is in fact same of survive what the triumph.
[Paul Auster] From The Locked Room
[Paul Auster] From The Locked Room
St. Victor, one of the oldest parishes in eastern Montreal district Tétreaultville. His church is located at the corner of Hector and Hochelaga, residence and school of the brothers rise just across the street Hector.
In 1947, Father Paquette holds the cure for over twenty years. He is assisted a vicar. Close to the Church Street Sherbrooke, Canada Cement sheds its gray dust over the entire parish. A curse!
In 1947, Father Paquette holds the cure for over twenty years. He is assisted a vicar. Close to the Church Street Sherbrooke, Canada Cement sheds its gray dust over the entire parish. A curse!
The river flows nearby, on the other side of the tracks. A blessing! Our place to stroll in any season.
School St. Victor is contiguous with that of girls led by the Sisters of Ste-Anne. The Brothers taught there since 1911. In 1947, their salary is approximately $ 700 per year. Their home, a two-storey building, attached to school, heating and lighting is provided by the school board. We are seven brothers in the list of denominations of 1947.
Brother Anatole director, arrived the same day as me. It comes from the School of Agriculture Cedars. It is called Ti-Pape. Why? I know absolutely nothing.
Brother Arcade , Deputy Director, is the holder of the 8th & 9th. He is from St. Bernardine School, St-Michel. Holy man, he does not smoke under the Pipe. He took me to see his friend, brother Robert, hunchback, school St-Bernardin St-Michel. Bus and tram. A first.
Brother Roch, proprietor of Grade 7 and responsible for the association. There are already four or five years at St. Victor. Great friend of Father Paquette, it keeps him company on the porch while they go to vespers. He is also responsible for choirboys with brother Jean-Gaston.
Real Brother is in charge of the 6th year. Originally from St. Didace and son of a farmer, he is my constant companion for walking on the riverfront. He has charge of the Crusaders.
Brother Octavius, owner of 5th and 6th years, is a very good athlete. It was he who organized the games before school starts. Organist, Man jovial laughter jerky, yet temporary profession. It is St. Victor since he left the Scholasticate.
Brother John Gaston is responsible for a fifth year. Temporary profession, he is in its second year of teaching. Authoritarian man, he reigned in his class with an iron fist. It also deals with choirboys brother Rocco.
Brother Florian- I was given a 4th year. I'm obviously inexperienced. Brother Director coach me closely.
classes 1st, 2nd and 3rd years have been entrusted to teachers.
Four of the seven brothers die in community, leaving the other three before dying. Retention rate: 57%.
First table: Loosening
School St. Victor is contiguous with that of girls led by the Sisters of Ste-Anne. The Brothers taught there since 1911. In 1947, their salary is approximately $ 700 per year. Their home, a two-storey building, attached to school, heating and lighting is provided by the school board. We are seven brothers in the list of denominations of 1947.
Brother Anatole director, arrived the same day as me. It comes from the School of Agriculture Cedars. It is called Ti-Pape. Why? I know absolutely nothing.
Brother Arcade , Deputy Director, is the holder of the 8th & 9th. He is from St. Bernardine School, St-Michel. Holy man, he does not smoke under the Pipe. He took me to see his friend, brother Robert, hunchback, school St-Bernardin St-Michel. Bus and tram. A first.
Brother Roch, proprietor of Grade 7 and responsible for the association. There are already four or five years at St. Victor. Great friend of Father Paquette, it keeps him company on the porch while they go to vespers. He is also responsible for choirboys with brother Jean-Gaston.
Real Brother is in charge of the 6th year. Originally from St. Didace and son of a farmer, he is my constant companion for walking on the riverfront. He has charge of the Crusaders.
Brother Octavius, owner of 5th and 6th years, is a very good athlete. It was he who organized the games before school starts. Organist, Man jovial laughter jerky, yet temporary profession. It is St. Victor since he left the Scholasticate.
Brother John Gaston is responsible for a fifth year. Temporary profession, he is in its second year of teaching. Authoritarian man, he reigned in his class with an iron fist. It also deals with choirboys brother Rocco.
Brother Florian- I was given a 4th year. I'm obviously inexperienced. Brother Director coach me closely.
classes 1st, 2nd and 3rd years have been entrusted to teachers.
Four of the seven brothers die in community, leaving the other three before dying. Retention rate: 57%.
First table: Loosening
I arrive at school by mid-afternoon. In the community hall, a Roman collar on a chair. On another, a monk slumped. He reads his newspaper the right leg placed on the arm of the chair, unbuttoned cassock.
Brother Director arrived around 16:00. It is unclear what to say. The minutes were an eternity to their account. I offer myself to carry luggage. It melts a little atmosphere. Meet at 17:00 for spiritual reading.
expected. Two are missing. Expected. We say nothings that pierce the silence of Gruyere. Prayer. Welcome from the Director. Everyone is invited to talk about his holiday. It is short and vague. Isle La Motte for most. Brother Roch, who was visiting his family, Brother Arcade in St-Michel with his friend Brother Robert.
After supper, first walk on the riverfront. Water, the great nonchalance that abolishes the asperities. Picture of the year, alternating languor of time and surface roughness of events and craft to learn.
Second Table: A hard job
The catechism
Talking about God to thirty children of ten years with the ants biting their buttocks and attention! We still can not introduce them into the walls of the Beatissima . They know their catechism, that is what we (parents, school principal, the parish) expected of them and me. The vicar comes every two days for the check. Then line up for recitation at school St-Alexandre. But they are thirty-five, not ten. It takes all wrong. The attention wanders. So I yell, I punished. Yahweh with his people as surly. Just
dictation. It is dissipated as little devils. I can not wait. I slap. Next time, "said the manager, he will send them to me, I have a good" jumper "is commonly called the" banana ". Why? No idea. It was common to use it, and the term and the belt.
Grab a tip when you're teaching a loss of balance! Even the Trinity can not be helped, at least in the short term. I repeated. I lose the pedals, I snap. Brother Anatole supports me. His support is daily and comforting. At Christmas, I agree with teaching the "fair". It is the patience of the framework is the strength of the teaching of Bishop Ross Brothers and not the famous master of pedagogy we have barely scratched the Scholasticate.
Table Three: Sowing the seeds of cement
One Thursday morning in May. It's cold. The whole school is in procession, boys

