a gateway to a world where appearances are exceeded ...
a path without dogma, helps us to see rather than thinking ...
Life at Mount Sacred Heart is in itself a bath while immersed in the spiritual life.
places are reminders everywhere pitted the Christian mysteries. On ense
MBLE property, there are at least three cross the road, there is also reminiscent of the grotto apparitions of Mary to St. Bernadette Soubirous, a booth dedicated to St. Joseph and a statue of St. Michael the Archangel terrace which always our demons of his spear.
Inside, in addition to the large Chapel open to all, the Novitiate and Scholasticate have their own chapel and his oratory has Juvénat. At the end of the corridors, on flights of stairs in the classroom or in the various recreation and dining halls, there are statues everywhere of the Sacred Heart or Our Lady.
When we cross the central corridor on the second floor, a succession of pairs of eyes look at us with kindness. Characters who pose, colors and cold seriousness of the saints in pictures, it does lack the halo. These are the paintings of all the superiors general of the community since its founding.
Everywhere, in every room, holy images are used as decoration.
There is also the interplay of patterns embedded in the course of days and seasons that are on the agenda exercises daily maintenance of one's spiritual health. One type of stationary bike: the habit of signing with holy water upon entering every room and leaving them, that of Grace and Thanksgiving and concludes that open each meal-snack-not to mention, that prayers before each classroom, the cross paths on Friday and that visits to the chapel after almost every meal. There is also, in season, visiting the cemetery or to the cave. And whatnot?
As cutting time, the Mount Sacred Heart follows the liturgical calendar and celebrates all
s nonworking holidays therein: All Saints, Immaculate Conception, Christmas Eve, Christmas Easter. It adds the Feast of the Sacred Heart which is above a novena of prayers and being celebrated with a bang.
The first Friday of each month, the month of Mary (May) and the Rosary (October), the periods of Lent and Advent, the feast of St. Joseph, patron of the Institute (St. John the Evangelist, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque) St. Blaise (February 3) and the blessings
tion Gorge, St. Catherine and pulls, the Holy Guardian Angels ... and I forget, are the subject of a special devotion.
Each day, were read to the life of the saint's day and lunch, before Deo Gratias , délieur language, we read a passage from the Imitation of Jesus Christ. The Angelus is recited rings and lunch before dinner, while the singing of the Salve Regina closes the day. The Cor Jesu Ametur, rigor to rise, will also open several of our meetings. The song "Driven of Love "performed at the end of our community meetings and gives the heart a boost for the whole family.
And there is especially the saints whose "odor of sanctity" pervades the entire Mount Sacred Heart. Among the main ones that have marked my memory of their icons include:
Brother Louis-Felix, a former province, the last of the French brothers. He spent his long days at the chapel in its shell beads.
Brother Irenaeus, the respected old man with limited mobility that we saw the beautiful summer days, sitting on a stool, applied with patience to pull weeds angel of one of the many paths that cut out the landscape of Mt.
Brother Albertus who, on arrival of each new juniors meticulously noted in his book of prayers the names of family members. The names of his notebook every morning were pinned on a clothesline of his prayer.
Brother Augustus enjoyed the reputation of a saint animated by an intense inner life, which his premature death will be confirmed for the edification of all.
Brother Cyprian that everyone recognized as a saint and a scholar whose holiness was so deeply rooted in humility she hid her wonderful qualities as a man and a scholar.
Brother Jehoshaphat, provincial, who showed the unusual concentration chapel.
Brother Polycarp, the young, namesake of the first superior being put on the ramp leading to the canonization, also takes on the appearance of a saint.
And the brother Wenceslas, servant to the orchard, whose austerity and shyness had shaped profile of canonized saints.
And that other, real unsuspected, which is the holy Nitouche chuckled and some athletes divine ways that marked our trail novices on the way to Santiago.
