honey of the visible
to accumulate in the great golden hive of the invisible
Rainer Maria Rilke - From a Letter
Rainer Maria Rilke - From a Letter

Before entering this beehive of activity, recall the main time of its existence and are reviewing a summary description of this imposing building.
From 1932 to 1965, the building that fully meets the needs for which it was designed, sustained only minor modifications.
The most significant changes to the property Mount Sacred Heart occur in 1965, following the removal of the scholastics Scholasticate central Montreal. Their wing was then occupied by juniors and Juvénat was leased to the school Best Regional which occupied for nine years.
Subsequently, these are the three wings and available space in the center that will be occupied by the institutional education is embodied in the College of Mount Sacred Heart.
Despite important changes he experienced after 1965, the building retains its original appearance and decor that made his reputation has been little altered by new buildings.
All arable land including gardens, orchard and sugar bush was given to a farmer who is independent, however, observe the development landscaping throughout the property.
The cemetery, built the grotto in 1936, crosses and monuments in place on the property remained intact.
Show detailed chronology . Click
The building
Brother Theodule present and the building of Mount Sacred Heart
"The building, fire resistant, reinforced concrete is covered with cream-colored brick as the background and gray stone decorative as a game. "(H. Theodule , SC, THE BROTHERS OF SACRED HEART IN CANADA, 1936 p. 87
The development of the property See details
The renovation of the property are nearing completion in 1938. They were made to the "elbow grease" and wheelbarrows mainly by the novices and scholastics under the successive direction of brothers Chris and Louis, according to plans prepared by the brothers Auguste and Valerius. The entrance arch erected in 1944 by the town of Granby, was completed in 1947.
A beehive of activity
The Daily Buzz
hive awoke in the morning at 5.00 am and closed his cell last night at 21:30. The day consisted of about four hours of prayer, five hours devoted to meals and recreation and seven hours of class and study.
Every young devoted ten to twenty minutes after each meal to fulfill its task of daily maintenance of the hive.
It was not idle either during the afternoon off. Master's brother met us in the room and with the authority of a military leader, we distributed work. He always had a dozen young people calenders. Master's brother asked the volunteers to raise their hands. It was often complete by the group designations automatically so this task was feared. The time seemed interminable to the calenders. The atmosphere was stifling and they spent the afternoon folding and folding handkerchiefs, sheets, pillowcases or towels.
Tree Centre, which is to say those not assigned to teach in one or the other formation houses, shared the basement workshops. There were, among others, the famous calenders two brothers who were full time.
Brother Francis, shoemaker, manufactured or repaired everything that was leather. He made himself of baseball gloves, as well as leggings and mittens goalie.
In carpentry, Georgius brother was the prime contractor for all work to be done in the house. He made furniture supplements which were requested: tables, chairs, shelves, cabinets, etc..
Philibert and brothers Leonard, older, apply to pick up the old tatty books. The houses in the province also resorted to their services.
Three or four brothers worked continuously in the kitchen under the leadership of brothers Paul and Andrew Cyr, two fountains of guy who felt our silence when fetched dishes.
The sewing workshop where they mended clothing worn or torn envoys of various wings or detected in the wash was located near the parlor and occupied mainly by e porter.
Brother Clement , although a nurse of obedience, was also in charge of the orchard, vines and hives, while one or two other brothers were responsible for all the heavy work outdoors.
Located near the parlor, brother Aldéric, always cheerful, answering the telephone and receiving visitors. He spent his free time at her sewing machine. All clothing repair passed through his hands.
Voice of Mount Sacred Heart was the brother Didier his career Gestetner printer and typographer her full time. In
Novitiate, brother Leonidas was acting as overseer, responsible for all maintenance work which required some expertise.