Sancte Clememti! For claims incantations of this strange procession, everybody responds: Ora pro nobis! the tall chimneys of the Canada Cement respond by throwing, like a censer, a gray puffs of dust that extends to the homes and people's shroud of death.
Sancte Victori , children do not understand , Ora pro nobis ! nothing was said.
Sancte Hector just they follow the procession Ora pro nobis ! In
ranks eighth. Whatever. Sancta Anna , It is the police! Ora pro nobis!
Sancte Leo! we have sung Santa Klaus! the ora pro nobis would have followed without bron
expensive and produce no more effect either on the sidewalks of the Canada Cement nor in the faith of these young faithful robots.
This image haunts me: robots Catholic and Muslim prayer wheels. Sancte Muhammad! Ora pro nobis! Agrarian rites, seed sown on rocky ground with a cement city.
I take note of this grotesque parade, defies common sense. I
dares talk about it. I am just a little new to the parish.
And the next day, as I requested, I see students who are carriers of the Miraculous Medal or his substitute, the scapular three fabrics of different colors, easier to wash. It runs slavishly, without realizing the enormity of the process. Rows of prisoners in a concentration camp. Peddlers of junk. Ah! If Jesus had been there, we would probably all driven out of the temple.
And any evangelical simplicity, I'm on the balcony of the emergency exit on the third floor. Children play in the yard. I am told that Gilles Blanchet fought. I'm coming.
- What's going on?
- He started it.
- your Recite Our Father .
- Our Father ... Give us this day .... Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those ... So be it.
Sancte Leo! we have sung Santa Klaus! the ora pro nobis would have followed without bron

This image haunts me: robots Catholic and Muslim prayer wheels. Sancte Muhammad! Ora pro nobis! Agrarian rites, seed sown on rocky ground with a cement city.
I take note of this grotesque parade, defies common sense. I