And we must add by way of condiment, speeches and statements accompanying all community celebrations: anniversaries, fiestas for juniors, novices, scholastics and their masters, the obedience, death, snacks diploma etc ... All this talk oozed the spiritual recognition into heaven, the tributes to him, not to mention the little-lesson exhortation moral spiritual. There was a language "religiously correct" without fail.
These high places of the versatility of the spiritual life have imparted to our attitudes, our thoughts and our acting out an indelible character that we will remain significant despite the ravages of time and the crash of upheavals to come.
Novitiate, a training school for spiritual life
Driver change
is 12:15. We are in the refectory, somewhat behind the usual time.
After Grace, we were beckoned to sit down. The dishes are waiting on trolleys. At master's table, there is the brother Cyprian in his usual place beside him and the brother Florentien.
Brother Baunard, sub-master, gets up and tells the story, oftentimes reprinted this apprentice pilot, flight test, after carefully and successfully applied the techniques of complex flight, search altitude, turns all the steps, frantically leafing through the manual to initiate landing. A small note on the last page informs: For landing techniques, see Volume II. "And the brother
Baunard, happy mystery of its effect, concludes by saying: This is the situation we find ourselves now at the Novitiate. Welcome to our new brother Florentien Master, who holds the Volume II and thank you for the Brother Cyprian led us so well since the beginning of the novitiate. Hungry belly has no ears. Deo gratias .
We were appalled. Barely an hour earlier, in fact, the Brother Provincial had met throughout the academic community in the room. He had important information to us. After the death of brother Augustus, Director of Scholastic, which occurred March 4, he had to appoint a replacement.
Probably between the branches, it had blown the name of Brother Cyprian as the most suitable to replace the venerable brother Augustus. But then who would replace his brother Cyprien? Gossip of the most unusual fighting mad wings. We talked about the brother Valerius, this former master of novices, in 1932, had opened the novitiate at Mount Sacred Heart. The name of the brother Gideon, recruiter, also infiltrated with the currents of air. The Holy Spirit seemed out of breath. And we novices were cut off by our silence the rumors of corridor.
Solemn, brother Jehoshaphat opened the meeting with an invocation to the Holy Spirit. As a result, the brother Cyprian was proclaimed the new Director of Studies and Scholasticate.
After warmly applauded by the scholastics was expected after not without some trepidation. It was a surprise. Florentien brother was young, and professor at Juvénat three years ago. It was appreciated, but then to think he could take the important post of master of novices there was a margin that the gossip did not dare cross. The applause was slower to come. In novice, emotions Home clashed with those who preside over the farewell. After the rep
aces, two brothers Masters (old and new) took turns speaking. Of gratitude and words of comfort. Everything according to the proprieties of the situation. However, I selected the brother Cyprian was still at our disposal to any form of consultation that you want and Florentien brother, nice player, were thanked politely. He saw all those who wanted a great advantage for their continued good spiritual formation. "Brother Cyprian," he said laughing, "you have accumulated enough hours Steering you do not need the Volume II to bring your subjects safely. "
This arrangement does not fall in deaf ears. I was comforted by the thought that I would not start again for a few months with another spiritual director.
And underlying that accommodate common sense point I saw the opportunity to wreak a little vengeance mothballed since my discomfiture asymptotic.
Brother Florentien entered the novitiate with the enthusiasm of a teenager ready to change everything.
whole atmosphere was changed in the Novitiate. Same time, same regulations, same habits, but another scene, a different look.
First the gray-green overalls replaced the gray-black cassocks for any use. Traditionally, novices and brothers scraping their cassocks for sleep at night. Florentien brother bought two dozen gray-green overalls coveralls, as those that are employees of the road. Therefore, all outside work and some more dirty work inside were no longer made by novices and the cassock-like monks but by civilians-like mercenaries.
was spring. The greenhouse overflowed new plants, preparing flower beds and garden design were classified as current priorities. This work not only occupied a portion of Wednesday and Saturday afternoons but often four-hour recess. Sometimes, emergencies commanded during an absence or even leave the course in spirituality or history of the Institute for all. So much so that some brothers from the Novitiate Center spoke with a smile full of malice, as religious "an excellent school of agriculture."
