The sense of wonder
is a guarantee of happiness because life, as long as you know
force his hand, never refuses to
opportunities to marvel.
[Ginette Quirion] extract Forty years and still in 3rd year
community - 1950-51
Located on the shores of Lake Muskie St-Gabriel de Brandon is a dream location for nature lovers. This municipality contributes to the attractiveness of the cities of North
without knowing the noisy excitement of the tourist centers. Life is good St-Gabriel. The Brothers of the Sacred Heart arrived in this town in Lanaudière in 1922. For
persuasions of 1950, we are seven brothers to appear on the list of staff: four old and three new ones.
Older: brother Theodosius eds. Teacher of 8th and 9th years, he is in his second year at St. Gabriel.
Brother s.-d. Emilien, who teaches toddlers came there in 1924. Emilien brother also runs the Association of former students who is very active in St. Gabriel.
Brother Adolphe, his blood brother, teaches Grade 7 for two years and deals with choirboys.
Brother Sarto is in Grade 6. It will also deal with the bugle.
Brother Prosper, 4th year, will lead the 4-H club
Brother Henry , 2nd year, is the assistant to brother Sarto bugle.
Brother Florian fifth year in charge of the Crusaders.
Of these seven brothers, four died in the community and two have returned to secular life. Brother Henry, who works for a long time in Haiti, is a member of the community Camp Le Manoir aux Landslides. So five out of seven brothers persevered, a rate of 71%.
So we must add personal concierge, PP, who lives near the community. It is often found before or after classes in the common room. There takes place as if they were home. He has a loud voice, and holding forth on everything that happens in the parish. He admires if not worship the brother Emilien. It also has the attention of brother Adolphus. The other brothers, as affected by recurrent allergy, are things to do elsewhere when they see it in the community room. Brother Director dare required. Powerless, he tolerated in silence.
PP manages the maintenance of the school as if he were the owner. There is discipline. Especially, it has a very sharp teeth by frequent spats with Mr. Smith and the School of Arts and Crafts. For there is another school in the school, the school of arts and crafts led by Mr. Smith. Their studio is adjacent to the recreation room. They are three professors to teach a group of twenty students from fourteen to eighteen years. I was told that our janitor was thrown into the furnace work in wood Students of Arts and Crafts had (without permission?) exposed in the recreation room. Silly little turf war.
Moon Christmas
It is two hours and thirty in the morning. After celebrating Christmas midnight mass, Christmas Eve and a moment of recreation hall, here we are, brother Henry and I, wearing old skis with rustic oak fasteners, sliding on a snow white silk all freshly fallen under a blue sky glittering with stars. The spirit of Christmas warms us. Virgin slopes which had marked the previous day about a mile from our residence to leave just guessing. It is nearly full moon.

persuasions of 1950, we are seven brothers to appear on the list of staff: four old and three new ones.
Older: brother Theodosius eds. Teacher of 8th and 9th years, he is in his second year at St. Gabriel.
Brother s.-d. Emilien, who teaches toddlers came there in 1924. Emilien brother also runs the Association of former students who is very active in St. Gabriel.
Brother Adolphe, his blood brother, teaches Grade 7 for two years and deals with choirboys.
Brother Sarto is in Grade 6. It will also deal with the bugle.
Brother Prosper, 4th year, will lead the 4-H club
Brother Henry , 2nd year, is the assistant to brother Sarto bugle.
Brother Florian fifth year in charge of the Crusaders.
Of these seven brothers, four died in the community and two have returned to secular life. Brother Henry, who works for a long time in Haiti, is a member of the community Camp Le Manoir aux Landslides. So five out of seven brothers persevered, a rate of 71%.
So we must add personal concierge, PP, who lives near the community. It is often found before or after classes in the common room. There takes place as if they were home. He has a loud voice, and holding forth on everything that happens in the parish. He admires if not worship the brother Emilien. It also has the attention of brother Adolphus. The other brothers, as affected by recurrent allergy, are things to do elsewhere when they see it in the community room. Brother Director dare required. Powerless, he tolerated in silence.
PP manages the maintenance of the school as if he were the owner. There is discipline. Especially, it has a very sharp teeth by frequent spats with Mr. Smith and the School of Arts and Crafts. For there is another school in the school, the school of arts and crafts led by Mr. Smith. Their studio is adjacent to the recreation room. They are three professors to teach a group of twenty students from fourteen to eighteen years. I was told that our janitor was thrown into the furnace work in wood Students of Arts and Crafts had (without permission?) exposed in the recreation room. Silly little turf war.
Moon Christmas
It is two hours and thirty in the morning. After celebrating Christmas midnight mass, Christmas Eve and a moment of recreation hall, here we are, brother Henry and I, wearing old skis with rustic oak fasteners, sliding on a snow white silk all freshly fallen under a blue sky glittering with stars. The spirit of Christmas warms us. Virgin slopes which had marked the previous day about a mile from our residence to leave just guessing. It is nearly full moon.