And the next day, as I requested, I see students who are carriers of the Miraculous Medal or his substitute, the scapular three fabrics of different colors, easier to wash. It runs slavishly, without realizing the enormity of the process. Rows of prisoners in a concentration camp. Peddlers of junk. Ah! If Jesus had been there, we would probably all driven out of the temple.
And any evangelical simplicity, I'm on the balcony of the emergency exit on the third floor. Children play in the yard. I am told that Gilles Blanchet fought. I'm coming.
- What's going on?
- He started it.
- your Recite Our Father .
- Our Father ... Give us this day .... Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those ... So be it.
- Will you apologize? ( It vous even our students)
- No matter it was he who got enfargé.
- your Recite Our Father again.
-Our Father ... as we forgive those ...
- Repeat another again .... let !
After three Our Fathers, he sold.
- " Yes, he said, lowering his head , I'll go first. "
I watch high. He runs. I happy. Today, I am ashamed. He probably does not remember. I do. I'm still bitter. This is not just in Peru that the Church has played in launching or has twisted arms in the name of Jesus Christ!
Fourth Table: News
After three Our Fathers, he sold.
- " Yes, he said, lowering his head , I'll go first. "
I watch high. He runs. I happy. Today, I am ashamed. He probably does not remember. I do. I'm still bitter. This is not just in Peru that the Church has played in launching or has twisted arms in the name of Jesus Christ!
Fourth Table: News
Before the readin
re spiritual brother Director presents a new, trendy Time: pens with ink that n did not need to reload. They are called ballpoint . There are several colors. Brother Director we bought one each at wholesale prices. We must be careful. A month later they were banned. Pencils miracle stain the fingers and, dripping, stain the books. Me, I remember 1947 as year of invention of ballpoint pens.
The same week, The Vicar, who regularly comes to the catechism
ism in passing in each class, together this time all the classes in the recreation room. In front of the stage, a mysterious device. on a small steel wire he recorded his catechism. This is a first. We knew the 72 laps but that everyone can record his voice, modify and distribute it at will, without passing through any studio, what innovation! And it is God that will benefit this innovation! Let us rejoice! God's voice recorded and reproduced at will. It's better than a prayer wheel!
Warning! It must be silent. (Speakers of God are too small and of poor quality) It scratchy, squeak, we hear almost nothing. For at least half an hour. Fortunately, the teachers are there to maintain discipline. Christian education is a lot of discipline ...!
Fifth table: Isle La Motte
We are nearly two hundred brethren divided into four camps for the holidays to the Isle La Motte. Bathing in Lake Champlain, it travels in the boat. In the morning, there being in kiosks arranged between the camps. My
Higher Certificate has been completed through classes on weekends, I start classes with Latin brother Theodosius. In the afternoon nap there or walk, study, bathroom, at 15:00, snack, sports, spiritual reading and dinner. For lunch and dinner, brother Viator, camp director, who suffers from Microman we harangue as school children we have become.
Next issue: Best College (1948-1950) Club-farm Brothers of the Sacred Heart

The same week, The Vicar, who regularly comes to the catechism

Warning! It must be silent. (Speakers of God are too small and of poor quality) It scratchy, squeak, we hear almost nothing. For at least half an hour. Fortunately, the teachers are there to maintain discipline. Christian education is a lot of discipline ...!
Fifth table: Isle La Motte
We are nearly two hundred brethren divided into four camps for the holidays to the Isle La Motte. Bathing in Lake Champlain, it travels in the boat. In the morning, there being in kiosks arranged between the camps. My
Higher Certificate has been completed through classes on weekends, I start classes with Latin brother Theodosius. In the afternoon nap there or walk, study, bathroom, at 15:00, snack, sports, spiritual reading and dinner. For lunch and dinner, brother Viator, camp director, who suffers from Microman we harangue as school children we have become.
" You heard me right, a walk, there are, then, that go quite far away. You understand me, then, must not go beyond the fork to Jimmy. You understand me? - "Yes. (Expensive) brother Directeurrrr " ... respond in chorus two hundred brothers.
The first year of teaching was painful and disappointing. These holidays in the Isle La Motte I retype the spiritual and physical health-especially-, dot my intelligence new buds. And community support because increase my life expectancy in the community.
The first year of teaching was painful and disappointing. These holidays in the Isle La Motte I retype the spiritual and physical health-especially-, dot my intelligence new buds. And community support because increase my life expectancy in the community.
On 15 August, was named Best in school, a farm club of the province for the training of teachers in difficulty. This will be my salvation.
Next issue: Best College (1948-1950) Club-farm Brothers of the Sacred Heart
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