And inside, a room fuck all the basement was converted into a storeroom. He pulled all believed that wines fermented in plastic barrels and was served on holidays at the table of the brethren of the Centre.
conferences also changed their tone. Instead of explaining the wonders of God and the tortuous paths of spiritual life, brother Florentien showed us pieces of real life brothers in the houses face the daily demands of work and those of community life. Opened our eyes and ears stood. Was the real thing. It is easier and more enjoyable to hear of men of God.
These conferences, however, brushed the black picture of life in homes. Community life and it seemed difficult to maintain our ideal of religious life almost impossible.
I exercised my right to continue my spiritual direction with brother Cyprian. My meetings with the brother Florentien were limited to regular monthly interviews.
Stimulated by this whirlwind of activities and news, the weather took us quickly towards the end of the novitiate: religious profession. Four months lived under the tutelage of Brother Florentien passed without too much turbulence. Brother Florentien be won quickly affection of all novices. I was standing a little apart, protected by my reservations. I was rather critical. I found myself, though very young, to find myself under the skin of old grumpy monks, bothered by the breaking of traditions and habits.
Brother Florentien was novice master for fourteen years, longer than most of his predecessors. He made his mark and assured the younger brothers he headed from 1946 to 1965 a very good preparation for their life ... brother-educator in schools.
School Spiritual Life
When spirituality is the fuel-novitiate batch of 1945-46?
I keep my novitiate be remembered as a time of grace, that of a wonderful school that introduced me to the art of self-knowledge, that of emotional control and the even more difficult a relentless quest for meaning. I was fortunate to know two very different spiritual masters. One, Brother Cyprian, who led us to heaven, and another brother Florentien which directs us to the land of the living.
Recipe Cyprian: the art of lasting relationships
great guru that brother Cyprian.
richness of life lies in its meaning than its achievements. Brother Cyprian was a man fascinated with the basics. In his lectures and interviews he was trying to camp out the aiming point of our spiritual life and the very fact of our religious life. For him, life was his supreme sense, even here, as in a relationship alive and warm, always renewed with God incarnated in Jesus Christ.
For him, God was not the Supreme Being to whom we must offer the sacrifice of his life, but the father of tenderness, the brother of every day, the companion of all activities. The Beatissima Trinitas , focal point of his fervor was his Holy Family, the place and the general picture in which life was good and relaxing. It was his heaven.
This sky, he contrived to let us discover and we'll do lunch. Attentive to us, he spoke little. However, he guided our eyes and gave us the pleasure of our own research and our own discoveries.
We do not train as it builds a statue in his own model. He attended our self. The tools used to accomplish this shaping of our being (faithful to the vocabulary of the time he spoke to our soul than of our being) had nothing sophisticated or extravagant. It was the same as those who always had a great variety of carved saints, canonized or not prayer, mortification, meditation and silence. The
prayer was simply a contact with the God who could give a multitude of names and titles used interchangeably. It was to find the hat that suits us most. Instantaneous contact, split into morse code, voiceless as heat, as a global reach ... contact. If it was not, as I do most of the time, patience, repetition, endurance, and do not panic ... presence is a contact, both north and south through all degrees of warmth . The
mortification in his eyes was not crowned masochism. It was the practice as preparation for grooming a romantic encounter. Mortification of the eyes, do not look out of the classroom windows or a door ajar in the corridors ... to bring attention to discipline a presence; mortification of taste, good way to discover the divine present in all flavors, and the whole litany of mortification came to lowercase single file for a guard to you more and more dignified in the presence of his Sovereign. Mortification also our judgments always too easy. "Wherever there are humans there is Hommers" he told us often. He braked and convictions that were not our responsibility and relativized the importance of our failures. The
meditation, a spiritual nourishment for the mind of God. It was not so, as many volumes we proposed to organize a tight reasoning resulted in three stages to a conclusion, or even the motivation to frothed like the "pep talk" preachers, not simply an exercise that develops and maintains the intelligence and taste of the spiritual truths of intelligence faith. Just as a scientist can have the taste and interest to read and reflect on the discoveries of science, old and new.
places are reminders everywhere pitted the Christian mysteries. On ense

Inside, in addition to the large Chapel open to all, the Novitiate and Scholasticate have their own chapel and his oratory has Juvénat. At the end of the corridors, on flights of stairs in the classroom or in the various recreation and dining halls, there are statues everywhere of the Sacred Heart or Our Lady.