Each season brought its trimming chores that often the time spent at recess:
In the spring he was digging gardens and maintain. Throughout the warm season, there were large areas of lawn to mow. We mowed grouping of six to ten cylinder lawnmowers which formed an oblique line across the field, as an invasion of tanks, one impinging on the previous order to leave no duvets. It took more than an hour for the big baseball field and the week after, everything had to start over.
gardens required a constant weeding and evening of warm days, everything was watered by hand using a small watering just three gallons.
weeding paths was much more tedious. Ah quackgrass! Loved that it was scratch. Aisles should be flawless ... for visitors.
picking apples took much of the fall and was open to all sorts of gossip from the top of ladders.
The chore of autumn, was picking potatoes. It takes potatoes to meet throughout the year three hundred young hungry stomachs!
Early in November, teachers from all districts applied, in addition to their daily task, go to the skating rink and making ice. For two days the young kings or had legs filled with ants.
In the winter, every snowfall mobilized all hands to clean the ice. Sometimes pride supreme, it was designated as an assistant professor in charge of the watering during the night.
the spring, gathering sap held several recreations of 16.00. The energy stored in the winter and burst into joyful gossip crackling fantasies.
It was always feast to the MSC. Each party commanded its protocol of preparatory activities, its own vibration and nervousness we stuffed unusual delicacies.
annual celebrations
The Feast of the Sacred Heart
was the pinnacle of all the festivals of the year. It was preceded by a novena of prayer and celebration is called at least three days of intense preparation. The climax of this festival was the torchlight procession.
In turn, the Juvénat, Novitiate or Scholasticate took up the charge of the altar which had to be more beautiful, more original and more imposing than the previous year. It should also draw arches on a passing parade. I remember
spent half a day to collect the forest among Griggs currents (lycopodium) of I do not know what plant, which they surrounded the wooden structure of two arches mounted by the brothers of Juvénat. Let us remember that the retain the ephemeris.
June 16, 1944 - Feast of the Sacred Heart .
Morning Pontifical Mass by Mgr Douville. A
10hl5, reception hall academic. For lunch, banquet Scholasticate in the recreation room beautifully decorated. It celebrates 25 years of priesthood of Bishop.
the evening at 20:00 pm, candlelight procession. Arch Juvénat magnificent. Splendid altar at the entrance to the house prepared by the scholastics.
(cited in Ephemerides 1932-1982 Mount Sacred Heart p. 83)
's Day Jubilarians
Each province was also celebrated brothers who reached fifty years of religious life. The Golden Jubilee celebration of the three A, Antonius brothers, Antonio and Albertinus. superior general, was particularly well done. Ephemerides include:
August 15-16, 1945 -
Golden Jubilee Celebration of FF. Antonio, Antonius and Albertinus, superior general.
banquet in the Great Hall at noon juniorate; play ("The Substitute") performed at the Academic Hall by the scholastics. The day before, juniors had presented "little blind".
We had strong speeches, addresses or speeches. I mention among other things addresses the Jubilee (with beautiful bouquets
spiritual works of FF. Cesaire, Stefan Urcize and Regis), addresses the missionary brothers Simeon, Guy and Liguori, addresses the jubilee.
This is a day of celebration that will remain etched in the memory well of all young people who attended or participated. (Center)
It was customary to offer a jubilee " Spiritual Bouquet " composed of masses, communions, prayers and sacrifices that were collected from all members of the community. This spiritual bouquet was presented on a richly decorated parchment by one of the finest artists of the province.
The renovation of the property are nearing completion in 1938. They were made to the "elbow grease" and wheelbarrows mainly by the novices and scholastics under the successive direction of brothers Chris and Louis, according to plans prepared by the brothers Auguste and Valerius. The entrance arch erected in 1944 by the town of Granby, was completed in 1947.
A beehive of activity
The Daily Buzz
hive awoke in the morning at 5.00 am and closed his cell last night at 21:30. The day consisted of about four hours of prayer, five hours devoted to meals and recreation and seven hours of class and study.
Every young devoted ten to twenty minutes after each meal to fulfill its task of daily maintenance of the hive.
