
My appointment as a student at Jesus Magister immerse myself in another world, that of the Eternal City, at a pivotal moment in church history, the time of John XXIII that of Vatican II.
Seven publications describe the main events that marked three years of study at Jesus Magister.
21 - From Montreal to Rome
22 - In Rome, fraternity pioneers
23 - A three-time theology
24 - The understanding of faith
25 - Update and review
26 - Illumination
27 - The alternative
returned to Quebec in 1961, I begin a decade of feverish life used to promote new values put forth by Vatican II and the Quiet Revolution.
I task simultaneously and successively in the following projects: the Novitiate of Granby, the Pastoral Care of Vocations, Diocese Catechetical Office of St. Jerome, the Office for Catechesis Quebec, the Pastoral Care of Religious and College Marie-Victorin then known as the Scholasticate Central Brothers Educators.
The foundation of the Ark Youth will be the focal point of my concrete contribution to the development of renewals that we solicited from all sides.
It will also mark the end of my membership in the Brothers of the Sacred Heart in which I lived and worked for 28 years. This period, however short in time (barely two years), was so rich and so intense that I'll have two or three publications to recall properly.
A slice of these memories appear on the blog every Saturday at the following address: http://memoiresdunevievol2.blogspot.com/
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May these memories to remember the questions and moments of hectic life that we experienced during the second half of the twentieth century and rekindle your memories of good times during those "good years".
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Next release - 21 - From Montreal to Rome
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