When we cross the central corridor on the second floor, a succession of pairs of eyes look at us with kindness. Characters who pose, colors and cold seriousness of the saints in pictures, it does lack the halo. These are the paintings of all the superiors general of the community since its founding.
Everywhere, in every room, holy images are used as decoration.
There is also the interplay of patterns embedded in the course of days and seasons that are on the agenda exercises daily maintenance of one's spiritual health. One type of stationary bike: the habit of signing with holy water upon entering every room and leaving them, that of Grace and Thanksgiving and concludes that open each meal-snack-not to mention, that prayers before each classroom, the cross paths on Friday and that visits to the chapel after almost every meal. There is also, in season, visiting the cemetery or to the cave. And whatnot?
As cutting time, the Mount Sacred Heart follows the liturgical calendar and celebrates all

The first Friday of each month, the month of Mary (May) and the Rosary (October), the periods of Lent and Advent, the feast of St. Joseph, patron of the Institute (St. John the Evangelist, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque) St. Blaise (February 3) and the blessings

Each day, were read to the life of the saint's day and lunch, before Deo Gratias , délieur language, we read a passage from the Imitation of Jesus Christ. The Angelus is recited rings and lunch before dinner, while the singing of the Salve Regina closes the day. The Cor Jesu Ametur, rigor to rise, will also open several of our meetings. The song "Driven of Love "performed at the end of our community meetings and gives the heart a boost for the whole family.
And there is especially the saints whose "odor of sanctity" pervades the entire Mount Sacred Heart. Among the main ones that have marked my memory of their icons include:
Brother Louis-Felix, a former province, the last of the French brothers. He spent his long days at the chapel in its shell beads.
Brother Irenaeus, the respected old man with limited mobility that we saw the beautiful summer days, sitting on a stool, applied with patience to pull weeds angel of one of the many paths that cut out the landscape of Mt.
Brother Albertus who, on arrival of each new juniors meticulously noted in his book of prayers the names of family members. The names of his notebook every morning were pinned on a clothesline of his prayer.
Brother Augustus enjoyed the reputation of a saint animated by an intense inner life, which his premature death will be confirmed for the edification of all.
Brother Cyprian that everyone recognized as a saint and a scholar whose holiness was so deeply rooted in humility she hid her wonderful qualities as a man and a scholar.

Brother Polycarp, the young, namesake of the first superior being put on the ramp leading to the canonization, also takes on the appearance of a saint.

And the brother Wenceslas, servant to the orchard, whose austerity and shyness had shaped profile of canonized saints.
And that other, real unsuspected, which is the holy Nitouche chuckled and some athletes divine ways that marked our trail novices on the way to Santiago.
And we must add by way of condiment, speeches and statements accompanying all community celebrations: anniversaries, fiestas for juniors, novices, scholastics and their masters, the obedience, death, snacks diploma etc ... All this talk oozed the spiritual recognition into heaven, the tributes to him, not to mention the little-lesson exhortation moral spiritual. There was a language "religiously correct" without fail.
These high places of the versatility of the spiritual life have imparted to our attitudes, our thoughts and our acting out an indelible character that we will remain significant despite the ravages of time and the crash of upheavals to come.
Novitiate, a training school for spiritual life
Driver change
is 12:15. We are in the refectory, somewhat behind the usual time.
After Grace, we were beckoned to sit down. The dishes are waiting on trolleys. At master's table, there is the brother Cyprian in his usual place beside him and the brother Florentien.