It was not idle either during the afternoon off. Master's brother met us in the room and with the authority of a military leader, we distributed work. He always had a dozen young people calenders. Master's brother asked the volunteers to raise their hands. It was often complete by the group designations automatically so this task was feared. The time seemed interminable to the calenders. The atmosphere was stifling and they spent the afternoon folding and folding handkerchiefs, sheets, pillowcases or towels.
Tree Centre, which is to say those not assigned to teach in one or the other formation houses, shared the basement workshops. There were, among others, the famous calenders two brothers who were full time.
Brother Francis, shoemaker, manufactured or repaired everything that was leather. He made himself of baseball gloves, as well as leggings and mittens goalie.
In carpentry, Georgius brother was the prime contractor for all work to be done in the house. He made furniture supplements which were requested: tables, chairs, shelves, cabinets, etc..
Philibert and brothers Leonard, older, apply to pick up the old tatty books. The houses in the province also resorted to their services.
Three or four brothers worked continuously in the kitchen under the leadership of brothers Paul and Andrew Cyr, two fountains of guy who felt our silence when fetched dishes.
The sewing workshop where they mended clothing worn or torn envoys of various wings or detected in the wash was located near the parlor and occupied mainly by e porter.
Brother Clement , although a nurse of obedience, was also in charge of the orchard, vines and hives, while one or two other brothers were responsible for all the heavy work outdoors.
Located near the parlor, brother Aldéric, always cheerful, answering the telephone and receiving visitors. He spent his free time at her sewing machine. All clothing repair passed through his hands.
Voice of Mount Sacred Heart was the brother Didier his career Gestetner printer and typographer her full time. In
Novitiate, brother Leonidas was acting as overseer, responsible for all maintenance work which required some expertise.
Each season brought its trimming chores that often the time spent at recess:
In the spring he was digging gardens and maintain. Throughout the warm season, there were large areas of lawn to mow. We mowed grouping of six to ten cylinder lawnmowers which formed an oblique line across the field, as an invasion of tanks, one impinging on the previous order to leave no duvets. It took more than an hour for the big baseball field and the week after, everything had to start over.
gardens required a constant weeding and evening of warm days, everything was watered by hand using a small watering just three gallons.
weeding paths was much more tedious. Ah quackgrass! Loved that it was scratch. Aisles should be flawless ... for visitors.
picking apples took much of the fall and was open to all sorts of gossip from the top of ladders.
The chore of autumn, was picking potatoes. It takes potatoes to meet throughout the year three hundred young hungry stomachs!
Early in November, teachers from all districts applied, in addition to their daily task, go to the skating rink and making ice. For two days the young kings or had legs filled with ants.
In the winter, every snowfall mobilized all hands to clean the ice. Sometimes pride supreme, it was designated as an assistant professor in charge of the watering during the night.
the spring, gathering sap held several recreations of 16.00. The energy stored in the winter and burst into joyful gossip crackling fantasies.
It was always feast to the MSC. Each party commanded its protocol of preparatory activities, its own vibration and nervousness we stuffed unusual delicacies.
annual celebrations
The Feast of the Sacred Heart
was the pinnacle of all the festivals of the year. It was preceded by a novena of prayer and celebration is called at least three days of intense preparation. The climax of this festival was the torchlight procession.
In turn, the Juvénat, Novitiate or Scholasticate took up the charge of the altar which had to be more beautiful, more original and more imposing than the previous year. It should also draw arches on a passing parade. I remember

June 16, 1944 - Feast of the Sacred Heart .
Morning Pontifical Mass by Mgr Douville. A
10hl5, reception hall academic. For lunch, banquet Scholasticate in the recreation room beautifully decorated. It celebrates 25 years of priesthood of Bishop.
the evening at 20:00 pm, candlelight procession. Arch Juvénat magnificent. Splendid altar at the entrance to the house prepared by the scholastics.
