette énergie et l’ensemble des intérêts qu’elle peut apporter. L’Allemagne est aujourd’hui le pays précurseur et le plus avancé en termes de production mais aussi de recherche et de développement de cette énergie.
Examples of pilot projects
The first example concerns the installation of 160 square meters of photovoltaic panels on pre-school Attert . This has led to a decrease in energy consumption by 66% and a reduction of CO 2 amounting to 10 tons per year. In addition the installation of a didactic panel displays the amount of electricity produced using awareness and education children but also parents to the energy problem.
The second example, called the Spiral project is funded by the region and the European Union. It covers 14 houses forming a hamlet passive social where thermal and photovoltaic solar installations were completed. Monitoring of consumption and energy production of each future resident (people who should move in by late 2010) has helped lead them to think about their own energy consumption, leurs habitudes et confort.
Le troisième projet présenté
« 31 communes au soleil »
concerne l’arrondissement de Huy-Waremme. Un maire, souhaitant donner l’exemple dans sa commune, voulait installer des panneaux photovoltaïques sur les bâtiments publics. Afin de pouvoir bénéficier de subventions de l’Union européenne (fonds FEDER : Fonds Européen de Développement Régional), un rassemblement des communes autour d’un projet global a été proposé. Ainsi 44 installations sur des bâtiments communaux de 5kWc ont été réalisées. Un volet sensibilisation fait aussi partie du projet à travers la réalisation de 32 conférences. Ce projet, abouti en 2 ans, a permis de mener à une réflexion globale sur un territoire conséquent (équivalent d’une Communauté de communes en France) et a été subventionné à hauteur de 82 % par l’UE et 18 % par les communes pour atteindre un budget de 2 200 000 €.
La deuxième phase consiste aujourd’hui à investir une partie de la subvention qui n’a pas encore été dépensée (900 000 € TVAC). Une société coopérative va donc être créée sur un fonds d’investissement, issu de cette subvention, qui permettra de poursuivre le projet notamment en termes de performance. Chaque commune a déjà d épensé 5 225 € dans ce projet et reçoit pour revenu issu de la vente de l’électricité produite 2000 €. L’ensemble de ces revenus sont réunis afin d’emprunter 360 000 € sur 10 ans pour financer de nouveaux projets. On parle alors de projet « Tiers investisseur ». Ce projet a permis de démontrer que la pose de 80 à 100 m² de panneaux est réalisable. Energie facteur 4 a de plus aujourd’hui des chiffres et balance sheets to make regarding investment in the project "Third Party Investor."
Overall results from pilot projects European funds have financed innovative projects leading to the development and implementation of new technologies but also the training of technicians. Streaming signage have also been assisted in the appropriation of these techniques.
One objective was to demonstrate the effectiveness of a technique and spread and was made with success.
The project would also have been possible without the aid of the EU, but the payback time would have been longer. the long term, similar projects will be implemented in other municipalities without financial aid from the EU.
In terms of public awareness, it seems obvious that all these examples, not to mention the numerical balance can then be presented, can generate ideas and interesting results. Thus the appearance of the photovoltaic effect of appeal est apparu par la suite chez les particuliers. Des déclinaisons ont été réalisées chez ces derniers qui ont alors réfléchi à leur consommation d’énergie, ce qui constitue en fait la première étape d’une réduction de la consommation d’énergies et l’utilisation d’énergies plus propres !
La discussion qui a suivi cette présentation a mis l’accent sur l’exemplarité des communes. Si les collectivités se mobilisent et se motivent pour réfléchir et investir dans des projets similaires, elles pourront alors trouver des facilités économiques à travers notamment les subventions européennes disponibles. Il a été précisé qu’en France le financement européen peut atteindre au maximum 80 % du montant d’un projet.
Les campagnes de sensibilisation, à partir de réflexions menées avec les enfants notamment, ont déjà fait leurs preuves en France (concernant le tri sélectif) et se sont avérées très bénéfiques aussi dans les projets présentés ici.
Il serait intéressant de créer des associations de personnes intéressées par ce type de projets afin de démarcher les communes ou inter-communautés et de faire du « bon lobbying. "
Lack of technical and legal expertise in the Commons is often a barrier to achieving this type of project it is therefore important to encourage them to retain the relevant structures and can advise them free. HESPUL The association, based in Villeurbanne, sub-section of the ADEME, has notably been mentioned.
It also seems important to present all the techniques and benefits of photovoltaics which allows one hand to create electricity and other to protect buildings from the sun and thus reduce the temperature in summer.
Manufacture, lifetime and recycling of photovoltaic panels
The origin of these signs was also discussed: the end of 2009, 58% of the photovoltaic cells were created in Asia where some countries have specialized in the field of semiconductors. Belgium today will industrialization differentiated in this area that is to say, in proposing the creation of different products.