blue shadow on the brand new quilt.
flakes sparkle with thousands of lights
orchestrating their light tones in Christmas carols,
bewitching their minds Good News.
We are alone in the world,
snow white cassock,
In communion with the night light.
We dive as children
In this captivating batting, wild descents in
Tracked shattering falls
Underlined sound of our laughter
That pierce the silence blue
That night, the root of eternity. Patients in
lifts Ducks v
Punctuated by long moments of silence,
Balm entering each of our cells
and sacraments seal access to the temple of mysteries.
This instant timeless
We shall remember all the time.
Intoxicated, we returned a little before five o'clock, glad that the silence of our old mansion residence with dormer windows and mansard roof keeps intact the happiness of that night that we wore on the inside of us as the source of our future wonders.
St. Gabriel, brother Henry, the end of the jubilee year 1950 for me will always be associated with this unique Moon Christmas and will remain so, I'm sure, until the end of my last day on earth . One of my rarest and most precious moments of my eternity.
Tonight figure and sums up the year I spent at St. Gabriel. U
not year thanks to our old residence, winter nights, was pushing his ice cube taps our rooms.
my class and my students are high on the enchanting picture that night. I remember, they are docile, eager, sparkling with intelligence. Many of these faces, still retain their names in my memories. I feel comfortable and at home watching this class. No more doubts about my vocation as a teaching brother.
The Crusaders came on Saturday morning. I learn with them the rites of this movement. I was surprised and edified
e t I still have the zeal of these young people, through their generosity and the confident fervor with which they prayed. And then I discovered, what we have always known and that repeat endlessly, that through this activity that young people learn and that they undertake. I m'ingéniais they find all sorts of activities from crafts and coloring trips to the admiration of nature and expressions of gratitude to the "God" to the sun and snow, and plants animals. I did play St. Francis of Assisi.
My class was in front of the toddler's brother Emilien. I am amazed to see how this great teacher succeeded in a short time with the tenderness and simplicity of a grandmother to make these little bits of meaningless and fearful men, Young students arranged, radiating and happy to show at Christmas, they could read.
This wonder was a step in the education of my world view. At the School Best admired several brothers and several skills. I do not know what differences or nuances which linguists can be established between admire and marvel. Admiration refines the look, wonder internalizes the interpreter creative energies. Admiration from the subject who looks at the object of the gaze. It marks the distance between the subject who looks and who is looked. It is a gift to another. I marvel when I'm in the position of the receiver. The wonder is the subject of closer look, we hoarding, we are doing ours. These distinctions I did not set in 1950. I lived, I've built.
admiration and wonder, a wonderful couple who warmed my tone of life. One need not look far to discover the wonders of the world, the subtleties of intellect and warmth of the trust who knows their comfort zones to install wherever it may flourish. The wonders are there. Just a little technical stone carver to take ownership. So we go from admiration to awe.
Brother Prosper was also for me the object of great admiration
tion that was easy to wonder. He was much older than me, yet I was well into his company. Low Gloss graduation, he had the patience, the art and the genius of a true educator. With few tools, he made birdhouses, decorated with taste and the great interest aroused by the club members He led 4-H. For many years. he taught in fourth grade and did not want to change. The executives have met its choice. It was surely for all a very good investment.
And this year was also a full cornucopia overflowing with the most diverse activities.
the evening after dinner, each equipped with an instrument of the bugle as the brother with brother Henry animated Sarto, we had the pleasure to resonate throughout the school air always repeated and always as a little skinned " Let the sea is beautiful, friends, leave without noise .... "
St. Gabriel, brother Henry, the end of the jubilee year 1950 for me will always be associated with this unique Moon Christmas and will remain so, I'm sure, until the end of my last day on earth . One of my rarest and most precious moments of my eternity.
Tonight figure and sums up the year I spent at St. Gabriel. U
my class and my students are high on the enchanting picture that night. I remember, they are docile, eager, sparkling with intelligence. Many of these faces, still retain their names in my memories. I feel comfortable and at home watching this class. No more doubts about my vocation as a teaching brother.
The Crusaders came on Saturday morning. I learn with them the rites of this movement. I was surprised and edified