(cited in Ephemerides 1932-1982 Mount Sacred Heart p. 83)
's Day Jubilarians
Each province was also celebrated brothers who reached fifty years of religious life. The Golden Jubilee celebration of the three A, Antonius brothers, Antonio and Albertinus. superior general, was particularly well done. Ephemerides include:
August 15-16, 1945 -
Golden Jubilee Celebration of FF. Antonio, Antonius and Albertinus, superior general.
banquet in the Great Hall at noon juniorate; play ("The Substitute") performed at the Academic Hall by the scholastics. The day before, juniors had presented "little blind".
We had strong speeches, addresses or speeches. I mention among other things addresses the Jubilee (with beautiful bouquets
spiritual works of FF. Cesaire, Stefan Urcize and Regis), addresses the missionary brothers Simeon, Guy and Liguori, addresses the jubilee.
This is a day of celebration that will remain etched in the memory well of all young people who attended or participated. (Center)
It was customary to offer a jubilee " Spiritual Bouquet " composed of masses, communions, prayers and sacrifices that were collected from all members of the community. This spiritual bouquet was presented on a richly decorated parchment by one of the finest artists of the province.
Celebrations missionaries
a scenario somewhat similar every year, we celebrated the missionaries, who had just been appointed and those who, after spending five years, has returned u
Thus in 1943, we celebrated with great pomp the departure of the six founding missionaries of the mission Haiti. The celebration was preceded by the visit of the Consul of Haiti Collignon accompanied Bishop, the Bishop of a thousand marriages.
In 1944, three other missionaries, whose brother Louis-Bernard Juvénat, joined the founders of the Haiti mission.
In 1945, it was the turn of Brazil to receive its four founding missionaries whose brother Simeon's Scholasticate will be the CEO. In 45
aus if we received the visit of five brothers who came being released from a concentration camp Germany. In 1941, they had sailed to New York on a boat Egyptian, Zamzam, towards Basutoland where they were appointed missionaries. Their boat was sunk by the Germans
, they were deported to a concentration camp as prisoners of war and remained there until the end of the war. They we arrived by train from Halifax. They were received in triumph at Mount Sacred Heart. We even sang a Te Deum the chapel before we hear them telling their adventure in the academic hall. There were two days of celebrations in their honor.
At these festivals
first class, add the festival of each ward of the Mount: St. Tarcicius at the school, St. Stanislaus Novitiate and Kotska at St. John Berchmans in Scholasticate. In addition, we celebrated the birthdays of each of the directors of these houses and that of provincial superior. These feasts commanded a banquet, several speeches, a spiritual bouquet and an evening of family. Leave was also attached to these celebrations.
The celebration of the funeral of deceased brothers of the province created its own atmosphere and an appropriate protocol.
February 19, 1943, celebrated the funeral of Brother Theodule, the youngest of four brothers who opened a French school of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart in Arthabaska in 1872.
In early 1946, two deaths at an interval of less than ten days have affected the community.
First the death of brother Augustus occurred March 4. Brother Augustus, that all venerated as a saint, was director of Scholasticate.
"Twenty Brothers went to the sick room. When the holy oils were arrivals, F. Augustus had just knowledge. The chaplain gave him the first general anointing then again according to customary rites not finish the last prayers after the last breath of the Holy F. Augustus.
It was 10:30 at night. The Good, the beloved, the merciful, the holy F. Auguste made his noble soul to God. The orphan Scholasticate became the best of fathers. "(Chronicles scholasticate)
And on March 13, it was the brother Albertus, Director of Studies, died overnight in his room. M. Labarre, in charge of normal schools by the Department of Education, came to his funeral.
Special events
He came several times to get to the Mount of important characters. Include:
October 18, 1942 - We receive the visit of Bishop Antoniutti, Apostolic Delegate to Canada.
Consul of Haiti in 1943 and Bishop Collignon
August 26, 1954 - most solemn moment for our community: His Eminence Cardinal Valeri, papal legate to the Congress of Canadian religious visits us.
January 7, 1947 The mayor of the city, Mr. Horace Boivin, was also received with great fanfare by the Mount Sacred Heart on the occasion of his decoration by the pope as a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory.
