In the silence punctuated by the monotone reading of a text designed to color the day of exercises and the muffled noise of dishes, a simple nod, I say no to every dish that I was present. With ostentatious humility, I challenge in my head all judgments that may result as my fast with my "servants" than other guests at my table. Coffee, tea, wine, pasta and desserts are returned to each presentation by the simple oscillation of the head. The power of silence which cuts at its root while questioning any derogatory remarks, suggestions "useful," even any sign of disagreement or questioning a surprise hanging from the corner of mouth. The feeling of power of great rulers. In my head, I throne in the eyes of others as a mystery, an enigma that commands respect, Respect of enforced silence the voiceless.
I only take a glass of water accompanied by principle (at least eat something!) Of the thinnest slice possible. On bread and water, as the convicts.
I weigh between meals, like who would be enrolled in a weight loss program, the effects of all levels of my fast. Never, during the fifteen days it lasted, I did not feel any hunger or the taste of m'empiffrer jam or ice cream or anything. I have not noticed any signs of hallucinations, even during my nightly meditations. The cold and drought untouchable rigor of a bar chair in place. The spirit was lighter, it seemed to me, and emotions to zero.
I lived a "high", the "high" of a bar chair, that of emptiness, a foretaste of Nirvana ..
days off between each of the weeks-themes are often busy with special activities (Mass in the catacombs, visit Rome and its basilicas, visits to other students at Jesus Magister already stationed in Via del Mascherone, etc..).
So normal unaffected by this treatment resumed its facades and its mimics the basic routine: same thoughts, same attitudes, same game of hide and seek his deepest feelings, even monotony rites of prayer never abolished. But I felt like visiting the world, an alien that act facade and other custom bored.
I was eager to return to my lair to dissect them with the thoroughness of the surgeon, under the coldness of the knife, my mysteries and those of Jesus' life.
Bethlehem, the stripping of Christ, the smell of the stable, the ox and the ass, even the angels singing in the countryside just touched me. I was fascinated by the mystery of the Incarnation itself, the mystery of life in matter, in the flesh. Jesus, an entry point for a deeper mystery, my own mystery, that of my being, my life, my identity. St. Ignatius had to turn in his grave! Instead of contemplating Jesus to associate myself with fervor, I used these tools and I was using God to mold me to the image of an idealized clone of myself.
He was also the mystery of redemption. I had for some time as classified under the category of horror movies bloody presentations of Jesus, his crown of thorns, the close-ups of the nails that pierced his hands, and the sponge that mockingly tried to quench his thirst. It is sin that questioned me, the world's redemption through the sacrifice of blood of the son to his father, the meaning of suffering, death and life after death.
What is death and life after death for those who, in the truth of his conscience to be noted is outside the fold of God?
I turned the contemplation of God's gift to a selfish and petty philosophical reflection on the nonsense of my life. I committed, with the best intentions, a pernicious sacrilege the consecrated hosts to throw the swine. Blasphemy to set myself up to judge the designs of God, master of my fate to God in defiance of its grants. God-Jesus, an object, a mirror of my mysteries. I dug my grave ...
At the speed of lightning, it seemed that the light does not penetrate the depths of my dark lair. I myself sank. And yet, this exercise comforted me.
At the end of the second week I was there, a tightrope all captured by the shape and style to provide training exercises designed by St. Ignatius, barely aware of the threat of imbalance between two abysses, Me and God.
Despite all my efforts, I remained the same. Unlike the snake, aorès seven years old, I could not change my skin, I remained an inveterate rational, facing you, blind to the Other, absolutely unfit to raise the primordial gesture of surrender requirements for my spiritual survival.
I had to take the air out of my cave, I turned round.
Third week The general confession
September 23 - Day 20 Years
I leave the confessional in tears. According to the recommendation of St. Ignatius, I had to make a general confession. I could not contain my pain. All gates of the natural modesty had fallen. It has certainly been noticing in the chapel, but nobody ever refers.
