Saturday, June 5, 2010

Can I Bring Epilator On Plane


I am a pacemaker failed .
[Frédérich Beigbeder] Holiday Preview in a coma

The best working condition, it is the holidays.
[Jean-Marie Gourio] extract Braves counter

The vcances is the period that allows for empployés to remember that business can continue without them.
[Earl Joseph Wilson]

The attractions of the summer and complexity of the memories of the time of great turmoil, lead me to postpone further publication of Volume II of Memoirs to ultraviolet after Labor Day or after 11 September.

You will then be invited to travel with me to Rome and you will see the questions and the transformations that the stay in the Eternal City has aroused in me. And above all you can remember the state of excitement experienced by Quebec and throughout the West, especially during this decade of 60.

Have a great summer and happy to find ourselves in the fall after the end of my twenty-eight years of religious life in the community of Brothers of the Sacred Heart.


Does Stomach Bug Start Period Early?

Homily of Father Georges Cros

Article published in "the church in the country of Hérault"
May 6, 2010 ...

Born August 8, 1925 in Lunel,
Father Georges Cros was ordained priest in 1948.

He was appointed vicar cooperator with Saints Francis at Montpellier, then vicar
bursar at St. Jean de Minervois, Saint-Martial and Ferrières Poussarous (1951) and in Abeilhan
Coulobres (1954), honorary canon of the Cathedral Basilica (1968 ).

It has been among other professor at the Petit Séminaire Saint Benedict in 1953 Ardouane
and 1970, also head of the diocesan center ACGF and JAC,
Scouts of France and General AC (1973). Appointed head of

different sectors (industry Clermont area of Montpellier,
responsible to the St. Ponais area of the Mountain,
then to the St. Ponais area Biterrois).

In 1988 he was coordinator of the inter-sector Bédarieux / St-Pons,
then in 1990, pastor solidum sets parish of Commons Olargues Colombières-sur-Orb, St. Martin's Arçon St Vincent Olargues, Vieussan, Mons-la-Trivalle, St-Julien Olargues Albagnan St-Etienne, Prémian-and-Riols.

In 1992 he was appointed a member of the pastoral team of Castries.
relieved from his parish ministry for health reasons,
died April 18, 2010.

His funeral and burial took place April 21 to Abeilhan.

From the homily of Father Jean-Louis Lignon =

"Our brother Georges Cros has always sought to communicate this good news with

best ways that the modern world has at its disposal,
Always demanding the tools to make communication more effective and better received the message.

Looking at the ministry of our brother Georges Cros, we remember that one day the Lord will ask us this gospel account that we need not keep but expand. For by the words of a man that spreads the word of God.

As Georges Cros, which in his way, his personal temperament, reiterated the Word of God, we
, we also find the words of our time are seen in our social environment, to always look
to say those immortal words, words that match today today's culture!

Jesus Christ said today in our language of rights: it
lend us our intelligence, our heart speaks to his gospel,
always announces new, always good news?

(...) Joy is the sign of the gospel.
When God communicates with our human words, we might believe
unworthy of such a delegation
but, like Jesus to Peter, then he tells us: "Fear not!"
and some have even heard the following:
"I will make you a fisher of men ..." Word
repeatedly relayed by our brother George.

(...) A spiritual nourishment that fed the life of our brother George with his demands:
meditation on the Word of God in prayer, does not it was an oblate of St. Benedict in Calcat ? -
to then be able to submit to the will of God in the apostolic action. Match
and what God expects of us, as George tried to do during his ministerial life, is not it
communion with the Father, through Christ, the Holy Spirit? "