The Cultural and Religious Affairs
In addition to the provincial administration, there were at Mount Sacred Heart several teams engaged in cultural and religious specific.
Recruitment Recruitment was a source of constant concern and mobilizing energy and collaboration of the entire community under pressure from recruiters who
remained at Mount Sacred Heart.
We gave annual goals of 75, 100 and 125 new juniors each year. In collaboration with Voice we stood honor rolls which were schools that had led to more recruits Juvénat. We honored the brothers who drove a new recruit to Juvénat Their name, their recruits and their date of entry were meticulously recorded in Voice issued monthly to all the houses in the province. It was to recruiters a place of honor at the table when they came Juvénat drive a new recruit or visit those who were already there.
From the sixth year, the best candidates were identified by recruiters, classroom visits and monitored closely during their seventh year. Parents were encountered, their conditions were made and to avoid poaching from seminars or other communities, there was a rush to enter before the end of the school year and the candidate rescued. Thus, the entry lists at Juvénat reveal that there were entrances staggered throughout the year with peaks at Easter and the end of August. For several years, even opened at Easter, a special class of seventh year to accommodate new hires.
techniques for recruiting Canadian hockey club had to draw on methods used for years by the brothers recruiters.
The Office of Studies
Scholasticate The Mount Sacred Heart was recognized by the Department of Public Instruction as a Normal School. The DIP then issued two patents teaching the complementary patents and patent Superior. Later, circa 50,
we modified the program and was awarded a patent A and B respectively allowed to teach high school and elementary.
After leaving the Scholasticate, the brothers continued their studies. It was the task of the Director of Studies who resided at Mount Sacred Heart coordinate studies and youth training and brothers who were anxious to complete their qualification as a teacher or to acquire additional licenses of Professional Studies or university. Continuing education was in force in communities long before the Parent Report.
The Director of Studies was the community representative to the DIP. In June, for two or three days, the room was furnished Scholasticate to receive candidates for examinations set by the DIP also ensured that the monitoring and correction. The graduation was celebrated with emphasis. See Teaching and Studies at the Brothers of the Sacred Heart by Jean-Claude Ethier SC
Towards the '40s, we had created Scholasticate Missionary League. This group of Scholastic's mission was to promote the missionary spirit among youth in training.
Every year for a week, it was an impressive exhibition missionary. The whole room of Juvénat was mobilized for one week through kiosks illustrating various aspects of life in mission countries,
At the end of this week, we organized a bazaar that was well-attended by all residents and also by the brothers of the region.
The Dramaphiles
Before leTNM and "The Companions of St. Lawrence Mont Sacré
Oeur had his own theater troupe who had forged his name on the anvil of two Greek roots:" The Dramaphiles ", that is to say, 'The friends of the drama'.
Several specialized employees in makeup, scenery and lighting had joined the troupe who had a board of three members and actors to freelance high reputation. We climbed and two or three pieces per annum at festive requisitions which varied little from year to year.
The highlight of any celebration at Mount was indeed the evening of academic family in the room. These evenings included singing solo or in chorus, some classical pieces performed on the piano for four hands by a duo that included most of the time the brother Cyprian, skits, and especially the play in three or five acts staged in great secrecy by (See the list of parts that were played to the MSC.) They remained in the memories and staying still in the Top strongest strokes heart for the arts stage. That was before the advent of television. See The list of plays performed by Dramaphiles
Voice of Mount Sacred Heart
The Voice of Mount Sacred Heart is a monthly community founded in 1928. She published thirty-nine years, ten issues per year from September to June His last number appeared in June 1968. How you present it? What should bring out in his eulogy?
This glaring obvious, Voice first appears as a monument of publishing. For his first volume: more than twenty thousand pages, divided into thirty-nine volumes of ten issues a year for nearly forty years.