What led me to this state of disrepair? My diary is very talkative on my paths of the third week. It does indicate that the bare fact that I remember like it was yesterday, and the decor of emotions surrounding it.
It is certain that the rigor of my fasting and lack of sleep due to my nocturnal meditations were not strangers to this extraordinary sensitivity.
After inviting us to contemplate the mysteries of God made flesh to save us from our sins, inviting us for St. Ignatius the third week, to insert ourselves in meditating on these mysteries of our sinfulness.
It was not so much revise the list of our accumulated sins nor do the autopsy posthumously, but to examine our attitude or our state of chronic sinner. All in all, to examine the damage concrete that original sin had produced in us.
I had never been very impressed by the dogma of original sin, at least in its childish and fabulous: our first parents, driven out of paradise and their descendants living in condemned suffer and die because of a twisted snake that had prompted them to disobedience of gluttony! A snake that was struggling to pass.
I taught, when necessary, lip, without dwelling on the details of this sin: the apple, nudity discovery, snake, sword of fire kept the garden ... I presented it especially as a narrative expressing one's concept was then the majesty of God, the smallness of man and his natural inability to achieve by itself his dreams of survival and happiness.
Later, I was surprised to learn that the main reason for the reluctance of the Church before the polygenism (hypothesis on the origin of man sustained by some anthropologists) came primarily from its incompatibility with the dogma of original sin already ruled. (Pius XII, Letter "Humani Generis ). Instead of devoting myself to a meditation on the theological truth, as my guide St. Ignatius, I carried my attention instead on my own original sin, on my attitudes toward God and their consequences in course of my existence.
From my childhood I have seen with pleasure, the pleasure of one who, adults, found in his attic toys that have fascinated the few times because I had known before my at Juvénat. I saw with joy on a seafloor spreads, as the azure blue, the three islands that had been my earthly paradises, places and times when God had been very close, come talk to me like in the paradise of our grandparents, Adam and Eve: the
Cap-de-la-Madeleine , the Way of the Cross at the top of the stairs to the Good Friday potholed roads and the image of my mother praying before the Blessed Sacrament.
The rest of my encounters with God that brought the calendar with those of the surrounding culture, without reaching a repetition of daily rituals. These rites commanded the same gestures and the same attitudes of robotic submission: milking cows, the string family, the killing of the pig, Lent and Easter on the first Friday of the month, the Sunday Mass ..., the same mechanical had little impact on my quest for God. Their memories were washed away by time in its dungeons.
My unsuccessful quest for the Holy Grail began with my entry Juvénat. Like Jews in the desert, I brought with me a few idols and I made my own golden calves: the Trinitas Beatissima, a doll-icon I coddled and dressed in my own dreams, celebrations Christmas, Easter or Sacred Heart, that I had learned to chew out as the Jews had done before with their golden calf ....
In my work inside my log shows each recollection, to each retreat, a long series of repetitive resolutions unfulfilled, of spells and sacrifices, the smoke never rose above the sky of my navel. It also outlines the incantations repeatedly to large auction of indulgences that God gave me with that missed appointments. In short, repeated attempts to buy with the lotus sacred signs of my destiny.
The few oases: the annual retreats, occasional correspondence, or interviews with my spiritual director, brother Cyprian, a host of substitutes divine that reinforced my determination to continue my journey, no matter what. Stubbornness and harassment of crude to the divine. Jacob's struggle against the Angel, the heroic struggles of Gilgamesh, the all-out search of the Holy Grail, and closer to home, the gold rush. God I wanted to record on my tape, put it in the service of my personality always disappointed its reflections. Knowing that I was the son of God was not enough. A spoiled child, he had every day that the Magi from the east and offer me their presents m'encenser.
The sin of pride, the same who brought down Lucifer. The same that was to sacrilege committed with the requisite recklessness and a few famous people there, including many clergymen who have erected their throne on the tomb of the Servant of Yahweh poor and bare, without communicating to his soul, by downplaying the beams of light emanating from its radiant resurrection.