The raw material is silicon (from the purification of oil) which is recyclable. End of life, the panels are recovered, melted and reused. The comprehensive recycling scheme has already been made in Belgium by the Germans and the result is recycling 85% of the panels.
The lifetime of the panels depends on the weather of the environment where they are installed (especially humidity). The mechanical tests performed to the standards showed a higher resistance than the windshields of cars.
The problem of starting a fire was also cited. 12 cases of fires involving buildings with photovoltaic panels were recorded in Germany. In such cases it is essential that appropriate procedures of intervention of firefighters have been thought out and communicated. Firefighters have indeed rarely aware of these special procedures of interventions related to the presence of failure
to photovoltaics. A working group is tackling this issue was created in 2009 in Germany which results in the need for visual marking Buildings and education of firefighters.
The value and role of the European Union are clearly apparent in these examples but also the need to consider people on their consumption of energy, energy being the best the non-use. A wide Communities of Commons, it seems interesting to employ an employee who would handle the installation grant application to the European Union within the framework of European projects since it is a complicated process to implement.
Presentation of trips to Germany and Austria
The 2 trips made by the LDC Diois and elected officials of the Bio-Valley in Germany and Austria aimed to explore the evolution of construction practices.
Eco-quarters of Freiburg-im-Breisgau - 2009 History
When in 1992, three years after the fall of the wall between East and West, the French troops to occupation have left Germany, the former barracks Vauban was found deserted. Given the pressure on land, the city of Freiburg has preempted land and has conducted various clean, destruction of unsafe buildings and soil remediation. However young, formed in combination, have parallel commencé à squatter certains vieux bâtiments et à les réhabiliter de manière écologique pour en faire des résidences étudiantes. Cette association et la commune ont donc réfléchi communément à la rédaction d’un cahier des charges pour la construction de nouveaux habitats. L’une des motivations de ses jeunes habitants étaient notamment le refus du nucléaire et donc de proposer des alternatives en termes d’habitats et de production et consommation d’énergie.
Présentation des lieux et bâtiments visités
There are no cars in those spaces, two large parking lots are available habitats near these neighborhoods. A transit is located within 500 m of each dwelling. Real living spaces are present between the houses where bicycle traffic for example is very quiet and pleasant.
The play areas for children are free to use and management of all inhabitants.
The new districts are made up of housing liabilities (with solar panels) but also offices with equipment technology poussées tels que des panneaux avec ventilation nocturne permettant de refroidir les bâtiments la nuit sans ouvrir les fenêtres.
Une ferme, équipée de panneaux solaires photovoltaïque et d’éoliennes, a aussi été visitée. Elle récupérait notamment la chaleur issue du refroidissement du lait. Ainsi 50 % des revenus de la ferme n’étaient pas issus de l’activité agricole.
Les impressions ressortant de ces visites ont été :
culture shock,
the weight of the French legislation. These eco-districts respond well to the notion of inclusiveness. The latter now seems important and critical to consider during discussions held for any proposed construction or development. It must indeed reflect on the construction, transport, energy efficiency but also social aspects (rich social fabric ...). Many criteria are taken into account:
→ Regulatory (Planning, Security ...)
Architectural →
techniques (thermal performance, acoustics, natural lighting ...) →
Financial →
Environmental (healthy materials, travel ...) →
Human software allows us to consider the whole project: the software COCOON: Comparison of Constructive Solutions, Comfort and CO 2
. The need for a repository has also been cited as the BDM (Building Sustainable Mediterranean) and again and again the participation of the population. A dialogue between municipalities and residents is necessary to compare ideas and negotiate.
Vorarlberg Austria - 2010
The meeting elected officials of those cities in terms of innovative green building has motivated the development of this trip.
The 60 municipalities involved here, around Lake Constance covers an area equivalent to that of the Bio-Valley. Presentation of places and buildings visited
constructs were visited:
gym 100% wood can be transformed into municipal hall or theater;
houses grouped with spaces communicating but also individual unfenced; -
college particularly bright, Wood, offering open spaces with the aim of reducing the tensions of the students, with an open courtyard in the village -
the town hall with a terrace covered by a roof and letting the light with photovoltaic panels and a restaurant, a music room, a toy library; -
social housing on two floors, wooden staircases and layout of external spaces for meetings and games; -
the collective wood boiler to heat 70 homes. All municipal buildings are made of local pine and the wood has been created and has been boosted. Calls for tender have included requirements to promote local businesses.
paper supplying schools from a local cooperative. One of the requirements in the specifications of the tender was notably able to deliver within two days, and local businesses were again favored. An honorary European competition, including a financial reward through grants, has already won several awards mayors of these municipalities.
comment and review
All these buildings are passive, functional, and includes new technology but are also very beautiful! Finally participatory democracy stronger in these municipalities is a very good asset for the realization of these projects.
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