Brother Baunard, sub-master, gets up and tells the story, oftentimes reprinted this apprentice pilot, flight test, after carefully and successfully applied the techniques of complex flight, search altitude, turns all the steps, frantically leafing through the manual to initiate landing. A small note on the last page informs: For landing techniques, see Volume II. "And the brother
Baunard, happy mystery of its effect, concludes by saying: This is the situation we find ourselves now at the Novitiate. Welcome to our new brother Florentien Master, who holds the Volume II and thank you for the Brother Cyprian led us so well since the beginning of the novitiate. Hungry belly has no ears. Deo gratias .
We were appalled. Barely an hour earlier, in fact, the Brother Provincial had met throughout the academic community in the room. He had important information to us. After the death of brother Augustus, Director of Scholastic, which occurred March 4, he had to appoint a replacement.
Probably between the branches, it had blown the name of Brother Cyprian as the most suitable to replace the venerable brother Augustus. But then who would replace his brother Cyprien? Gossip of the most unusual fighting mad wings. We talked about the brother Valerius, this former master of novices, in 1932, had opened the novitiate at Mount Sacred Heart. The name of the brother Gideon, recruiter, also infiltrated with the currents of air. The Holy Spirit seemed out of breath. And we novices were cut off by our silence the rumors of corridor.
Solemn, brother Jehoshaphat opened the meeting with an invocation to the Holy Spirit. As a result, the brother Cyprian was proclaimed the new Director of Studies and Scholasticate.
After warmly applauded by the scholastics was expected after not without some trepidation. It was a surprise. Florentien brother was young, and professor at Juvénat three years ago. It was appreciated, but then to think he could take the important post of master of novices there was a margin that the gossip did not dare cross. The applause was slower to come. In novice, emotions Home clashed with those who preside over the farewell. After the rep

This arrangement does not fall in deaf ears. I was comforted by the thought that I would not start again for a few months with another spiritual director.
And underlying that accommodate common sense point I saw the opportunity to wreak a little vengeance mothballed since my discomfiture asymptotic.
Brother Florentien entered the novitiate with the enthusiasm of a teenager ready to change everything.
whole atmosphere was changed in the Novitiate. Same time, same regulations, same habits, but another scene, a different look.
First the gray-green overalls replaced the gray-black cassocks for any use. Traditionally, novices and brothers scraping their cassocks for sleep at night. Florentien brother bought two dozen gray-green overalls coveralls, as those that are employees of the road. Therefore, all outside work and some more dirty work inside were no longer made by novices and the cassock-like monks but by civilians-like mercenaries.
was spring. The greenhouse overflowed new plants, preparing flower beds and garden design were classified as current priorities. This work not only occupied a portion of Wednesday and Saturday afternoons but often four-hour recess. Sometimes, emergencies commanded during an absence or even leave the course in spirituality or history of the Institute for all. So much so that some brothers from the Novitiate Center spoke with a smile full of malice, as religious "an excellent school of agriculture."
And inside, a room fuck all the basement was converted into a storeroom. He pulled all believed that wines fermented in plastic barrels and was served on holidays at the table of the brethren of the Centre.
conferences also changed their tone. Instead of explaining the wonders of God and the tortuous paths of spiritual life, brother Florentien showed us pieces of real life brothers in the houses face the daily demands of work and those of community life. Opened our eyes and ears stood. Was the real thing. It is easier and more enjoyable to hear of men of God.
These conferences, however, brushed the black picture of life in homes. Community life and it seemed difficult to maintain our ideal of religious life almost impossible.
I exercised my right to continue my spiritual direction with brother Cyprian. My meetings with the brother Florentien were limited to regular monthly interviews.
Stimulated by this whirlwind of activities and news, the weather took us quickly towards the end of the novitiate: religious profession. Four months lived under the tutelage of Brother Florentien passed without too much turbulence. Brother Florentien be won quickly affection of all novices. I was standing a little apart, protected by my reservations. I was rather critical. I found myself, though very young, to find myself under the skin of old grumpy monks, bothered by the breaking of traditions and habits.