It does not trap more God that houses the sea in a husk of nuts. Instead of waiting for God who came, I challenged him, instead of welcoming this, I called intrusively, and instead of contemplating, I way with spoils of my being.
All these faults were taking root in the same soil, that of a disordered ambition and self-sufficient, the same that had fed the architects of the Tower of Babel.
I left this meditation in a state of disrepair as I had never known. The announcement of a cancer-free remission would not have more dismayed. All my horizons were closed. Job on his dunghill imploring the coming of the Redeemer.
Fourth week Enlightenment
I'm back from my general confession head bowed, not daring to look at anyone. Leave that followed allowed me to cover my moods of my old mask and back into the routine of my normal facial expressions. A pause after demolition and before reconstruction.
The fourth week urged us to "participate in the experience of the joy of the Risen Jesus."
I returned to my lair after the presentation referred to this last step, instead of my knees, stick me in the forehead on the floor, I opened the shutters of the window overlooking the entrance to the Mother House, I leaned both elbows on the windowsill, and the eyes are connected in periscope, I did a survey at one hundred and eighty degrees, a careful watch for the return of a dove holding in its beak an olive branch to sign a life news.
This dove, I saw emerge in the form of hummingbirds that they aspired thin tube life offered by a bouquet of colorful flowers. Elegance hung a subtle smile to my lips. Then came the birds, plugged into the wall of the Casa, happy as children, before whom is circulated coveted treats.
A car full of brothers dazzled visitors returning from their first trip to the Eternal City.
In the distance, sounds of a celestial harmony came from women who gathered in singing so tasty Pomodori (tomatoes) Italian.
Then I went for a walk in the park where life orchestrating his vibrant sounds. My eyes, armed with new glasses saw it everywhere as the third dimension of a film shot in Cinemascope.
At dinner that followed, my nod to the vertical information that I got my servers to life. Slowly, with the inner awareness of a gourmet, I savored each dish. The words of Jesus: "Man does not live by bread alone" was not taking the austere taste of the fast but of an exquisite pleasure of life.
Several years later, one morning on Mount Sinai (5) I saw the sun renew the creation of the world caught on to a cloud in the sky dark, erect around its rocks of Horeb, the color of ocher and red, enliven the landscape of puppets stealth passage of birds busy repeating throughout the world the message of the dove the olive branch. Discrete lizards glided over cold rocks looking for the best place in the sun. The crowd, silent and invisible, anonymous and gray, had gained the night on the cold, sharp slopes of the highest peaks of the mountain, gradually kindled multicolored shades drew paths through the assembly. Faces of all ages and all races hooded as pilgrims descend upon the sacred mountain, carrying the sacrament of a life that took over every morning and day by day.
So my rebirth to life by instinct took over as the paths of the world's creation.
Soon, by virtue of an indescribable sight set on a fourth dimension, I would receive a discreet presence in this life that every day regenerate our planet. It appeared to me slowly, following the handling of a mysterious "zoom" who knew the track down to the smallest folds, as if it had always been there.
I knew pretty well all the texts of the Gospels that reported multiple realizations of the presence of the risen Jesus after his descent into the underworld of death.
Following Jesus Magister course, my thoughts had convinced me that the resurrection of Jesus was not verifiable historical fact about how the events that mark human history. It is faith that has included this important event in the lineage of the great deeds of mankind, not the parameters the science of history. Submit the fact of the resurrection to the rigor of science, he siphoned his soul. In simple, modern, I was sure that a camera hidden in the tomb of Jesus could not save her or his resurrection from the tomb.
Limit the resurrection of an act of divine power which demonstrated beyond any doubt the superiority of Christianity over other religions seemed like a coffee decaffeinated released all its virtues and all flavor. I also learned, our discussions Coffee Cultural in authentic, that the benefits of the resurrection of Jesus does not just picked as a windfall after death as a reward for the faithful discharge of our duties as Christians.
Baptism we were plunged, as expressed in the ancient rites-the tomb of Jesus to take us to the bridal gown, the chandelier in the resurrection of Jesus.