The disproportion between the gigantic and smallness of means who have achieved is amazing. It was David against Goliath, almost fly that drives the boat, the mouse that frees the lion from his bowels. Twenty stencils miles wax that is perforated by registered letter to the tape at your fingertips or stylus is serious, stroke by stroke, to fine tune the presentation. This must be done! And it took all these mimeograph stencils for Gestetner manual to learn about two hundred copies per month. Phew! Just thinking about it, I spotted all the fingers of his multicolored inks. All the work of layout and publication was provided largely by the brother Didier. What
tenacity! And I think the brother Dussault last November I copied them all in less than five minutes. See Summary of publications of The Voice

Thus in 1943, we celebrated with great pomp the departure of the six founding missionaries of the mission Haiti. The celebration was preceded by the visit of the Consul of Haiti Collignon accompanied Bishop, the Bishop of a thousand marriages.
In 1944, three other missionaries, whose brother Louis-Bernard Juvénat, joined the founders of the Haiti mission.
In 1945, it was the turn of Brazil to receive its four founding missionaries whose brother Simeon's Scholasticate will be the CEO. In 45
aus if we received the visit of five brothers who came being released from a concentration camp Germany. In 1941, they had sailed to New York on a boat Egyptian, Zamzam, towards Basutoland where they were appointed missionaries. Their boat was sunk by the Germans

At these festivals
first class, add the festival of each ward of the Mount: St. Tarcicius at the school, St. Stanislaus Novitiate and Kotska at St. John Berchmans in Scholasticate. In addition, we celebrated the birthdays of each of the directors of these houses and that of provincial superior. These feasts commanded a banquet, several speeches, a spiritual bouquet and an evening of family. Leave was also attached to these celebrations.
The celebration of the funeral of deceased brothers of the province created its own atmosphere and an appropriate protocol.
February 19, 1943, celebrated the funeral of Brother Theodule, the youngest of four brothers who opened a French school of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart in Arthabaska in 1872.
In early 1946, two deaths at an interval of less than ten days have affected the community.
First the death of brother Augustus occurred March 4. Brother Augustus, that all venerated as a saint, was director of Scholasticate.
"Twenty Brothers went to the sick room. When the holy oils were arrivals, F. Augustus had just knowledge. The chaplain gave him the first general anointing then again according to customary rites not finish the last prayers after the last breath of the Holy F. Augustus.
It was 10:30 at night. The Good, the beloved, the merciful, the holy F. Auguste made his noble soul to God. The orphan Scholasticate became the best of fathers. "(Chronicles scholasticate)
And on March 13, it was the brother Albertus, Director of Studies, died overnight in his room. M. Labarre, in charge of normal schools by the Department of Education, came to his funeral.
Special events
He came several times to get to the Mount of important characters. Include:
October 18, 1942 - We receive the visit of Bishop Antoniutti, Apostolic Delegate to Canada.
Consul of Haiti in 1943 and Bishop Collignon
August 26, 1954 - most solemn moment for our community: His Eminence Cardinal Valeri, papal legate to the Congress of Canadian religious visits us.
January 7, 1947 The mayor of the city, Mr. Horace Boivin, was also received with great fanfare by the Mount Sacred Heart on the occasion of his decoration by the pope as a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory.
The Cultural and Religious Affairs
In addition to the provincial administration, there were at Mount Sacred Heart several teams engaged in cultural and religious specific.
Recruitment Recruitment was a source of constant concern and mobilizing energy and collaboration of the entire community under pressure from recruiters who

We gave annual goals of 75, 100 and 125 new juniors each year. In collaboration with Voice we stood honor rolls which were schools that had led to more recruits Juvénat. We honored the brothers who drove a new recruit to Juvénat Their name, their recruits and their date of entry were meticulously recorded in Voice issued monthly to all the houses in the province. It was to recruiters a place of honor at the table when they came Juvénat drive a new recruit or visit those who were already there.
