A year Scholasticate
Note to readers and appeal to all
Saturday, March 27, the serial No. 15 will focus exclusively on Mount Sacred Heart Senior Center training of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart and location of events reported in the previous serials.
This series includes several references photos and some documents in its history that we made on another blog called BIBLIO related.
We have access to these documents by clicking the appropriate links that appear in color in the main text of the Memoirs.
order to allow easier reading of these references, we have grouped into four topics that appear in the left column of the blog Memoirs of a Life Volume II. they also appear in the right column of the blog BIBLIO. In language blog is what we call labels.
The four labels are:
MONT for photos and documents at Mount Sacred Heart;
BIOGRAPHY for all the biographies included or included in BIBLIO
Juvénat for serials 2 to 9 that have been published on the Juvénat
NOVITIATE for serials 10 and 15 which relate to the novitiate and seminary.
Clicking on either of these labels, you will have access, in order of publication, all publications made under this label.
The training of nuns and monks who lived in Quebec during the twentieth century is part of our heritage. We know little or poorly this time and the life that animated it. Any photo, anecdote or document that would allow us to illustrate and better understand find its place in the blog BIBLIO.
It is the same photographs and writings on the history and life of Mount Sacred Heart, the main training center of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart in Quebec.
Simply send these documents by email or by mail at the following address: Florian Jutras - 1575 De Poitiers - Terrebonne - J6X 4P3 Tel 450 492-3230 / / flojut@videotron.ca
Your comments are appreciated. We will like to respond to any questions or suggestions that you make.

Scholasticate is quiet this morning in late June 1947. I'm sitting at a typewriter, in the refectory. To the right of the piano, I hit. I type my life plan.
is an established custom. At the end of training time, it should prepare its plan of life as a soldier who goes to war down on paper his will. Guarantee the future life, protection against the dangers of religious life in the world outside the sacred precincts of Mt.
So true, in September, at the age of 17, I will be responsible for a class. Where? I know from reading the academic persuasions in the room, before the whole community, the new provincial, brother Gaetan. Indeed, the previous fall, the general chapter meeting in Paradise has played musical chairs. Our provincial brother Jehoshaphat, there was elected Vicar General. He was succeeded here by his brother's childhood, brother Gaetan. Arriving at
Scholasticate, August 28 I learned that I was ranked in Complementary II. Ten newly professed are in the same situation. We jump squarely During the Complementary I. We take the examinations on the DIP at the end of the school year in order to obtain a certificate of further education. And presto! In September in the schools!
A combination of the Director of Studies before they die. By compiling the results of our holiday courses and noting our year of novitiate as religion classes, we had enough credits to 'jump' the Complementary I. I was flattered. But this was short lived.

That's why I'm typing so fast my life plan.
And on this side it was wonderful too. With Brother Alban, we discovered the foundations of the laws of nature in the physical sciences.
French courses, combined with teaching, were spent largely writing exercises that brother Marcel conscientiously corrected. Subjects were the arguments of the program of teaching that we should support the review of educational DIP essay. With no ounce of pedagogy, nor experience, nor coconut, we should elaborate on the controversial issue of the utility of homework as a learning or determine how mental arithmetic could form the spirit or mathematical : Success in Education It takes a little knowledge, a good dose of education and a lot of dedication.
models we were given. We studied them and we trained to reproduce the form of essay.
From time to time, we had debates on these topics. Was a scholastic and defend a thesis another object.
These debates where there was fighting blood and nail to assert its truth produced a curious effect on my life as a believer. The germ of a tough question that will be resolved until several years later. What is truth? If I can defend as well as for the cons, doing one or the other my belief, how to claim the existence of absolute truths? Where was the truth of various religious beliefs that each defended so fiercely? Question of the duration of a flash but left its mark on me forever.
Back to