Brother Florentien was novice master for fourteen years, longer than most of his predecessors. He made his mark and assured the younger brothers he headed from 1946 to 1965 a very good preparation for their life ... brother-educator in schools.
School Spiritual Life
When spirituality is the fuel-novitiate batch of 1945-46?
I keep my novitiate be remembered as a time of grace, that of a wonderful school that introduced me to the art of self-knowledge, that of emotional control and the even more difficult a relentless quest for meaning. I was fortunate to know two very different spiritual masters. One, Brother Cyprian, who led us to heaven, and another brother Florentien which directs us to the land of the living.
Recipe Cyprian: the art of lasting relationships
great guru that brother Cyprian.
richness of life lies in its meaning than its achievements. Brother Cyprian was a man fascinated with the basics. In his lectures and interviews he was trying to camp out the aiming point of our spiritual life and the very fact of our religious life. For him, life was his supreme sense, even here, as in a relationship alive and warm, always renewed with God incarnated in Jesus Christ.
For him, God was not the Supreme Being to whom we must offer the sacrifice of his life, but the father of tenderness, the brother of every day, the companion of all activities. The Beatissima Trinitas , focal point of his fervor was his Holy Family, the place and the general picture in which life was good and relaxing. It was his heaven.
This sky, he contrived to let us discover and we'll do lunch. Attentive to us, he spoke little. However, he guided our eyes and gave us the pleasure of our own research and our own discoveries.
We do not train as it builds a statue in his own model. He attended our self. The tools used to accomplish this shaping of our being (faithful to the vocabulary of the time he spoke to our soul than of our being) had nothing sophisticated or extravagant. It was the same as those who always had a great variety of carved saints, canonized or not prayer, mortification, meditation and silence. The
prayer was simply a contact with the God who could give a multitude of names and titles used interchangeably. It was to find the hat that suits us most. Instantaneous contact, split into morse code, voiceless as heat, as a global reach ... contact. If it was not, as I do most of the time, patience, repetition, endurance, and do not panic ... presence is a contact, both north and south through all degrees of warmth . The
mortification in his eyes was not crowned masochism. It was the practice as preparation for grooming a romantic encounter. Mortification of the eyes, do not look out of the classroom windows or a door ajar in the corridors ... to bring attention to discipline a presence; mortification of taste, good way to discover the divine present in all flavors, and the whole litany of mortification came to lowercase single file for a guard to you more and more dignified in the presence of his Sovereign. Mortification also our judgments always too easy. "Wherever there are humans there is Hommers" he told us often. He braked and convictions that were not our responsibility and relativized the importance of our failures. The
meditation, a spiritual nourishment for the mind of God. It was not so, as many volumes we proposed to organize a tight reasoning resulted in three stages to a conclusion, or even the motivation to frothed like the "pep talk" preachers, not simply an exercise that develops and maintains the intelligence and taste of the spiritual truths of intelligence faith. Just as a scientist can have the taste and interest to read and reflect on the discoveries of science, old and new.
He suggested we find the writings and authors who elicited the most interest for us. The texts of the liturgy could be very feeders. There we often commented with the clarity of his intellect and spirit of a discoverer. The
silence was like the hothouse of spiritual germination. It was not the Novitiate disciplinary rule. Brother Master did not recall the instructions of silence. He had managed to create an atmosphere and maintain an attitude which maintained silence as an atmosphere. Not the silence of the void but the high altitude of the air we breathe, which nourishes and purifies. I never found elsewhere, except during retreats, the atmosphere of peace and serenity that prevailed at the Novitiate. I think there is collusion between the silence and fed one who rocked me in an embryonic state.
I do not know how, brother Cyprian had an appetite for this new world for me. My apprenticeship was to navigate as weightless component with my own burdens, and to initiate me in the use of instruments on board. He assisted me with patient tenderness of a father.