From the sixth year, the best candidates were identified by recruiters, classroom visits and monitored closely during their seventh year. Parents were encountered, their conditions were made and to avoid poaching from seminars or other communities, there was a rush to enter before the end of the school year and the candidate rescued. Thus, the entry lists at Juvénat reveal that there were entrances staggered throughout the year with peaks at Easter and the end of August. For several years, even opened at Easter, a special class of seventh year to accommodate new hires.
techniques for recruiting Canadian hockey club had to draw on methods used for years by the brothers recruiters.
The Office of Studies
Scholasticate The Mount Sacred Heart was recognized by the Department of Public Instruction as a Normal School. The DIP then issued two patents teaching the complementary patents and patent Superior. Later, circa 50,

After leaving the Scholasticate, the brothers continued their studies. It was the task of the Director of Studies who resided at Mount Sacred Heart coordinate studies and youth training and brothers who were anxious to complete their qualification as a teacher or to acquire additional licenses of Professional Studies or university. Continuing education was in force in communities long before the Parent Report.
The Director of Studies was the community representative to the DIP. In June, for two or three days, the room was furnished Scholasticate to receive candidates for examinations set by the DIP also ensured that the monitoring and correction. The graduation was celebrated with emphasis. See Teaching and Studies at the Brothers of the Sacred Heart by Jean-Claude Ethier SC
Towards the '40s, we had created Scholasticate Missionary League. This group of Scholastic's mission was to promote the missionary spirit among youth in training.
Every year for a week, it was an impressive exhibition missionary. The whole room of Juvénat was mobilized for one week through kiosks illustrating various aspects of life in mission countries,
At the end of this week, we organized a bazaar that was well-attended by all residents and also by the brothers of the region.
The Dramaphiles
Before leTNM and "The Companions of St. Lawrence Mont Sacré

Several specialized employees in makeup, scenery and lighting had joined the troupe who had a board of three members and actors to freelance high reputation. We climbed and two or three pieces per annum at festive requisitions which varied little from year to year.
The highlight of any celebration at Mount was indeed the evening of academic family in the room. These evenings included singing solo or in chorus, some classical pieces performed on the piano for four hands by a duo that included most of the time the brother Cyprian, skits, and especially the play in three or five acts staged in great secrecy by
Voice of Mount Sacred Heart
The Voice of Mount Sacred Heart is a monthly community founded in 1928. She published thirty-nine years, ten issues per year from September to June His last number appeared in June 1968. How you present it? What should bring out in his eulogy?
This glaring obvious, Voice first appears as a monument of publishing. For his first volume: more than twenty thousand pages, divided into thirty-nine volumes of ten issues a year for nearly forty years.
The disproportion between the gigantic and smallness of means who have achieved is amazing. It was David against Goliath, almost fly that drives the boat, the mouse that frees the lion from his bowels. Twenty stencils miles wax that is perforated by registered letter to the tape at your fingertips or stylus is serious, stroke by stroke, to fine tune the presentation. This must be done! And it took all these mimeograph stencils for Gestetner manual to learn about two hundred copies per month. Phew! Just thinking about it, I spotted all the fingers of his multicolored inks. All the work of layout and publication was provided largely by the brother Didier. What
tenacity! And I think the brother Dussault last November I copied them all in less than five minutes. See Summary of publications of The Voice
The Mount Sacred Heart,
The Mount Sacred Heart,
this good family we knew,
this beehive of activities, nursery vocations
no more.
long as there is a memory to remember,
long as there are records for keeping track trails that are busiest
long as there is for films keep pictures of loved ones,
As long as there hives emblems of past labors,
ant there will young people who will build futures unpublished
as it will brick cream on top of this mound, as the
Granby keep the memory of its crown jewel,
the Sacred Mountain Heart
remain the alma mater of a large number of brothers and juniors
who lovingly furnished
and gave him a soul
that time and the upheavals
will not affect it.
I remember!
For foraging the honey, it must not that the bee rest the hive .
(French Proverb)
Note: Most photos of Mount Sacred Heart are from: 1932-1982 - Mont-Sacré-Coeur de Granby Que. - 50 years serving the Church.
Next issue: 16 - St-Victor - 1947-48 The painful initiation into the profession
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