My class was in front of the toddler's brother Emilien. I am amazed to see how this great teacher succeeded in a short time with the tenderness and simplicity of a grandmother to make these little bits of meaningless and fearful men, Young students arranged, radiating and happy to show at Christmas, they could read.
This wonder was a step in the education of my world view. At the School Best admired several brothers and several skills. I do not know what differences or nuances which linguists can be established between admire and marvel. Admiration refines the look, wonder internalizes the interpreter creative energies. Admiration from the subject who looks at the object of the gaze. It marks the distance between the subject who looks and who is looked. It is a gift to another. I marvel when I'm in the position of the receiver. The wonder is the subject of closer look, we hoarding, we are doing ours. These distinctions I did not set in 1950. I lived, I've built.
admiration and wonder, a wonderful couple who warmed my tone of life. One need not look far to discover the wonders of the world, the subtleties of intellect and warmth of the trust who knows their comfort zones to install wherever it may flourish. The wonders are there. Just a little technical stone carver to take ownership. So we go from admiration to awe.
Brother Prosper was also for me the object of great admiration

And this year was also a full cornucopia overflowing with the most diverse activities.
the evening after dinner, each equipped with an instrument of the bugle as the brother with brother Henry animated Sarto, we had the pleasure to resonate throughout the school air always repeated and always as a little skinned " Let the sea is beautiful, friends, leave without noise .... "
At the end of the year, realistically, I abandoned forever my music career, but I had fun then, together with brother Henry, to resonate throughout the school appeals to friendship, to hear the echo of their message and to respond with ingenuity.
Brother Henry, where art thou? What do you take your trumpet for me to meet as St. Gabriel! And we call OUR MOON CHRISTMAS. She charmed our return v

Woodworking has given me so much satisfaction. With the help of the concierge and probably unbeknownst to Mr. Smith, I had access to the workshop during the Arts and Crafts weekend. There were all the tools a carpenter may want to use and several species of wood dried at point-cherry mahogany through the black walnut and green juniper. It is rare in education to measure the fruit of his labor. The piece of wood that has been running, we coated with lacquer or varnish speaks as if she was telling us thank you for having created. When work is completed, it has a taste for playing God to the end: "And God saw that it was good ..." It's a whole other feeling than that which can be felt at the end of a successful school year even though . In the wee hours added blow, I managed to shape a few trinkets to the wood lathe, In June, I was proud to give my parents an ashtray, ash, set maple and walnut I preciously preserves.
then I also flirted with the brush. Brother Henry had produced wonderful paintings in autumn colors. I managed painting a small part might have been entitled "Deception fall." We were painting like the impressionists that we do not know, in nature. The challenge was far beyond my talents, but the wonder was still present.
People and things take the color of light is projected onto them.
And spare time, I continued to study Latin. I had the chance to benefit from the lessons of my first Latin teacher, brother Theodosius, director of the school. He explained the rules more complicated Petitmangin, me gave mnemonics ( pontem Caesar fecit-Do-Vestem pauperis is Delenda Carthago) and corrected my exercises. Three or four times a year, to prepare for the examination of the University, Stanislaus brother, then Director of Studies, sent us the themes and versions he corrected himself. In August this year, I successfully passed the examination of Latin at the University of Montreal. All I needed was Greek, and the two philos to get the diploma of bachelor's brother Maxim was dangled in my eyes of young aspirants. I
able, as the brother Emilien, make my life in St. Gabriel and Prosper as the brother, to devote myself to teaching the fifth grade. I was surprised and somewhat disappointed, August 15, having to pick up my household gods to direct me towards St-Jovite. Perinde ac cadaver!
Two days after the day persuasions, Chertsey camp emptied of its students. A chartered bus drove most of us in the Best School, our central station and from there I took the bus north to get to my new destination. Would you accompany me?
The world will never die for lack of wonders
but only for lack of wonder. Gilbert Keith Chesterton
The world will never die for lack of wonders
but only for lack of wonder. Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Next issue: 19 - St-Jovite 1951-53 - Total Immersion
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