The sacrifices and mortifications, even prayer, do not derive their values for the suffering they generate but, like physical exercises, they are worth as long as they give the soul the quality, flexibility, fineness and strength physical exercises give the muscles and body health.
And the role of Cyprian, guardian of the spiritual life, was to maintain a presence in this daily training to correct the excesses or choking as well as support to ensure its persistence. I see the line of novices who, after evening prayers before bedtime, taking a minute or two for him to report on their achievements or failures of their spiritual and receive appropriate sedatives his mouth. The
relational life is a perpetual recommencement. And this is also the spiritual life that lends itself to all the tricks and all tips. She does not care routine and lifestyle. Without putting the ax in the habits of religious life that so easily installed on any level whatsoever, brother Cyprian made me see that other ways than the "strict adherence" led to "countries in above. " Change and mobility are the constants of life and religious life as all life has to reinvent itself at any time.
means u
or reused for shaping the soul were very simple. Those on board: the plan this month including specific objectives, review particular daily practice of ejaculations nourished by adding the constant reading and writing the most thoughtful Foster for 'beggars' in the sense that we claimed be or become.
Brother Cyprian was my spiritual director for over fifteen years. I was so clumsy and so tough that he failed to make me get up high in the spiritual spheres. However, I am indebted to him forever and a certain serenity that I have managed to maintain despite numerous turbulence in the overview of our lifetimes. Releases that have come slowly are also largely due to the sharpness of his knife and his skill as a surgeon experienced. The islands of peace coming to settle in life are the result of patient effort and long struggles. Brother Cyprian was a peacemaker "sustainable."
revenue Florentien - gay vivens
Each song in his life reveals his 'major' and 'minor'. The 'major' or mark that Brother Florentien gave its formation seems to be that of the community. By temperament he was, I think, more a man of community that a man of inner life. The values of heart and harmony prevailed over those of the mind and compliance.
This appears very clearly dominant in the type of organization he established in the Novitiate. More than the silence, he promoted the communication and collaboration. Gifted with a natural empathy conquering, he was able to develop a sense of family that exploded in the evenings of family and extended family in the community who live in homes where the brothers are mobilized by the daily grind of the animation school and the thrill of living together.
The training given by the brother Florentien should prepare ourselves to our real life brother of a teacher in a real community where the Saints rubbed the jaded, young, old, active, grannies. The spiritual life embodied in faithfulness to his vocation by the strict observance of rules and practice of fraternal charity. It was good value, practical, complementary to those that could connect the Brother Cyprian and probably also more marketable to youth sixteen years who aspired to a career in the Institute.
By choice, and perhaps also by a little swagger, I have not tasted the personal spiritual direction might have to give me the brother Florentien. I do not remember either of his thought or the importance he attached to prayer, religious life, the wishes, the observance of the rule. He did not speak in terms evangelical and spiritual. The vows of poverty, obedience and chastity were sometimes explained by concrete examples from his experience in school Top with the good brother Edmond or extracts of his correspondence with the young brothers.
Brother Florentien we formed the ultrasonic wave radiating from which emanated from his fullness of being. Saint Irenaeus expressed in four words the essence of spiritual life: "Gloria Dei homo vivens " The glory of God is man fully alive. Florentien brother was a "man alive" in every sense of the word. Such was his charisma. He did well his talent grow. We can say that I prefer apples to oranges, but not the flavor of the apple is over that of orange.
Teilhard de Chardin, who saw in the field of powerful incarnation of the spiritual virtues of the cosmogenesis noogenesis, stressed the importance of keeping well in hand and in harmony these two lines of evolution and growth present in every being. I consider myself very lucky to have had at the beginning of my religious life, to commune with these two poles well defined and embodied in the brothers Cyprian and Florentien.
Next issue: # 14 - Packing for life
silence was like the hothouse of spiritual germination. It was not the Novitiate disciplinary rule. Brother Master did not recall the instructions of silence. He had managed to create an atmosphere and maintain an attitude which maintained silence as an atmosphere. Not the silence of the void but the high altitude of the air we breathe, which nourishes and purifies. I never found elsewhere, except during retreats, the atmosphere of peace and serenity that prevailed at the Novitiate. I think there is collusion between the silence and fed one who rocked me in an embryonic state.