This plan is structured as a plan of building. There is the roof framing and coverings.
The roof is my ideal life: glorifying Beatissima Trinitas. The walls are my conditions: my vows, the life of faith, prayer, community life, education and leisure time. These are the pillars of spiritual life that I learned at the Novitiate.
coatings are all the tips or tricks that will keep me warm life of union with God and deal with weather and leaks that could compromise it.
It praised the plan of life as a broker advertises its insurance policies. That's how I see it. And also as a protocol. Predict how we want to behave any eventuality: in front of the warmth, against the temptations of flesh, annoying colleagues, superiors dominant, the grumpy old brothers.
My guiding principle is simple. I took it in the Rules. "A brother will be able to make any " and the example that embodies the whole, the bar chair repair. Everything, as vast as the world, but down to earth in the concrete of everyday life, like a bar chair off.
Glorify the Trinity my teaching. Very nice in the books but when you have to repeat tables of addition and multiplication to children once learned the table for three, the Trinity may be far away.
Let's talk about my teaching practice. One week, five long days in a class of fourth year. One brother Leonce School St. Eugene. A brother
Leonce leading his class on the finger and the eye, especially when the eye because he is no longer in the classroom, or you do not see the monitor through the window glass of the door is a mess. All the subtleties of the dissipation will explode. And I do not know how to hold the reins of these young foals frisky. I can not quell. And occasionally, the brother Alfred, responsible for teaching practice, gets his nose in the door. I feel condemned as the Last Judgement.
's brother Marcel has given us a few tricks of pedagogy. He showed us how to capture the interest and attention of children in the explanation of the Catechism No. 253. Understanding of the twists that make the story sensible signs instituted by Jesus Christ ... but there are no twists and no No. 253 to explain that week!
and math for addition and multiplication, there the novelty of flash cards. They are all displayed above the table, half-side response, half blind side. Today, I suspect that the principle (Academic) who supports this invention is the history of subliminal perception. The teacher keeps a deck of cards in his hand and must present the blind side to the class at the speed of moving pictures and in turn, students must answer correctly. And it works, I've seen him do. But I can not hold both handles all control of the operation. It is worse than Handling of Girl Guides and bacula when unloading hay at the main fork . I bordering on panic. The teacher enters. Students will once again become holy images in starched "cornstach (cornstarch).
And during five days sj'ai a thousand such follies. Others recounted their exploits. They loved teaching. I do not. I said nothing. Profound doubts about my abilities as teacher brother, about my vocation, crashing into me like signs "For Sale " a minefield.
My plan living, security, as a remedy. I am writing : " A second obligation is to make me love my students. " - " They must not neglect said Rule to attract the esteem, respect and affection of children to win them to Jesus Christ. "
To achieve this, in my life plan I write "I will be patient with my students and I will radiate joy to them. " Jesus said" Leave come to me grandchildren. "It resolved , I am a teacher, God help me, it's his will. " I put in the foreground in my classroom the virtue of gentleness and virtue of patience. "
I continue to type, a flat slips between the lines that claim to predict everything, build everything for the glory of Beatissima!
My wandering back to my jumping the start of the year. Is this really a good decision we have blown up a year? It would be so nice to continue to study! The chemistry lab, after that of physics, fascinates me. But God wills it, he must go, clap! Exactly
in the chapter of the vow of obedience, I type: "The religious obedience is transported to heaven in the arms of his superior "
insurance naive, I keep typing. Typing, I'm rambling again. Insurance ...!
Everything is quiet this morning. It has only just recovering from the great stress at the beginning of the month. The 4.5 and 6 June, we spent the dreaded exams PID. It was very stressful for me.
First a week of intense excitement to any review, the panic of the last moments before the gaping holes of memory and ideas, feverish race to teachers for further explanations, the screeching of chairs and tables that are aligned in the room the night before, while we not sleeping yet.
The fateful morning, the solemn one unsealed envelopes, long hours to write, without notes or dictionary, under the impassive eyes of foreign supervisors in the great hall of Scholasticate sitting at a desk close and severe, as an awkward silence that allowing only the rustle of leaves that were running slow and not that glide between rows. The panic of the five-minute statement announced, then the hours of anguish in the pincers of s
After three days of Friday, there was one week Herculean Outside: work, hiking, sports, etc.. Any reading is banned, there was throughout this week that the physical ... and prayers whispered by lips that have slept well. Gradually, there was a calm in the arteries with free evenings to watch the nighthawks who plunge with cries of victory to the horizons of the sunset in her pink sheets firmament.

This morning was very calm. I continue typing. I type this, my warranty, my life insurance policy, my protocol is also a consideration, considering what my learned the supernatural life that I pass the good-natured smile of the Lord. The true test, practical test of life will begin in early September before a classroom of kids brimming with life.
I type: "Gloria Dei homo vivens - Da robur auxilium iron.
is the final point of my life and plan my life at Mount Sacred Heart.
Next issue: # 15 Mount Sacred Heart
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