I knew all that, but it was cut compartmentalized knowledge of the spiritual life, a peasant who continued the grueling autumn plowing with his oxen, while a brand new tractor was sleeping in his shed.
Instead of rehashing the data and learned theological reconvaincre me, phrases like "sperabamus" disciples of Emmaus, the story of visiting the holy women at the tomb, one appearances to the disciples together, and so on. enabled me to see the resurrection as a presence, not that of Jesus and radiant makeup for this parousia as presented in the holy images, but a discreet presence in the heart of human restlessness: the heart of the expectations of Mary Magdalene node in the disappointments of the disciples, the excitement of Peter, Thomas challenges ... Then, the logical consequence of this vision appeared to me as written in letters of fire on the sky of the climb when a cloud came subtract Jesus the eyes of his disciples and two angels without wings told them: "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? "(Acts 1, 9-11). It is on the ground that Jesus is present. His Incarnation did not end with her death, she extended to us the power of his resurrection.
It was key that I introduce myself to lock in all of human existence, that of young and old, beggars and the ignorant, those also of good and evil, birth and death, time and eternity.
Any spark of love between humans, whatever the label affixed to it, be they Arab, miscreants, thieves, prostitutes, any spark of love signed on a daily basis repeatedly, the presence of the risen Jesus and melted all the hopes for survival of our humanity.
I spent the rest of retirement as a cloud hanging with my magnifying telescope in four dimensions. I trained in its use, to refine my view of all being. My new readings of the world relied entirely new interpretations and my history and that of the universe, they drew new scenarios apostolic and justified the fondest hopes. I won I believe it, forever, illuminated by a light you can put it under a bushel.
Veni Creator Spiritus - Come, Creator Spirit
Imple superna gratia - Fill your presence
Quae Creastas pectora you - the hearts of your children.
Click on the picture to hear another version of the hymn Veni Creator
(1) The most beautiful hymn of Christian liturgy. It was composed by
Raban Maure in the ninth century and is normally associated with the Roman Catholic Church .- For more information and the text in Latin and French, cf.
(2) Song of John Littleton who often appeared on the program of songs in religious professions. A song prayer which marks the availability of the consecrated host to the divine gifts.
(3) Jehoshaphat's brother was the first brother Quebecois was elected superior general Institute. He moved to Rome the general house located in Paradise in France. He installed the Grand Novitiate. Under his leadership, the Institute also knew a great missionary expansion. See The Brothers of the Sacred Heart in Canada by Jean-Claude Ethier SC
(4) Waiting for the Messiah and the fulfillment of the promises that accompanied it was refined during the history of the people of God. King Messiah is the triumph has come to expect the Servant of Yahweh, poor and overwhelmed with opprobrium; milk and honey of the Promised Land became the "Blessed are the poor" of the Sermon on the Mount.
(5) On a trip to Egypt, I had the "tourist attraction" to go watch the sunrise Galarneau upper slopes of Sinai. I was then marked by the strong impression of having witnessed the creation of the world.
retirement had my cataracts removed, the same world view and life as I knew in the fourth week of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
The chronicle of Jean-Claude
Jean-Claude, my lifelong friend and brother in religion, emeritus member of the group of pioneers Magister de Jesus (1958-61) and called us by name Nabi (prophet), has agreed to draw back of the stage of memoirs, a chronicle that recounts year by year from 1957 to 1970) the evolution of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart located in seven provinces in Canada Community, of which six are located Quebec.
Brother Jean-Claude Ethier SC resident Arthabaska (Victoriaville today), instead of the first home founded by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart in Canada in 1872 and headquarters of the only province since 2002 includes all the Brothers of the Sacred Heart on Canadian soil.
Six years ago, in October 2004, Brother Ethier was publishing "The Brotherhood of the Sacred Heart - Their apostolate in Canada (1900-2004). Brother Ethier knows the small and large history of the Institute. He was assigned to his province (Ottawa) to the two general chapters that have made an important post-conciliar revision of the Rules and Constitutions of the community. For six years he served as provincial superior of the province and district of the Philippines. Subsequently, he participated in the merger of Canadian provinces and, as secretary, tasks succession process and the institutional arrangement of institutions belonging to the community.