I do not know how, brother Cyprian had an appetite for this new world for me. My apprenticeship was to navigate as weightless component with my own burdens, and to initiate me in the use of instruments on board. He assisted me with patient tenderness of a father.
The sacrifices and mortifications, even prayer, do not derive their values for the suffering they generate but, like physical exercises, they are worth as long as they give the soul the quality, flexibility, fineness and strength physical exercises give the muscles and body health.
And the role of Cyprian, guardian of the spiritual life, was to maintain a presence in this daily training to correct the excesses or choking as well as support to ensure its persistence. I see the line of novices who, after evening prayers before bedtime, taking a minute or two for him to report on their achievements or failures of their spiritual and receive appropriate sedatives his mouth. The
relational life is a perpetual recommencement. And this is also the spiritual life that lends itself to all the tricks and all tips. She does not care routine and lifestyle. Without putting the ax in the habits of religious life that so easily installed on any level whatsoever, brother Cyprian made me see that other ways than the "strict adherence" led to "countries in above. " Change and mobility are the constants of life and religious life as all life has to reinvent itself at any time.
means u

Brother Cyprian was my spiritual director for over fifteen years. I was so clumsy and so tough that he failed to make me get up high in the spiritual spheres. However, I am indebted to him forever and a certain serenity that I have managed to maintain despite numerous turbulence in the overview of our lifetimes. Releases that have come slowly are also largely due to the sharpness of his knife and his skill as a surgeon experienced. The islands of peace coming to settle in life are the result of patient effort and long struggles. Brother Cyprian was a peacemaker "sustainable."
revenue Florentien - gay vivens
Each song in his life reveals his 'major' and 'minor'. The 'major' or mark that Brother Florentien gave its formation seems to be that of the community. By temperament he was, I think, more a man of community that a man of inner life. The values of heart and harmony prevailed over those of the mind and compliance.
This appears very clearly dominant in the type of organization he established in the Novitiate. More than the silence, he promoted the communication and collaboration. Gifted with a natural empathy conquering, he was able to develop a sense of family that exploded in the evenings of family and extended family in the community who live in homes where the brothers are mobilized by the daily grind of the animation school and the thrill of living together.
The training given by the brother Florentien should prepare ourselves to our real life brother of a teacher in a real community where the Saints rubbed the jaded, young, old, active, grannies. The spiritual life embodied in faithfulness to his vocation by the strict observance of rules and practice of fraternal charity. It was good value, practical, complementary to those that could connect the Brother Cyprian and probably also more marketable to youth sixteen years who aspired to a career in the Institute.
By choice, and perhaps also by a little swagger, I have not tasted the personal spiritual direction might have to give me the brother Florentien. I do not remember either of his thought or the importance he attached to prayer, religious life, the wishes, the observance of the rule. He did not speak in terms evangelical and spiritual. The vows of poverty, obedience and chastity were sometimes explained by concrete examples from his experience in school Top with the good brother Edmond or extracts of his correspondence with the young brothers.

Brother Florentien we formed the ultrasonic wave radiating from which emanated from his fullness of being. Saint Irenaeus expressed in four words the essence of spiritual life: "Gloria Dei homo vivens " The glory of God is man fully alive. Florentien brother was a "man alive" in every sense of the word. Such was his charisma. He did well his talent grow. We can say that I prefer apples to oranges, but not the flavor of the apple is over that of orange.
Teilhard de Chardin, who saw in the field of powerful incarnation of the spiritual virtues of the cosmogenesis noogenesis, stressed the importance of keeping well in hand and in harmony these two lines of evolution and growth present in every being. I consider myself very lucky to have had at the beginning of my religious life, to commune with these two poles well defined and embodied in the brothers Cyprian and Florentien.
Next issue: # 14 - Packing for life
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