He spent nine years as provincial director of Christian education (French sector) for the Assembly of Bishops of Ontario and, from the 1990s, during nine years as national coordinator of Christian education (French sector) for the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Canada.
Still active, brother Jean-Claude serves his community as assistant secretary of the provincial administration. For nine years, he publishes The Link, a weekly newsletter sent to members of his community. In addition, he performs for his community in many translation tasks and writing.
The chronicle of Jean-Claude highlight the major changes in the lives of members of the community from 1957 to 1970 and identify the statistics that mark the evolution of the size of the community during this period.
His life is summed at the last sentence of his book:
Educator of the Faith, a vocation that does not flatten, surely a road take.
Jean-Claude, we'll repeat: "Ad multos annos and faustissimos! as it was in time.
is the first installment of the Chronicles of Jean-Claude :
To write this column, I consulted DIRECTORY OF THE INSTITUTE Brothers of the Sacred Heart . It is its source. The number shown will therefore refer. This book is published since the late 1940s to the General House in Rome, Italy.
The scope of my research was limited to the provinces Canadian community who, for the period 1958-1971, were seven in number: the provinces of Arthabaska, Granby, Montreal, Quebec, Rimouski, Sherbrooke and Ottawa.
The things I learned and who formed what I call the "grid" of my study are:
- staff
- Training and studies
- open houses
- the closure of homes
- the missions
- works
- events
- the basic law
- new initiatives
I think exploration, however short, the period 1958-1970 can shed much light on how the brothers have tried to cope with the challenges of "new times", the upheaval brought by the quiet revolution in the traditional areas of mission, fraternal and community life, exercise of authority and spiritual vision.
Jean-Claude Ethier, SC
++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
DIRECTORY 1957-1958 No. 52
An important The general chapter held from September 21 to October 6, 1958 resulted in a report on the status of the institute in which it was reported that emerged as major issues during the past six years had elapsed (1952-1958);
- the institute has grown from 11 to 15 provinces
- Number of brothers went from 2428 to 2745
- there was opening of works in five countries: Cameroon, Netherlands, New Caledonia, Ivory Coast, Philippines
- the brothers are moving more towards secondary schools
- youth training, succession is significantly prolonged
- to extend the training of young people has a significant impact on the number of brothers that superiors may assign to the same schools
- we can see a push toward higher education among brothers; an institute of higher education in religious studies has been established: Jesus Magister
- there more and more collaboration between the provinces in studies of young trainees
- Jehoshaphat's brother was elected superior general for a second term
in the seven provinces Canadian
- Television enters houses
- the juniors now have three weeks vacation in their family
- there is closure of nine stations in Quebec and Saskatchewan
previous seven Canadian provinces :
- 1423 professed
- 59 novices
- 912 juniors
++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++
- DIRECTORY 1958-1959
No. 53
In the chronicle of the province Arthabaska community, it is reported that there are 119 brothers who devote themselves in schools, while there are 92 who are assigned to positions either in government or in the training of young aspirants, or community service; also, there are those who are in school or retired. This is very significant.
In the province of Montreal, a sign of changing course, the brothers work in 11 secondary schools and 14 elementary schools.
is stepping up efforts to recruit young high school.
The training environments (nuns, novitiate, seminary) are not as tight as before, where each province had its own organization, we demonstrated flexibility, collaboration, taking into account staff in place, program of study. Youth during the cycle: nuns, novitiate and seminary (formerly in succession in the same place) are often required to travel, not more than one neighborhood to another in the same house but in a training environment, often outside the province to which community they belong.
There were eight closures houses.
In the area of missions, we must add the foundation in the Philippines (already planned) and that of Senegal.
Home Provincial Arthabaska is engaged laity for service in the kitchen.
previous seven Canadian provinces:
- 1432 professed
- 51 novices
- 908 juniors
To be continued ...
Next issue: # 27 - The alternative